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24 Cards in this Set

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Aka Freestyle

Crawl Stroke

It is believe that the initial stroke that was observed and used was that of the dog's propelling itself through the water

Dog Paddle

Competitive swimming began when ___ conducted a swimming competitve meet in ___ in _____.




He was an English who swam across the England Channel

Captain Matthew Webb

Dates when Captain Matthew Webb swam across the England Channel

August 24-25, 1875

What swimming stroke did Captain Matthew use?


Are specially designed for arms only work. They fit lengthways between your legs, just above your knees

Pull bouys

Are useful buoyancy aids for legs - only work. Floats will help you improve your technique if you are starting out. It can help you strengthen your legs

Floats and kickboards

Use for extra arm-stengthen work. Make sure that they are the correct size for your hands

Paddle and Mitts

To practice swimming under water with your eyes open

Weighted dive rings

Is very absorbent, drying you quickly and efficiently

Chamois towel

Stop water going up your nose

Nose clip

Will protect your eyes from pool chemicals and will help you see more clearly in the water


The year and place when swimming for man was included in the First Modern Olymic Games

1886; Athens

The year and place where women started to compete in Olympics

1912; Stockholm

He was an Englishman who refined the crawl Stroke

J, Arthur Trudgen

The year the crawl stroke was refined


An American who develop the American crawl

Charles Daniels

The year when the American crawl was develop


It was molded after the Australian crawl

American Crawl

International competition in swimming is under the direction of the ____

Federacion Internationale Natacion Amateur

It governs the Philippines swimming competition

Philippines Amateur Swimming Association

They are the governing bodies of Negros Occidental in swimming competition

Negros Occidental Amateus Swimming Association

Negros Occidental Swimming Association

He revived the First Modern Olympic Games

French Baron Pierre de Coubertin