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68 Cards in this Set

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Normal flora bacteria if the vagina


E. Coli

Group B streptococcus

Normal flora bacteria of the skin

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Normal flora bacteria of the nose

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus aureus

Normal flora bacteria of the oropharynx

Viridian strep

Normal flora bacteria of the dental cavity

Streptococcus mutan

Normal flora bacteria of the dental cavity

Streptococcus mutan

Normal flora bacteria of the colon

B. fragilis

E. Coli

B. Cereus, C. Botulinum, C. Perfringens and E.coli cause Ig food poisoning

1- B. Cereus - reheat rice

2- C. Botulinum- Improperly canned foods (toxins), raw honey (toxins)

3- C. Perfringens- reheat meat

4- E. Coli - undercooked meat

L. Monocytogenes, salmonella, S. Aureus and V parahamolyticus/ V vulnificus causing food poising

1- L. Monocytogenes- Deli meat, soft cheese

2- Salmonella- Poultry, meat and eggs

3- S. Aureus - meat, mayonnaise, custard

4- V parahaemolyticus and V vulnificus - Raw/undercooked seafood

What 2 microorganisms are associated with a quick onset and a quick resolution of food poisoning

Bacillus cereus

Staphylococcus aureus

Bugs causing bloody diarrhea

1- Campylobacter

2- E. Histolytica

3- Enterohemorrhagic E.coli

4- Enteroinvasive E. Coli

5- Salmonella (not typhi)

6- Shigella

7- Yersinia enterocolitica

Bugs causing Watery diarrhea

1- C. Difficle

2- C. Perfringens

3- Enterotoxigenic E. Coli

4- Protozoan- Giardia, Cryptosporidia

5- Vibrio cholera

6- Virus- Rotavirus, noravirus and enteric virus

What is the most common cause of diarrhea in developed countries


Cause of pneumonia in neonate

1- Group B strep

2- E. Coli

Cause of pneumonia in children

1- RSV

2- Mycoplasma

3- C trachomatis

4- C pneumonia

5- S. Pneumonia

Runts May Cough Chunky Sputum

Cause of pneumonia in adults (18- 40)

1- Mycoplasma

2- C. Pneumonia

3- S. Pneumonia

4- Virus (eg influenza)

Cause of pneumonia in adults (40-60)

1- S. Pneumonia

2- H. Influenza

3- Anaerobes

4- Viruses

5- Mycoplasma

Cause of pneumonia in elderly

1- S. Pneumonia

2- Influenza

3- Anaerobes

4- H. Influenza

5- Gram negative rods

Cause of pneumonia in alcoholic

1- Klebsiella

2- Anaerobes

Cause of pneumonia in IV drug user

1- S. Pneumonia

2- S. Aureus

Cause of atypical pneumonia


Cause of atypical pneumonia

1- Mycoplasma

2- Camydophila

3- Legionella

4- Virus (RSV, CMV, influenza, adenovirus)

Cause of atypical pneumonia

1- Mycoplasma

2- Camydophila

3- Legionella

4- Virus (RSV, CMV, influenza, adenovirus)

Cause of pneumonia in cystic fibrosis

1- Pseudomonas

2- S. Aureus

3- S. Pneumonia

4- Burkholderia

Cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised patient

1- S. Aureus

2- Enteric gram negative rods

3- Fungi

4- Virus

5- P. Jirovecii

Cause of nosocomial pneumonia

1- S. Aureus

2- Psedomonas

Cause of post viral pneumonia

1- S. Pneumonia

2- S. Aureus

3- H. Influenza

Which species of chlamydia cause pneumonia in children <3

Chlamydia trachomatis

Cause of meningitis in neonate

1- Group B streptococcus

2- E. Coli

3- Listeria

Cause of meningitis in neonate

1- Group B streptococcus

2- E. Coli

3- Listeria

Cause of meningitis in children

1- S. Pneumonia

2- N. Meningitidis

3- H. Influenza

4- Group B streptococcus

5- Enterovirus

Cause of meningitis in adults

1- N. Meningitis

2- Strep pneumonia

3- Enterovirus

4- HSV

Cause of meningitis in elderly

1- Streptococcus pneumonia

2- N. Meningitis

3- H. Influenza

4- Group B streptococcus

5- Listeria

What fungal organism cause meningitis and are associated with HIV

Cryptococcal species

5 viral cause of meningitis

1- Coxsackievirua

2- HIV

3- HSV- 2

4- West Nile virus

5- VZV

What are the initial steps in treatment of a patient with suspected meningitis

Ceftriaxone and vancomycin empirically

Ampicillin for listeria

CSF in bacteria

1- Pressure - increase

2- Cell type - PMN

3- Protein- increase

4- Glucose - decrease

CSF I’m fungal/TB

1- Pressure- increase

2- Cell type- lymphocytes

3- Protein- increase

4- Glucose - decrease

CSF in virus

1- Pressure- normal or increase

2- Cell type- Lymphocytes

3- Protein- normal or increase

4- Glucose - normal

Infectious cause of brain abscess

1- Staphylococcus aureus

2- Streptococcus Viridans

3- Oral anaerobes of dental infection or extraction preceded abscess

4- Multiple abscess- bacteria

5- Single abscess- Contiguous spread (otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis or dental infection)

