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60 Cards in this Set

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Crouzon's disease happens because of what
premature closing of cranial sutures
premature closing of cranial sutures leads to what in crouzon's disease
brachycephaly (short head) and trigonocephaly (triangle-shaped head)
what are char of crouzon's disease other than brachycephaly and trigonocephaly
ocular proptosis, "cloverleaf" skull, hypertelorism (wide spaced eyes), hypoplastic maxilla ( smaller) with short upper lip, malocclusion, and poor vision and hearing deficits
what disease has syndactyly of hands and feet
apert syndrome
what are char shown in or around mouth for apert syndrome
hypoplastic maxilla
mandibular prognathism
possible cleft soft palate
ginival thickening with possible delayed eruption
shovel shaped incisors in 1/3 pts
what are char outside of mouth for apert syndrome
"cloverleaf" skull
mentally deficient
ocular proptosis
down slanting of lateral palpebral fissures
can have mental retardation
what are facial char that are unique to treacher collins syndrome
"bird-like" appearance
zygomatic atrophy
downward slanting of lower eyelid
ear defects
what are oral char that are unique to treacher collins syndrome
max area are indented in
mandibular micrognathia
cleft palate in 1/3 cases
what is tx for treacher collins syndrome
cosmetic surgery
what is osteogenesis imperfecta
inherited disorder of collagen maturation that happens in bone with thin cortex, fine trabeculation and diffuse osetoporosis
what disease makes bones fracture easily with inability of the matrix to fully mineralize which leads to exaggerated callous formation
osteogenesisi imperfecta
possible blue sclera and possible hearing loss
osteogenesis imperfecta
what oral char does osteogenesis imperfecta have
dentinogenesis imperfecta (25%) and possible malocclusion due to maxillary hypoplasia
what general char (non oral)does cleiodocranial dysplasia have?
clavicles absent or hypoplastic, skukk deformities, brachycephaly (short head), hypertelorism, frontal adn occipital bossing (prominance)
short statue
what oral char does cleidocranial dysplasia have
supernumerary teeth
over retained primary teeth
delayed eruption of permanent teeth
what has cleft palate, mandibular micrognathia, and glossoptosis (airway obstruction due to posterior displacement of tongue)
pierre robin syndrome
what do ppl with marfan syndrome look like
tall, slender, large hands and fingers, long narrow skull and bones
what problem does people with marfan syndrome have
abnormally soluble collagen, cardiovascular defects, possible early death
what does ppl with marfan syndrome have problems orally
high arched palate, bifid uvula, malocclusion
what are oralfacial findings for down syndrome
small max and mandible
weird shaped/smaller teeth
macroglossia with protruding tongue
peg shaped lateral incisors in some
increased susceptiblility to infections with an increased susceptibility to periodontal disease
what are facial features for down syndrome
flat face, hypertelorism, and peicanthal folds
what is massive osteolysis
progressive destruction of bone where bone is replaced by vascular tissue than filled in by fibrous tissue
what happens to teeth and bone for massive osteolysis
teeth mobile and bone fracture
who has had hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis
children and mixture of white, black, and american indians
what is affected mostly by hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis
eye lesions consists of foamy gelatinous plaques affecting the conjunctiva adj to cornea, which can cause blindness
oral lesions from hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis look like what
white sponge nevus or leukoedema
what diseaes has accumulation of keratinaceous material in nail beds and hyperkeratosis of hands and feet (soles) and excess keratin in hair follicles
pachyonychia congenita
what disease has person sweating alot
pachyonychia congenita
pachyonychia congenita has what kind of oral lesion
thickened white plaques on lateral adn dorsal tongue (look like white sponge nevus)
what are you at risk when you have gardner's syndrome
colorectal polyps that may transform into adenocarcinoma and thyroid carcinoma
what do you have non orally when you have gardner's syndrome
colorectal polyps, osteomas, epidermoid cyst, desmoid tumors
what are oral char in ppl with gardner's syndrome
supernumerary teeth and impacted teeth.
what are facial/oral char of peutz-jeghers syndrome
melanotic spots on buccal mucosa, gingivae, hard palate, and around mouth, nose, and eyes
small intestinal polyps resulting in intrassusception happens to whom
pts with peutz-jeghers syndrome
people with peutz-jeghers syndrome will be at risk to get what
what disease has Small telangiectasias and petechia apparent at birth or puberty and increase with age
multiple hereditary telangiectasia
where does the small telangiectasias and petechia in the mouth
lips, gingivae, palate, tongue
due to chronic bleeding from telangiectasia in multiple hereditary telangiectasia
epistaxis (iron-def anemia)
what is prescribed for dental procedures in pts with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in multiple hereditary telangiectasia
what is sturge-weber angiomatosis
vascular proliferation of tissues of brain and face known as port wine stain q
what does sturge-weber angiomatosis present
unilateral distribution of trigeminal distribution and meningeal angiomatosis that is assoc with convulsions and mental retardation
basal cell nevus syndrome presents what?
multiple basal cell carcinomas of skin, odontogenic keratocysts (multi), rid anomalies, mild hypertelorism, palmar/plantar pits, intracranial calcifications
person with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia presents what generally
heat intolerance, sparse hair/eyebrows, hyperpigmentation around eye
what oral char is shown in person with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia
xerostomia and reduced number of teeth with abnormal shapes
what does a person with von recklinghausen's disease have
sessile and pedunculated neurofibromas
cafe-au-lait spots and
some have sarcomatous metaplasia
what does a person have orally when they have von recklinghausen's disease of skin
oral lesions, enlarged fungiform papillae, mandibular central lesions seen in oral cases causing pain and paresthesia
what disease is increased risk for thyroid disease (goiter/theyroid adenoma), breast cancer, and GI polyps
cowden syndrome
what disease shows multi papules of gingiva, tongue, and buccal mucosae
cowden syndrome
what diseaes has esp MLG on breast and thyroid
cowden syndrome
which disease shows abnormal collagen and hypermobility of joints? called rubber man
ehlers-danlos syndrome
what is marked elasticity of skin "rubber man"
ehlers-danlos syndrome
Papyracous scarring is from what
ehlers-danlos syndrome
ehlers-danlos syndrome shows what in dental abnormalities
malformed or short roots, hypoplastic enamel...ect
what disease shows hyperkeratosis of palms of hands and soles of feet which appears in first few years of life
papillion Lefevre syndrome
what disease causes severe destructive periodontal disease where teeth are loose
papillon-lefevre syndrome
primary teeth are lost by what age in papillon-lefevre syndrome
most permanent teeth are lost in papillon-lefevre by what age
what bone is mostly destroyed in papillon lefevre syndrome
alveolar bone
what disease shows hyperkeratosis of palm of hands and soles of feet in first years of life
papillon lefevre syndrome
what is the tx for papillon lefevre syndrome
retinoids and antibiotics