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38 Cards in this Set

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Common finding Post Gastrectomy 2nd to ZE syndrome?
- Syncope and Nausea after meals due to dumping syndrome
Post-operative or intra-operative hypotension, shock and hyperkalemia?
- Hypoadrenalism in a pt on steroids
What nerve controls wrist extension, and damage causes "wrist drop"?
- Radial Nerve
Post-op fever:
Day 1-2?
Day 3-4?
Day 5?
Day 7?
o Day 1-2= PNA MC,
o Day 3-4= UTI MC,
o Day 5= DVT MC,
o Day 7= joint/wound infx MC, MC S. Aureus
MCC wound infx in the first 24 PO?
- MC Group A Strep, sometimes Clostridium
Basilar skull fracture presentation?
- Ecchymosis of external ear w/ blue-grey discoloration behind mastoid process
Pt develops SOB after surgery w/ a white out on X-ray?
- Atelectasis
o Results from shallow breathing and weak cough 2nd pain
o Prevent w/ pain control and incentive spirometry
- moving an undescending teste down and making it stay there
Surgical wound categories?
- Clean
- Clean-contaminated
- Contaminated
- Dirty
Clean surgical wound:
- no entry into resp, ailimentary, genital, or urinary tract
Clean-contaminated surgical wound:
- entry into the above areas W/O unusual contamination
Contaminated surgical wound:
- open, fresh, accidental wounds or surgical wound w/ major break in sterility or gut spillage
Dirty surgical wound:
old traumatic wound w/ pre-existing infx
Common presentations?
o Femoral neck fx (along with distal radius, humeral head, and vertebral compression) are fragility fractures, compression fractures
o perform DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absoptiometry) scan, <-2.5=osteoporosis
o Tx with bisphosphonate (Alendronate)
MC rotator cuff tendon injured?
o Supraspinatus tendon MC tear
o Supraspinatus innervated by suprascapular nerve
What tendon do you not inject steroids in and why?
- Achilles tendonitis, have shown increased incidence of tendon rupture
Evisceration procedure:
- removal of globe of eye, leaving sclera and EOM intact
How long before surgery should a pt w/ Hx of DVT stop OCP's?
1 month before, dont start for 1 month after
MC ophthalmic complication in surgery pt’s?
- Corneal Abrasion
- dx w/ slit lamp
- tx w/ trimethoprim/polymyxin B as prophylactive abx
Where does correctly placed central line tip go?
- in the SVC
- contraindicated if peripheral access possible
Which kidney is harvested for transplantation and why?
• LEFT kidney is harvested due to longer vein on that side
What structures are within the Cardinal Ligament?
• Uterine artery and vein
Radical vs. modified radical mastectomy:
- modified spares the pec major and minor, radical does not
Nerve that can be injured in Fibular Fractures?
• Superficial Peroneal nerve
• Decreased sensation to dorsum of foot and foot drop
Hard to control Epistaxis is MC from where?
- posterior bleed of the Maxillary Artery
What exam should be performed in stable pt suspected of appendicitis?
- rectal exam to rule out retroperitoneal appendicitis
Reflexes of the arm?
• Triceps reflex C7, Biceps C5, Brachioradialis C6
Course of action for Splenic damage in a stable pt?
- do splenic angioembolization through femoral artery
- if unsuccessful do a surgery w/ attempted spleen salvage
Colles Fracture:
Common Cause?
- distal radius fx,can cause ulnar styloid injury
- usually secondary to fall on outstretched hand,
Galeazzi Fracture:
- distal radial Shaft fx, commonly w/ fx of distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ)
AIIS Avulsion Fx:
Common population?
Muscle involved?
o occur mostly in males 14-17 in open epiphysis
o rectus femorus
o innervated by femoral nerve (L2-L4)
o Tx for stress incontinence (returns proximal urethra to original position)
o Stress incontinence MC from displacement of the urethrovesical junction and relaxation of pelvic floor
Post-surgical wound w/ 30-40ml serosanguineous fluid draining w/ no indication of infection?
fascial dehiscence
o Requires surgery to open and view fascia to fix any defects
Bakers Cyst?
- popliteal cyst posterior knee, associated w/ arthritis
- w/ plain film X-ray
Test for Subacromial Bursitis?
• Neer’s impingement test
How long should you wait to restart heparin after epidural needle insertion?
- 2 hours
Neck space area that carries the highest risk of spreading infx to the Mediastinum?
Retropharyngeal space
MC surgery that causes spinal cord ischemia?
Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
- do to anterior vertebral artery ischemia