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13 Cards in this Set

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RLA level I

No response, coma

RLA level II

Generalized response, no purposeful whole body, vocal, inconsistent

RLA level III

Localized response, purposeful local and specific, inconsistent, follows simple commands, close eyes, squeeze hands

RLA level IV

Confused agitated, just coming out of coma, aggressive does not cooperate, no selective attention, no long and short term memory

RLA level V

Confused inappropriate response. Responds consistently to simple commands and inconsistently to complex commands. Easily distracted and cannot learn new tasks

RLA level VI

Confused appropriate response. Follow simple instructions consistently, goal oriented behavior with external input. Past memory shows more depth than recent memory

RLA level VII

Automatic appropriate response. Minimal to no confusion, judgement impaired, able to initiate social or recreational activities with structure, slow carryover of new learning

Treatment for RLA levels I II III

Positioning, PROM, postural drainage, family education

Treatment for RLA level IV

Be flexible and creative, simple tasks

RLA level VIII

Aware and responsive, carryover of new skills present, no supervision of learned skills, impaired judgement in emergency situations, reduced tolerance to stress, able to recall and integrate past and recent memories


3-8 severely abnormal

9-12 moderately abnormal

13-14 mildly abnormal

15 mild TBI

Tone abnormality

Decorticate: flexion of UE, extension of LE. lesion at level of diencephalon

Decerebrate: extension of UE and LE. lesion between superior colliculus and vestibular nucleus

Ranchos los amigos scale
