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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the most prevalent STD and how many people does it affect?

HPV, 80 million people

What is the most prevalent bacterial STD and how many people does it affect?

Chlamydia, 1.6 million people

What is a we mount also known as?

saline prep


The amount of a disease in which 50% of the population would die at that level


knob or wart like growth

What test is used to look for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia?

NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test)

GC is also known as?


GTT or gtts means?


What vaccines are used for HPV?

Guardasil and Cervarix


to pull apart easily, implies bleeding and tenderness

Etiology for Gonorrhea?

Neisseria gonorrheae

Hallmark S&S of Gonorrhea

dyspareunia (painful sex)

What is the gold standard test for Gonorrhea?


What is the urinary triad?

urgency, frequency, and dysuria

Where does PID happen and what can it cause?

Infection in the cervix or north of the cervix. Infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Infection of GC is the most common.

Whom contracts disseminated GC infections and where do they occur?

young women in unilateral joints

What disease would I expect if a neonate has pneumonia?


What drugs are used for a DC infection?

Rocep + Doxy or Zythromax; always use two for dual infections

What are the characteristics of Chlamydia?

clear, semi clear discharge, mild symptoms, and a 3-21 day gradual onset

What do I rule out in males with Chlamydia?

Testicular torsion

What does Chlamydia cause in males?


What is the etiology of syphilus?

Treponema palladium

What is unique about syphilus?

It is the only STD that can penetrate the skin

Why do Venerial Warts occur and what disease are they associated with?

Microabrasions (use more lube); syphilus

How do you Dx syphilus?

Dark field microscopy

What are the 4 stages of syphilus?

Primary, Secondary, Latent, and Tertiary Stage

Primary Syphilus

chancre (painless) that has rasised well defined borders w/ induration and no pus, appears in 2-3 weeks then goes away in 21 days

Secondary Syphilus

"The Great Imitator", palms and soles are involved with the rash

Latent Syphilus

no S&S

Tertiary Syphilus

gummatous lesions, aortic aneurysm, and neurosyphilus

Congenital Syphilus

mostly aborted babies, has mold bearing mold, holes in the palate to the nasal sinus, and Hutchinson's Teeth

What are screening tests for syphilus?

VDRL, RPR, and dark field microscopy

DOC for Syphilus

Bicillin L-A, penicillin


painful ulcer, needle aspiration of the sore in the lymph node

What should you never do to a lymph node?


Lymphogranuloma Venereum

painful lymphadenopathy with a painless lesion

DOC for Lymphogranuloma Venereum


Granuloma Inguinale etiology?


S&S of Granuloma Inguinale

lesions cause no discomfort, are beefy red, and stink; penis cancer in uncircumcised skin

Lab tests for Granuloma Inguinale?

Wright's test looking for Donovan bodies


never goes away, painful vesicles

DOC for Herpes

Acyclovir, Valtrex

What vaccine would you use for Genital Warts?

Cervarix, Guardasil

S&S of HIV?

gingivitis, candidiasis, sebhorric dermatitis, and pneumonia (primary cause of death)

Is Hep B an STD?

It can be but it is usually vaccinated for.

Do HPV infections go away?

90% within two years. 5% become cervical cancer if there is no pap smear.

DOC for Chlamydia

Doxy or Azythromycin (make sure it is not GC)

If a patient gets any STD what should you also test for?

GC, Chlamydia, Syphilus, and HIV

What prophylaxis is placed in newborns eyes for GC?

Erythromycin ointment