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171 Cards in this Set

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Location of the French and Indian War

Along the Ohio River Valley

Cause of the French and Indian War

UK and France had disputes over the Ohio River Valley

Which country did most Natives side with during the French and Indian War


Which tribe sided with the British during the French and Indian War


What was George Washington during the French and Indian War?

A lieutenant colonel who fought at Fort Duquesne and lost

Albany Plan

Created by Benjamin Franklin; A Plan to make a united assembly made up of all 13 colonies. It was rejected by all the colonies and UK

Turning point of the French and Indian War

After the battle of Forth Doquesne

Who won the French and Indian War


How long did the French and Indian War last?

7 years, 1754-1763

All 4 conditions of the Treaty of Paris (French and Indian War)

1. France gives all of Canada and land east of the Mississippi to UK

2. France keeps New Orleans

3. France gives Spain the rest of the land west of the Mississippi

4. Spain gives Florida to UK

2 problems after the French and Indian War for UK

1. The National Debt Skyrocketed

2. Most Indian tribes became hostile and started to attack citizens on a daily basis

Proclamation of 1763

No man shall pass the Appalachian mountains

2 main reasons why colonist hated the Proclamation of 1763

1. They didn't want a army having to be there constantly

2. Original charters say that they could of crossed it

Sugar Act

Charged a tax on sugar and molasses and blocked both goods coming from the West Indies, which lead to rebellion, financial issues in the colonies, and smuggling

Writs of Assistance

Due to amount of smuggling, they passed a law to allow soldiers to search any home for smuggled goods, evidence or not. This lead to James Otis fighting a court case against it

Stamp Act

Anything printed had to carry a stamp, which costed money. This started the first resistance, created the Stamp Act congress to combat it, and led to the creation of the Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty

Group started by Samuel Adams to vocalize against the UK by acts of terror

Quartering Act of 1765

Required Colonist to house and take care of British Soldiers that came to their homes. Lead to New York trying to outlaw the act, but then was faced with the NY Restraining Act

New York Restraining Act of 1767

In response to New York banning the First Quartering Act, they prevented the New York Governor and Assembly from doing anything until both comply with the law. They eventually did.

Declaratory Act

UK can pass any law they want

Townshend Act

Taxed all paper, oil, lead, tea, and glass, which started protest and led to the UK repealing the act

Boston Massacre

When protests in Boston was taking place, the soldiers shot 5 people and injured 6, which lead to Soldiers in Boston being relocated

Crispus Attucks

A noble free black that was shot in the Boston Massacre

Calm Period

1770-1773, where it was mostly calm between UK and the colonies

Committees of Correspondence

Created by Sam Adams, group of colonists trying to increase support for the Independence movement

Tea Act

Put a tax on tea and only allow East Indian Trade Company's Tea

Boston Tea Party

The Sons of Liberty dumped 342 crates of Tea into Boston Port ($1,000,000 dollars worth)

Coercive Acts (Name all 5)

To punish the colonist they passed 5 laws

1. Closed Boston Port

2. Took down the Boston Government

3. No British Soldier can be prosecuted for any crime

4. Quartering Act of 1774

5. Allowed Catholics to live in Canada

1st Continental Congress

56 delegates deciding how to make decisions for the colonies and to oppose the British

American Prohibitory Act

Anybody who rebels against the British will be arrested and all colonial ships are now British ships

2nd Continental Congress

60 people after Lexington and Concord met to discuss matters of Independence and War

Communist Manifesto

The magic document that gave me the power to fly around the world spreading peace and joy and gives everyone free magic balloons

Declaration of Independence

The document that gave the US independence, gave the grievances of the people, and outlined their idea of government

1776 Film

The movie that actually is a good historical musical with songs that are actually good comparatively to the Hamilton's horribly bad songs and main character

(I really don't like Alexander Hamilton, egotistical brat)

(I just realized I made so many enemies right now oh crap how am I going back to school)

What day did the Continental congress agree to reconvene if King George III didn't respond?

May 10th, 1775

Who wrote this quote: "Even yet the wound may be healed and peace and love restored. But we are on the brink of a precipice."?

