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74 Cards in this Set

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Begins at the end of Younger Dryas stadial- the last cold snap which marks the end of the ice age and ends when agriculture starts.

Mesolithic or middle stone age

Lunar Rover

Used by Niel Armstrong and other astronauts when they first explored the moon in 1969

Edwardo San Juan

Used eccentric trigonometry measurements to calculate the relative distance of sun and the moon.

Able to find that sun ia very large

Aristarchus of Samos

State Heliocentrism- the center of the solar system is the sun

Nicolas Copernicus

Law of Ellipses

Law of Equal Areas

Law of Harmonies

Johannes Kepler

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World

Galileo Galilei

Catastrophism-living things remained fixed and unchanging between each disaster/ catastrophe

Georges Cuvier - French Naturalist

The organ's greater power was then passed to the offspring, a phenomenon tha became a famous as inheritance of acquired features.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - Zoology Professor in France

Uniformitarianism- earth was continually being formed and altered over a long time periods by different process

Charles Lyell

Describe human population increase rapidly

Thomas Malthus

First scientist that describe that plants, animals and any other living organisms are not fixed and unchanging or immutable

Charles Darwin

Darwin's Bulldog

Thomas Henry Huxley

Travelled to Warmia and became Copernicus student and assistant in 1539. Published the first widely disseminated view of the Copernican system, Narratio Prima

Georg Joachim Rheticus

Geo-heliocentric system- planet revolved the sun, but the sun and the moon remained revolving around the globe

Tycho Brahe

The first advanced civilization in Europe.

Minoan civilization

Some major achievements of the Greeks include _______?

Works on philosophy and mathematics

Strongest political and social entity in the west.

Cradle of politics

Roman Empire/ Civilization

Also known as middle kingdom


Oldest civilization in Asia


He developed the first compound microscope to discover new means of preventing and curing various illness

Zacharias Janssen

Nautical inventions such as telescope, compass, oars and ruders were made in this period

Medieval/ middle Ages

First to developed mechanical printing machine in 1440's

Johannes Gutenberg

The first printed book was the Bible with 150 copies

Telescope was invented by Dutchman______?

Hans Lippershey

Prove that the earth revolved around the sun

Galileo Galilei

They put glass lenses togetherin 1590 to make a primitive microscope

Hans Janssen and his son

Used his own microscope and revealed his findings on the complex structure of small insect such as fleas and bugs.

Robert Hooke

Discovered tiny single celled structure in pond water.

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

They were clever chemists and discovered many chemicals used today.


American statesman,philosopher and scientists proved that lightning was a form of electricity when he flew a kite in a thunderstorm

Benjamin Franklin

They independently developed lightning conductor to protect buildingss from being hit and damaged by lightning.

Benjamin Franklin and Czech scientist, Prokop Diviš

He invented the first adding machine driven by gears and capable of performing mechanical addition and subtraction.

Blaise Pascal

Abacus was develop in China in the 9th century

Inventor of the steam engine

James Watt

He invented the rocket that was the first locomotive to pull heavy loads a long distance.

George Stephenson

It is a device that was able to project images on board,however it wasn't able to capture permanent images

Camera obscura

He is a French inventor who used bitumen of Judea spread on a pewter plate and an exposure of eight hours in bright sunlight, produced the first permanent picture

Joseph Nicephore Niepce

His technique is improved by his colleague Louis Daguerre using compound of silver, the basis of modern photography.

Invented the process of food preservation known as pasteurization.

Louis Pasteur

Electric light bulbs

Thomas Edison

German inventor who Created and improved internal combustion engine

Nicolas Otto

Benz Patent Motorwagen

Karl Benz

Struck oil in Titusville

Edwin Drake

Developed high pressure hydrogenation process converting heavy oil and oil residues into lighter oils, boosting oil production

Friedrich Bergius

Thermal cracking

William Burton and Robert Humphreys

First xray inage was developed by

German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen

Discovered radioactivity

Henri Becquerel

2 times noble prize winner.

Research into radioactivity and new radioactive elements

Marie Curie

Developed and patent a machine that you could use to talk to someone into another room.

The message "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you"

Alexander Graham Bell

Set up first radio station to transmit and received morse code

Guglielmo Marconi

First clear television pictures was first transmitted by Scottish-born?

John Logie Baird

Flew the first successful aeroplane near Kitty Hawk

Wilbur and Orville Wright

First person to draw up a plans for space stations and air locks to allow space walk.

Russian mathematics teacher, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Independently developed liquid fuelled rockets

Robbert Goddard

Orbited the earth in 1961

Yuri Gagarin

Split the atom

Proved theory of relativity

Unlocked the secrets of the atomic nuclues.

John Cockcroft and Earnest Walton

Invented Florescent

He is known for his funnel of the fluorescent light tube invention

Agapito Flores


Fe Del Mundo


Roberto Del Rosario


Gregoria Zara


Abelardo Aguilar

Alco-diesel, Lan_gas, superbunker formula

Rudy Lantano Sr.

Feminine hygiene

Dr. Virgilio Malang

Single chip graphical user interface accelerator

Diosdado Banatao

Quick ink

Francisco Quisumbing

3 revolutionizing theories

Coprenican Ideas

Darwin's theory

Freudian revolution

Stated Geocentrism-moved in circular motion

Claudius Ptolemy

Demonstrated the lack of real proof that the earth was static

Nicole Oresme (French Philosopher)

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World

Galileo Galilei

Catastrophism-living things remained fixed and unchanging between each disaster/ catastrophe

Georges Cuvier - French Naturalist

The organ's greater power was then passed to the offspring, a phenomenon tha became a famous as inheritance of acquired features.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - Zoology Professor in France

Uniformitarianism- earth was continually being formed and altered over a long time periods by different process

Charles Lyell

Describe human population increase rapidly

Thomas Malthus

First scientist that describe that plants, animals and any other living organisms are not fixed and unchanging or immutable

Charles Darwin

Darwin's Bulldog

Thomas Henry Huxley

Travelled to Warmia and became Copernicus student and assistant in 1539. Published the first widely disseminated view of the Copernican system, Narratio Prima

Georg Joachim Rheticus

Geo-heliocentric system- planet revolved the sun, but the sun and the moon remained revolving around the globe

Tycho Brahe