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58 Cards in this Set

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State formula for added value

Selling price - total cost

What is a public sector business

Organizations that are owned by local/national government and profits are used in organization

What is a private sector business

Businesses that are owned by private individuals that keep their profits

Name the advantages of private limited companies

Money made by selling shares

Firm is bigger

Limited liability

Death/illness doesn't affect business

Disadvantages to private limited companies are...

No trading on stock exchange

Expensive to set up

Incorporates must be a separate legal company

What are the advantages of public limited companies:


Get more money by selling shares

Firm is bigger

Limited liability

Specialist my be employed

Shares may be given to workers for motivation

Name the disadvantages of public limited companies


Firm can be taken over

Accounts not private

Expensive to set-up

Stage 1 of the economic sectors are called....

Primary sector

Primary sector tries to...

Survive and break-even

Primary sector

It involves the extraction of earth's natural recources

Stage 2 of the economic sectors is also called

Secondary sector

Name the function of the secondary sector

Manufactures the resources from primary sector

Stage 3 is called the...

Tertiary sector

Tertiary sector provides what?

It provides services to consumers and other businesses

What does the tertiary stage try to do?

Maximize profit and shareholder values as well as grow internationally

Secondary sector tries to...

Grow and increase market share

Increase consumer satisfaction

What are the factors of production?

Land (natural resources)

Labour (employees)

Capital (machinery)

Entrepreneurship (risk taker)

State definition of Opportunity cost

The next best alternative foregone

What is specialisation?

When a business has different people for different jobs, also called "division of labour"

Nonprofitable organisation

Organizations that exist to serve a purpose not for making profit

Sole trader is what?

Someone who runs their own business. Purely ownership lies in their control

Advantages of being a sole trader

Cheap and easy to set up

Owner keeps all profit

Financial records remain private

Only one to make decisions

Motivation is high


Disadvantages of being a sole trader

Limited capital for investment

Little specialist skills

Difficult to find cover when ill

Unlimited liability

Ways to add value:

Good services



Brand image

Chain of production includes...

All economic sectors. Tertiary sector, primary sector and secondary sector

What are the types of business objectives?

Survival_ making sure business organisation is active in future and does not go bust

Profit_ a reward to owners of business organizations for being risk takers

Expand_ increase market share, have greater production capacity, have more retail outlets


Providing a service

What are the location factors?

proximity to market

Availability of raw materials


Competition & Costs

Opportunity cost is what?

Defined as the next best alternative forgone

Variable costs is...

Cost that change in proportion to companies output

(Raw materials, packaging, transportation costs, overtime payments)

What are fixed costs?

The cost that remain constant regardless of business out put

(Such as rent, advertising, manager's salary and vehicle insurance)

Define the Division of labour

When a business has different people for different jobs

Name the advantages for using Division of labour

Workers trained in short amount of time

Less time is wasted during !manufacturing

Quicker and cheaper

What are the disadvantages for using division of labour


Production may be slowed bc. of absent worker

Define the term added value

How much a business sells a product for than the total cost of materials

What is a stakeholder?

a group of people who have interest in a business because it effects them

What type of sectors does a MIXED ECONOMY have?

Private sector And a public sector

Define Public sector

A business not owned by government. It makes its own decisions about production and how it should be produced as well as what price to be charged for

Define private sector

Owned by government

Government has control and makes decisions.

Some goods and services are free bc. money is gathered of taxpayers

bc. money is gathered of taxpayers

. money is gathered of taxpayers

Privatisation happens when...

Public sector business is sold to private sector business

Capital can also be...

The money invested into a business by the owners

Entrepreneur is what?

Someone who takes the risk of setting up their own business

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Hard working





Risk taker

Self confident

Effective communicator

Contents of a business plan:

1 description of buss.

2 products and services

3 the market

4 business location

5 organization structure and management

6 financial info

7 business strategy

Business can grow through...

Expanding existing operation


Merging with other businesses

Reasons for business failure:

Lack of management skills

Changes is business environment

Poor financial management

Over expansion

Profit is...

Total money you made from a product after selling it

Calculating profit and loss

Revenue - expenses

What are Expenses?

The money spent on things for business to keep on selling or !manufacturing products

Revenue means

The total amount of money a business has generated over a set period of time

Calculating total cost

Total fixed cost + total variable cost

Calculating revenue

Selling price x quantity of units sold

Aims and objectives should be






Calculate market share %

Company sales ÷ total market sales x100

Insure job satisfaction

Job rotation, enlargement, enrichment

Team working

Opportunity for training and promotion

Financial motivators

Wages often paid in time rate or piece rate




Performance related pay

Profit sharing

Share of ownership

Nonfinancial motivators

Company vehicle/car

Free health care

Children's education fees paid for

Free accommodation/trips/holidays

Discount on firms products

Manager roles


Co ordinating




When does de-industrialisation occur?

Occurs when there is a decline in manufacturing sector