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69 Cards in this Set

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A narrow isthmian link between two large landmasses. They are temporary features, at least when measured in geologic time, subject to appearance and disappearance as the land or sea level rises or falls.

Ciudades Perdidas

more than 500 slums outside of D.F. (Mexico)


factories that assemble imported, duty-free components & raw materials into finished industrial products.

Panama Canal

France tried to build it in 1880s, failed, in 1903 the U.S. propsed it, Colombia refused. People of panama rebelled and gained independence. The canal was build soon after (1914) but controlled by the U.S. Until 1999.

The Dirty War

aka “Guerra Sucio”, the regime that took over Argentina in 1976 after Peron’s wife was ousted. Militaristic regime, dissidents were kidnapped, tortured, murdered, and their children sold. Falkland Island wars ended the dirty war.

Domingo Sarmiento

Argentine activist, seventh president of Argentina.

Pope Alexander VI

Created 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas; drew division at 46 W. Longitude in south America.

FARC (Rev. Armed Forcesof Colombia)

Most powerful insurgent group. In 1999, they convinced government to demilitarize area south of Bogota and leaving them in power .


Completely surround the territory of other states, so that they have a hole in them. South Africa is an example.

Treaty of Tordesillas

pope Alexander VI drew division of South America at 46 W. Longitude. Allocated west to Spain and east to Portugal.


The Afrikaans term for South Africa’s pre 1994 policies of racial separation, a system that produced highly segregated socio-geographical patterns.

The Aztecs

14th century; founded Tenochtitlan, which is now present day Mexico City. Greatest and richest city in the Americas at the time.Very urban, internal specialization, skilled laborers, complex irrigation systems. Cortes was seen as a god from a prophesy to them, so they did as he said, making them easy to conquer.

The Incas

headquartered in Cuzco Basin of Peruvian Andes. Forged greatest ancient empire on continent. Empire stretched from Colombia to Central Chile, fully functioning state regardless of harsh terrain. Francisco Pizarro defeated Incas in 1533. Incan life still maintained in Peru, Ecuador,and Bolivia.

Hernán Cortés

Spanish conquistador, conquered the Aztecs

Simón Bolívar

Venezuelan military and political leader who established Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia as sovereign states.

The Tonton Macoutes

quasi military group lead by Duvalier who brutally suppressed dissidents and killed tens of thousands of Haitians.

Juan, Eva, & Isabel Perón

1943 – Juan Peron lead military coup of Argentina, focused on helping working class. His wife Evita was a powerful figure but died of cancer in 1950 as Argentina’s economy began to suffer. He was ousted soon after but returned in 1973 and was re elected with his new wife Isabel as his Vice President. He died in 1974 and she became president, she was ousted in 1976.

Augusto Pinochet

overthrew Chilean govt in 1973. Most of the government was murdered. Reign of terror, dissolved congress, banned other political parties, murdered/tortured over 85,000 citizens. Had amnesty but arrested in the UK, died under house arrest in Chile in 2006.

Muammar Qaddafi

dictator in Libya. He banned all alcohol,nationalized banks & banned foreign languages, set embargoes against Israel, wrote “green book” explaining flaws of democracy, supplied rebel muslims with weapons, created “great man-made river”.

Huophouet Boigny

First president of the Ivory Coast. After his death the country deteriorated: recession and coups d’etat.

Mathieu Kerekou

Military leader in Benin (1972), ruthless anti-white sentiment, mass killings and riots. He publicly renounced Marxism and said he was a new man in 1990. Re-elected in 1996, restored peace, stability, and economic growth.

Charles Taylor

1997 elected leader of Liberia, began reign of terror, ended only when he was forced into exile in 2003.

Paul Biya

President of Cameroon since 1982. Kept close relationship with France. He didn’t allow other politcal parties in the election until the early 90s. Still got re elected, foul play possible.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa

2nd President of Central African Republic

Michele Bachelet

First female president of Chile.

Francisco Macias Nguema

First president of Equatorial Guinea. Named himself president for life in 1972, and banned private education. Executed entire villages, brutal regime. He was overthrown in 1979.

“Ninjas” & “Cobras”

warring militia groups during the Republic of the Congo Civil War.

“Tutsi’s” & “Hutu’s“

Two cultural groups within Rwanda, Tutsi’s had higher social status (left in charge during apartheid) and oppressed the Hutus, after apartheid ended, Hutus sought revenge. A genocide ensued.