Charles Thomson (His first and last names work together really well don't they? Now I want my name to be Charles Thomson. Well maybe, Charles Jerry Thomson-Oglethorpe? My god this name should be in a spelling bee. What was I talking about again)


The brink of a dangerous situation

Who were the 2 men in UK that agreed with the Colonial Cause

William Pitt and Edmound Burke (Now could my name be Charles Burke-Jerry Thomson-Oglethorpe?)

What did King George III declare in November 1774?

That we need to decide if New England is part of UK or part of the colonial movement

Who was the leader of the provisional government?

John Hancock


JILL STIEN (No Patrick Henry)

3 names given to people Pro-Colonial Independence

Patriots, Whigs, and Rebes

3 names given to people Con-Colonial Independence

Redcoats, Tories, or Loyalists

How long did militia men serve?

3-12 months


German Mercenaries fighting for the British, most came from Hesse-Cassel (The word Hesse-Cassel makes me hungry)

What side did most Natives side with?

UK, because US not getting independence would stop their expansion

What were the main colonial goals of the war?

Wear down the British until they leave and preserve the Continental Army

What were the main British goals of the war?

Force the Americans to surrender and gain control of the 13 colonies

Colonial Battle Strategy

Guerrilla and Honorable 18th Century Warfare

British Battle Strategy

Frontal attacks in close ranks and Honorable 18th Century Warfare

Advantages of the Continental Army (Name all 6)

1. Outstanding Leadership in the Army

2. Strong Motivation and Moral

3. Knew the land around them

4. Experienced Officers

5. Rifles better than the British's

6. Many excellent shooters

Disadvantages of the Continental Army (Name all 6)

1. Soldiers were mostly inexperienced

2. Very short enlistments

3. Very small navy

4. Many Shortages of supplies

5. Near Bankruptcy

6. Have to fight nearby loyalists

Advantages of the British Army (Name all 5)

1. Strongest Army in the world

2. Outnumbered American troops

3. Native American Support

4. Help from nearby loyalists

5. Able to enlist trained mercenaries

Disadvantages of the British Army (Name all 7)

1. Weak Motivation for the war

2. Unaggressive Officers

3. Poor communications with the UK

4. Near Impossible to Blockade the coast

5. Hard to conquer the vast American land

6. Easy Targets because of their red suits

7. USA had help from the French, Spanish, and Dutch

Abigail Adams

John Adams wife; Helped keep John Adams moral going

John Adams

Most vocal advocate of Independence, part of both Continental Congresses, and rejected the "olive branch"

Samuel Adams

Radical Patriot who was part of both continental congresses and created the Committees of Correspondence and the Son's of Liberty

James Armistead

Run-away slave who was a double spy for both Americans and British

Benedict Arnold

Leader of a group of 400 men to take down Fort Ticonderoga and Failed to conquer Quebec. Became a Patriot Traitor who joined the British

John Burgoyne

British General who tried to cut off New England and New York from the rest of the colonies by going through Canada, to Fort Ticonderoga, to Albany. His plan failed and surrendered at Saratoga

Wentworth Cheswell

A free black who went to New Hampshire and Maine (Then Massachusetts) to get supplies

Charles Cornwallis

The main general after Howe. Failed at Princeton and Yorktown, and lost the war

Benjamin Franklin

A skilled diplomat who got France to aid US in their war for Independence

Bernardo de Galvez

Donated to the Patriot cause, and having a army of White, Black, Native, and Latino men took over all forts and ports from Louisiana to Florida

Horatio Gates

Forced General Burgoyne to surrender at Saratoga, which helped France join the war

Admiral de Grasse

Vice Admiral of the French Army in the US, which he helped Washington and Lafayette win at Yorktown

Nathanael Greene

Rhode Island General who helped Reorganize the army and attacked Cornwallis a lot in the Carolinas

Nathan Hale

Went behind British lines to get information, but caught and hanged for doing so

Alexander Hamilton

Fought at Yorktown, that's about it

Patrick Henry

Grew the Patriot cause by giving powerful oratories and speeches to bring supporters, and helped raise troops to overthrow the Loyalist governor of Virginia.