6- Toxoplasmosis in AIDS

Location of brain abscess

1- Temporal lobe and cerebellum- 1- otitis media

2- mastoiditis

2- Frontal lobe- 1- Sinusitis

2- Dental infection

Cause of osteomyelitis

1- Most common- S. Aureus

2- Sexual active- N. Gonorrhea

3- Suckle cell disease - salmonella and staph aureus

4- Prosthetic joint replacement - S. Aureus and S. Epidermidis

5- Vertebral involvement - S. Aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Potts disease)

6- Cat and Dog bite- Pasteurella multicida

7- IV drug users - S. Aureus , Pseudomonas and Candida

What diagnostic test is used to identify the organism in osteomyelitis

Culture of biopsy or aspirate

Common causes of UTI

1- E. Coli

2- Staphylococcus saprophyticus

3- Klebsiella pneumonia

Nosocomial causes of UTI

1- Serratia marcescens

2- Enterococcus- often drug resistant

3- pseudomonas aeruginosa

Nosocomial causes of UTI

1- Serratia marcescens

2- Enterococcus- often drug resistant

3- pseudomonas aeruginosa

Bacteria cause strive Stone leading to UTI


Diagnostic markers of UTI

1- Leukocytes esterase - evidence of WBC activity

2- Positive nitrite - gram negative bacteria reduce nitrate

3- Urease positive- urease producing bugs ( staph. Saprophyticus, Klebsiella and proteus)

Why are UTI 10x more common in female

Short urethra

What is the pathophysiology behind pyelonephritis

Ascending infection from the bladder to the kidney

What is the most common route of transmission for microbes that cause urinary tract infection

Ascending infection from urethra to bladder

Predisposing factor for UTI

1- Female sex

2- Obstruction

3- Catheterization

4- Congenital genitourinary malformation

5- Pregnancy

6- Diabetes

What finding on urinalysis can help distinguish a urinary tract infection from pyelonephritis

WBC cast in pyelonephritis

Lab finding for bacteria vaginosis

1- Clue cells

2- pH> 4.5

3- Positive KOH test

Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis

1- Motile pear shaped trichomonads

2- pH >4.5

Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis

1- Motile pear shaped trichomonads

2- pH >4.5

Diagnosis of Candida vulvaginalis

1- pseudohypha

2- pH (4-4.5)


Periventricular calcification



Toxoplasmosis gondii

How does a rubella infection typically present in a pregnant patient

1- Rash

2- Poly arthritis

3- Poly Arthralgia

4- Lymphadenopathy

Causes of rash in children

1- Coxsackievirus

2- HHV 6/7(roseola)- truck then extremities

3- Measles - hand to toes, 4 Cs

4- Parvovirus B19- Slapped cheek

5- Rubella- head to toes painless postauricular lymphadenopathy

6- Group A strep- Scarlet fever

7- VZV- trunk to extremity

2 most common cause of nosocomial infection

Staphylococcus aureus

E. coli

Infection related to water aerosols


Hemophilus ducreyi

1- Chancroid

2- Painfull genital ulcers with exudate

3- Inguinal adenopathy

Klebsiella granulomatous (Calymmatobacterium)

1- Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)

2- Painless beefy red ulcer that bleed on contact

3- Cytoplasmic Donovan bodies (bipolar stain) seen on microscopy

What are the two causes of painfull ulcers



Pelvic inflammatory disease

1- Cause 1- Chlamydia trichamatis

2- Neisseri gonorrhea

2- Signs- 1- Supra pubic tenderness

2- Purulent cervical discharge

3- Cervical motion tenderness

4- Adnexal tenderness

3- Complication 1- Salpingitis

2- Endometritis

3- Tubo-ovarian abscess

4- Hudrosalpinx

4- Salpingitis causes 1- Ectopic pregnancy

2- Infertility

3- Chronic pelvic pain

4- Adhesion

5- Can cause Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome (peri hepatitis)- infection and inflammation of liver capsule with violin string adhesion of peritoneum to liver

Fitz hug Curtis syndrome

Infection and inflammation of liver capsule with violin string adhesion of peritoneum to the liver