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26 Cards in this Set

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WHat are the two thingsthat determines long term memory determination?f

Both incidentialsynaptic activation and gene expression

What is the model thatpairs synaptic incidential activation AND gene expression effects on synapticstrenghening?

Synapse that areactivated will express a molecular tag that will then be the target of geneproducts which in turn will induce strenghening of synapses

Application of serotonincan have two function on a synapse, what are they? What will change the applicationof serotonin?

Can render a synapsesensitive to strenghening or induce gene expression

By applying serotonin only on the cell body, what can you induce in synaptic strengh? What happens if you insert a protein synthesis inhibiter?

You will induce long term facilitation but that is all and you do not require protein synthesis to do so. Need 5x 5HT and CREB activity however.

What requires an activation at a specific synapse regarding memory formation?

Synapse activation is required for morphological changes and persistent Long term facilitation.

What will cell wide facilitation not due compared to synapse specific?

Synapse specific facilitation will increase short term synaptic strengh.

What is a veracossity?

presynatic outgrowths to post synapse. it is not verified if it is active or not .

How long can a synaptic strenghening occur if serotonin is applied to a specific synapse? Soma?

synapse: 72 hours

Soma: 24 hours

When you add a significant amount of serotonin at a specific synapse. What will happen?

1: Transport to nucleus to induce gene expression

2: Tag at synapse

3: Inhibit neighboring synapse changes.

If you apply 5 burst of serotonin on a synapse and apply one application of serotonin on another synapse, what will happen to that synapse?

The application of one serotonin will be enough to induce synaptic strengh

You apply one burst of serotonin to one synpase and activate gene expression. What will happen?

Synapse will be strenghened for 72 hours, varicosities will sprout and supression of cell wide changes will occur.

What is ment by capture regarding synapses?

Capture refers to the fact that one synapse can be induced strenghen through minimal application of serotonin if another synapse was activated.

If you only activate gene expression in a neuron, what will happen?

You will have cel wide facilitation but that is all. no morphological changes will be observed.

If you activate gene expression in a neuron and apply serotonin to one neuron, what will happen?

The neuron will know morphological changes and will have synapse specific strenghening

What are the two minimum requirements for specific synapse strenghening?

You need Gene expression ( can induce through phosphorilated CREB) and one application of serotonine at one site.

within what time window must TAG be expressed in order to have capture? This depends on the activity of which kinase?

WIthin 2hourse before and after the high stimulation. This depends on PKA activity.

can synaptic tag be involved in Intermediate or short term memory?


in rodents what kind of stimulus is sufficient to induce a long term LTP?

A stimulus that gives early LTP ( through a tetanous)

Will blocking protein synthesis block TAG activity?


What are three reasons to believe that actin is involved in potentiation?

1: Phosphorylation of actin occurs same for tag

2: Actin polymerization lead to spin broadening

3; New synapse requires actin modifications

If you artificially induce protein synthesis in a rat and make it learn a beahavior what will happen to it ?

It will have a long term memory more quickly to it.

If you present a rat to a room and make it get used to it, and one day shock it, what will the rat do as an association?

A short term memory of the shock associated with the room

If you present a rat to a new room and shock it, what will the rat do as an association?

The rat will have a strong association with the room and the shock as all was new

If you present a rat to a new room inject a protein synthesis inhibitor and shock it, what will the rat do as an association?

THe rat will not form a strong association of teh shock with the room.

what is required for very long term memory? What will happen in parralel to this?

New synapse are required which occur in parrallel of the strenghening of old synapses.

What are the 4 conditions for synaptic formation and stabilization?

New growth

Synaptic tag

Nascent synapse formation

local translation of mRNA