William Howe

Main General of the British Army for a while, skilled fighter, but failed at Saratoga and resigned

John Paul Jones

Was a Scottish outlaw and a skilled sailor. Became the French Naval commander and took down many British ships including Serupis

Marquis de Lafayette

French Commander of the army in the US who helped Washington in the war, and donated $200,000 to the cause (They should of donated that to NASA, because they really need it right now)

Francis Marion

Known as the swamp fox, he created Marion's brigade, a skilled team of Guerrilla warfare fighters for the Patriot

Daniel Morgan

British Army Officer who took part in 7 battles including Cowpens and got a Medal of Honor

Thomas Paine

British-Born Philosopher and Political Scientist who wrote Common Sense, which explained his idea of government in a simple way which brought Patriot supporters, and the American Crisis, which revived the cause of war and increased moral.

Mary Ludwig Hags

Nicknamed "Molly Pitcher" who brought water for the troops and loaded cannons

Paul Revere

Member of the Sons of Liberty who warned the men in Lexington to get ready to fight and was arrested for doing so

Comte de Rochambeau

Lead 4000 French troops at Yorktown

Betsy Ross

Supposedly made the US national and naval flags

Haym Salomon

Jewish man who converted French loans in US cash, part of the Son's of Liberty, and Convinced Hessians to quit the war effort

Deborah Sampson

Woman dressed as a men who fought in the war

Friedrich von Steuben

Military Officer from Prussia who made the Continental army stronger by training them

Mercy Otis Warren

Member of a big and wealth family who wrote many Patriot plays and influenced Abagail Adams

George Washington

Leader of the Continental Army

Battle of Lexington

First battle of the war; Troops overwhelmed the Americans and was a clear British victory

Battle of Concord

After Lexington, troops moved into Concord where they lost due to how visible they were in their suits

Fort Ticonderoga

Benedict Arnold goes in with 400 men and pretends like they have the fort surrounded and the British officer, who just woke up, believed him and surrendered.

Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill

The Americans fought Howe's army by sitting at the top of the Hill and shooting people who came nearby. They retreated and the British won, but suffered astronomical causalities.

Battle of Long Island

Washington tried to defent Long Island, New York, but Howe took it down quickly.

Battle on Trenton

Around the end of most troops enlistments, they took down the Hessians and gained Trenton. They took 900 prisoners and this helped caused people to re-enlist

Battle of Princeston

Defeated Cornwallis and took back Princeston, which boosted moral

Battle of Saratoga

Set up a obstacle course (My brain is fried from making around 100 flashcards) for the British which lead to their surrender. Turning point of the war

Treaty of Alliance

Alliance with France that gave:

1. Recognition from France

2. Gave US Military Assistance

Without France, they would of lost the war

War in the West

Crossed into the Ohio River Valley and took down 3 British forts

Battle of Cowpens

Daniel Morgan and his army charged into Cowpens and took down the British and defeated Tarelton, who is known to be extremely powerful

Battle of Yorktown

Final Battle of the war. Surrounded the British Army by sea and land and forced Cornwallises surrender

Treaty of Paris (American War of Independence)

UK agreed to follow these terms:

1. US was the righteous victor of the war

2. UK must recolonize Independence of the US

3. Must withdraw forces from there

4. Must allow trade with US

How long did the war last?

8 years and 4 months (Yes, I counted), April 19th, 1775 to September 3, 1783

Who had the most power during the Articles of Confederation?


What was the only branch of government in the Articles of Confederation?


How many votes did each state get in congress during the Articles of Confederation?


What powers did congress have under the Articles of Confederation? (Name all 7)

1. Declare War

2. Make Treaties

3. Manage Indian Affairs

4. Maintain a army and navy

5. Coin and Borrow Money

6. Regulate Weight and Measures

7. Establish a Postal Service

What 2 powers did Congress not have under theArticles of Confederation that crippled their power?

Taxes and Regulation of Commerce

Land Ordinance of 1785

Allowed the new Northwest Territory to be surveyed and divided into townships 6 miles square and subdivided in 36 sections 1 mile square that will be sold for $1 per acre.

