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8 Cards in this Set

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What 4 improvements can be made to the method for the standing waves experiment?

Repeat the experiment with different masses to increase or decrease the tension

Use different strings with different thicknesses to investigate mass per unit length

Use an oscilloscope to verify the signal generators readings

Leave the signal generator on for about 20 minutes to stabilise

4 points

What is the main safety aspect to consider for this experiment?

The stand could topple over due to the load mass so use a counterweight or a g-clamp on the stand to prevent this

Explain this graph

Plot a graph of the mean value of frequency against 1/l and draw the line of best fit

The wave speed is equal to 2 times the gradientLine of best fit should be through the origin and a straight line as frequency is proportional to 1/ l

Line of best fit should be through the origin and a straight line as frequency is proportional to 1/ l

3 Points

What calculations link to the previous graph when investigating the first harmonic?



v=2f/1/L= 2x G

Gradient= G

Explain this graph

frequency is proportional to (T)

f^2 is proportional to T

Graph is a straight line due to proportionality

3 points

What calculations can be made relating to the previous graph?

Gradient= 1/4L^2μ Mass per unit length= 1/4L^2xGradient

2 points

What are the control variables for investigating tension?

Length of the string

Mass per unit length of the string

2 points

What are the control variables for the mass per unit length experiment?

Length of the string

Tension in the string

2 points