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24 Cards in this Set

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Create a Type Inference variable

var string = "abc"

var number = 123

Providing a value when creating a variable or constant lets the compiler infer its type.

var number = 123

Print above using String Interpolation


Write Int values in \() and the value be converted into a string

Declare name as an Optional

var name: string?

A value that contains either an underlying value or nil to indicate that the value is missing

Swift disallow assigning nil to prevent null pointer exceptions.

var optionalValue: Int?

User Optional Binding to check if optionalValue has a value.

if let value = optionalValue{

value = optionalValue*2

} else {

print("Optional has a nil value.")


The safest way to unwrap an optional. Use a If let... else... statement to check if a optional has a value or a nil.

var imageView = UIImageView()

imageView.image = UIImage(named:"puppy_in_box")

Use Optional Chaining to check if size has a value and print the value.

if let imageSize = imageView.image?.size{


} else {

print("Image has not been set.")



A process of querying and calling properties, methods, and subscript on an optioned that might currently be nil.

Create an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional

var x: int!

Optionals that is clear that it will always have a value after that value is first set.

Var DogName: String?

Force unwrap DogName


Once you’re sure that the optional does contain a value, you can access its underlying value by adding an exclamation mark (!) to the end of the optional’s name.

Create a class called Vehicle with a stored property called currentSpeed set to 0.0

class Vehicle{

var currentSpeed = 0.0


Classes are general-purpose, flexible constructs that become the building blocks of your program’s code.

Create a sub-class of the class Vehicle called Bicycle with a stored property called hasBasket set to false

class Bicycle: Vehicle {

var hasBasket = false


Subclassing is the act of basing a new class on an existing class. The subclass inherits characteristics from the existing class, which you can then refine. You can also add new characteristics to the subclass.

var numericalString = "3"

var number =

Declare number by converting it using a built-in function

var number = int(numericalString)

This is new to Swift 2.

Initialize an array called cuteAnimals with the type CuddlyCreature.

var cuteAnimals =[CuddlyCreature]()

Initialize a string array of 5 US states using array literal syntax.

let states = ["Florida", "Idaho", "Maine", "Kansas", "Virginia"]

var colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet"]

Insert indigo after blue

colors.insert("indigo", atIndex: 5)

Initialize an empty dictionary which holds Strings as keys and Bools as values

var emptyDict = [String:Bool]()

Initialize a dictionary using array literal syntax

var goodfood = ["apple":true, "Torula Yeast":false]

Why does this code return an optional?

CityStateDict["New York"]

There is a possibility this code is looking for something that is not in the dictionary, resulting in nil, thus requiring a return of an optional.

Write the syntax for creating a range.


Create a for-in loop for this array.

var numarray = [2, 4, 6, 8]

For number in numarray{



Create a for-in loop for this dictionary array.

var treetype = ["cedar":true, "birch": true, "licorice":false]

for (tree, tfval) in treetype{

if tfval{

print(tree + "is a tree.")

} else{

print(tree + "is not a tree.")



Replace "123" in below string with "911"

var string = "12345"

string.stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString("123", withString: "911")

Create an enumeration called tree for the following: leaves, branches, roots.

enum tree{

case leaves, branches, roots


Create switch statement for each case.

enum tree{

case leaves, branches, roots


var gathering = tree.leaves

switch gathering{

case .leaves:

print("I'm gathering leaves.")

case .branches:

print("I'm gathering branches.")

case .roots:

print("I'm gathering roots.")


Create a switch-case control flow to change grade to "Pass", "Fail" or "Incomplete"

var score = 75

var grade = ""

switch score{

case 65...100:

grade = "Pass"

case 0...64:

grade = "Fail"


grade = "Incomplete"


What are the 3 different functions in Swift?

Global Functions (ex: Print), Nested Functions (function within a function), Methods (functions in a class).