Idi Amin

3rd president of Uganda. Human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extra judicial killings, nepotism, corruption, and gross economic mismanagement.

Daniel Moi

2nd president of Kenya (1978-2002). Following in the footsteps of the first president.

Bakili Muluzi

2nd president of Malawi (1994-2004).First freely elected president of Malawi. Sold a large reserve of Maize just before the onset of a drought, causing starvation and not knowing where the millions of dollars made from this sale had gone.

Robert Mugabe

Current president of Zimbabwe. Wanted to create North Korean trained security force to deal with dissidents.

Nelson Mandela

First elected president of South Africa. Imprisoned for 27 and a half years.

“Las Madres”

Mothers of children who dissappeared as a result of the “dirty war” in Argentina.

Why were the Aztecs so great? And why were they conquered so easily?

Very rich cities, very urban, internal specialization, skilled laborers, complex irrigation system. They were conquered because they thought Cortes was a God and they did as he said, making it easy for him to conquer them.

Where was the Aztec capital? Where was the Incancapital?

Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City). Cusco.

Where is the most densely populated area of the Americas?

Caribbean Basin.

Why is Cuba’s huge economic potential being wasted?

Huge resource base, great tourism industry, but communistregime prevents economic reform.

What exactly is the relationship between Puerto Rico & the US? Are the Puerto Ricans happy?

US territory, all Puerto Ricans are US citizens. Rejected independence and statehood in vote. 50% below poverty line.

What 2 sections are the Caribbean islands split into? Name the Southernmost islands.

Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Trinidad and Tobago are the Southernmost islands.

How large is Mexico compared to the rest of Middle America? How large is Mexico City?

Largest country in Middle America.

Why is the demographic situation in Belize so fascinating?

In the 1990s there was a mass emigration of Africans and a mass immigration of Spanish speakers.

What natural disaster (worst in W. Hem. history) devastated Honduras and Nicaragua in 1998?

Hurricane Mitch

What country (known as the Switz. of L. Amer.) has the oldest democracy in Latin America?

Costa Rica

What country tried unsuccessfully to construct a Panama Canal in the 1880’s ?


What did the “Treaty of Tordesillas” do? And under whose orders?

Divided South America along the 46 W. Longitude and allocated the west to Spain and East to Portugal under orders of the Pope.

What radical move did the Portuguese gov’t do to stop Brazil from winning independence?

They moved the capital of Brazil.

What country is to blame for the Trans-Andean pipeline oil spill?


What country has the lowest GNP in all of South America?


Name the only 2 landlocked countries in Latin America.

Bolivia, Paraguay

What law did Pinochet create to protect himself if he were to be arrested for war crimes?

The Amnesty Law of 1978

How did Argentina and Domingo Sarmiento react towards European immigration?

They tried to imitate it.

Who was the first female President in the Western Hemisphere?

Isabel Peron

Why is the US uneasy with Hugo Chavez, and Evo Morales?

Socialist politics, support for recreational coca use.

What did former President Carlos Menem do that enraged the families of “Dirty War” victims?

He pardoned those responsible for the Dirty War

What one resource are most North African economies based on?


Why was the “Aswan High Dam” a success?

It created the largest man made lake in the world.

What is the “Muslim Front” and why is it called that?

It is the African transition zone, it represents a transition zone from countries that are majority Muslim to not majority Muslim.

Which, in Africa, were the former French, British, and Portuguese colonies?

French: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Mauritania, Burkina-Faso, Mali, Niger, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin

British: South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria

Portuguese: Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau

Which, in Africa, were first German colonies and then passed on after WWI?


Which countries in Africa that HAVE ECONOMICPOTENTIAL (not just marginal)

Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Togo, Nigeria

Which countries in Africa are landlocked (Southern Africa has 6!!)

Niger, Chad, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho

What was the former name of “The Congo?” What caused the name change?

Zaire. The name was changed to Zaire during Mobutu’s rule over the country, when he lost power, the name was changed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Which 3 countries were most affected by the fighting of the Tutsi’s and Hutu’s?

Uganda, Rwanda, The Congo

The US embassy in which 2 major cities were bombed in 1998?

Nairobi and Dar es Salaam

Why do the countries in Southern Africa have so much more economic potential?

Richest region materially with lots of agricultural diversity and tons of mineral reserves.

Which country was actually a South African colony after WWI?


Which country is reaping the benefits of their successful “ORAPA” project?


What 4 racial categories was every newborn infant put into under Apartheid?

Black, white, colored, or Asian