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33 Cards in this Set

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AVPR1a is an allele of the human gene which controls production of the protein arginine vasopressin receptor. What is an allele?

One of several possible versions of a gene.

In evolution, why is it important that individuals vary from each other?

Variation allows some individuals to do better than others, so those variations are selected for.

What procedure did Dr. Semmelweis order in the hospital that led to an immediate reduction in cases of childbed fever?

Everyone was required to scrub there hands with bleach prior to assisting with a delivery.

What are three main features of science?

Its based on empirical evidence, it is testable, and it can be applied to general situations.

What is embryogenesis?

The process of development from cell to complete multicellular organism.

What does the hormone oxytocin contribute to the process of labor and delivery?

It causes uterine contractions.

The diversity of life on earth is the result of which of the following?


What is considered the fundamental unit of life?

A cell

The following statement is not science because which of the four scientific assumptions is violated? If people die sudden deaths, their ghosts haunt the area where they died because they can't rest in peace.


What is your best defense against quackery?

Be skeptical and get your information from a reliable source

This organelle is the most prominent in a typical eukaryotic cell and contains the genetic information of the cell.


What is unique about embryonic stem cells?

They can produce all the types of cells that make up a human.

How many chromosomes are in a normal human cell and in a human gamete?

46 and 23

How did Darwin's original hypothesis that organisms evolved by natural selection become an important scientific theory?

He and other scientists in many fields of science have tested it over and over again and its never been disproved, only supported.

Put the following taxonomic groups in order from largest to smallest.

Phylum class order family genus species

Which of the following would be a correctly written scientific name for a house cat, and which word is the genus?

Felis catus, Felis

If you accept that science is a reliable way of learning about the natural world, why is it unreasonable for you to accept the idea that all life in earth was created in a week, a few thousand years ago?

Because you would have to ignore so much evidence.

What are the four main features of life?

Metabolism, inheritance, evolution, diversity

What kind of questions can science answer?

Questions about how the natural world works.

What was one study that led to the conclusion that sperm cells were necessary for fertilization?

Male frogs wearing trousers were able to mate but did not produce any offspring.

When during pregnancy does embryonic development occur?

The first 8 weeks

Why does sodium react so easily with chloride to make sodium chloride?

Both atoms have incomplete outer orbitals and they complete each others when they combine.

If you were going to study the effects of a certain fertilization on plant growth, which list of variables would you most likely want to control(keep constant)?

Plant type, soil type, water, light

If a population of a single species gets split into two different environments, and each environment requires different traits for survival, what might happen over time?

The population in each environment would evolve differently to suit the conditions and might eventually become two distinct species

What experiment disproved the idea of spontaneous generation?

Bacteria did not appear in an open flask of sterilized broth if the opening was facing downward so bacteria couldn't fall in.

What part of the cell digests or recycles waste materials?


What is Anton van Leeuwenhoek known for?

Reporting detailed descriptions of many previously unseen microscopic organisms and cells

Why doesn't science work as a way of seeking answers about faith?

Faith, by definition, isn't testable. Its a person belief.

What is metabolism?

The process of taking in energy and using it to live.

What are the four carbon-based macromolecules common to living things?

Nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids

What is the major difference between mitosis and meiosis?

In mitosis, a cell is completely replicated into two daughter cells. In meiosis, the four daughter cells are haploid, not replicates of the original cells.

What is the difference between fraternal twins and identical twins?

Fraternal twins are from two separate eggs and two sperm, while identical twins are from one sperm and one egg.

Babies born even a month early may have some difficulty surviving. Which structure matures particularly late such that the baby might have trouble?

The lungs