Northwest Territory

Land East of the Mississippi

Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (Name all 4 main laws)

1. Congressionaly appointed governor and 3 judges at the first stage

2. An elected legislature and a non-voting delegate to congress when the population reached 5000 free white males.

3. A state constitution and admission to statehood when the above population reached 60,000

4. Forbade slavery in the Northwest Territory

The Articles of Confederation's 7 main problems

1. No taxing power by the government

2. The congress didn't back the currency with any metal, which lead to inflation

3. States charged rival states an inter-state tariff

4. No way of stopping states from going to war

5. Couldn't do foreign diplomacy with 13 independent states

6. Countries wouldn't care about the US do to its dysfunctional government

7. Debtor-Farmers couldn't pay off debt

Shay's Rebellion

Daniel Shays and more farmers couldn't pay debts, so they attacked the courts to stop them from paying their mortgages. The Massachusetts Militia stopped the rebellion before it got out of hand.


A person wanting a strong, national government

Big 3 Nationalists

1. George Washington

2. Alexander Hamilton (He did nothing at the convention though pretty much)

3. James Madison

Who held a meeting in Pennsylvania in 1787 to rework or tear down the Articles of Confederation

Alexander Hamilton (Wow look he actually did something important)

Mount Vernon Conference

Gathered people from Virginia and Maryland to discuss fishing rights

Annapolis Conference

Called people from all 13 states to discuss interstate commerce, which only 5 states showed up





Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?

Independence Hall, Pennsylvania

How many attended the Constitutional Convention?


Why did Rhode Island not send a delegate to the Constitutional Convention?

They were so small that they were actually OK with the Articles of Confederation

Who wrote the final draft of the constitution?

Governor Morris

"Father of the Constitution"

James Madison

Oldest guy at the Constitutional Convention

Benjamin Franklin, 81

"The Great Compromiser"

Roger Sherman

President of the Constitutional Convention

George Washington

Washington's 3 rules of the convention

1. Each state has only 1 vote

2. need at least 7 states to pass a law

3. The meeting must be secret

The Virginia Plan

(Madison and Randolph) Representation in Congress is by population

The New Jersey Plan

(Patterson) Each state gets one vote in congress

The Great Compromise

2 house congress: House=Population, Senate= 2 per state

3/5ths Compromise

(Roger Sherman) Slaves will count as 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation in congress (Which means being evil is rewarded in congress by more representation)

Commerce Compromise

(Roger Sherman) Slaves trade will continue for 20 more years, and then will be re-evaluated by congress. Also a tax on slaves

Which 3 men didn't sign the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was added?

Randolph, Sherman, and Mason

What inspired some aspects of the Constitution?

1. Magna Carta

2. State Constitutions

3. Iroquois Constitution

4. Colonial Charters

7 Main Principles of the Constitution

1. Limited Power of Government

2. Separation of Powers

3. Popular Sovereignty

4. Checks and Balances

5. Civil Rights

6. Republicanism

7. Federalism

Limited Power of Government

Limiting the power of government to a set of laws

Popular Sovereignty

Power that comes from the people

Checks and Balances

Divides the Power between branches with can check each other's power


People elect Representatives to serve the people


Dividing power between states and national governments


Use this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHp7sMqPL0g

7 Articles of the Constitution in Order

1. Legislature

2. Executive Branch

3. Judicial Branch

4. Relations among states

5. Amending the Constitution

6. Supremacy of the National Government

7. Ratification

All 8 Main powers of National Government

1. Declare War

2. Maintain Army

3. Interstate and Foreign Trade

4. Admits States

5. Postal Service

6. Set Measures

7. Coin Money

8. Foreign Policy

All 6 Main powers of State Government

1. Education

2. Local Government

3. Business

4. Marriage

5. Public Safety

6. Other misc. powers

All 5 shared main powers between national and state

1. Law and Order

2. Taxes

3. Borrowing Money

4. Banking

5. Courts

Legislative Branch

435 members of the House, 100 members of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House

House of Representatives

(Qual: 25+, 7+ years a citizen, lives in a state)

Gets to regulate Taxes and also with the senate makes laws, elects and impeaches presidents


(Qual: 30+, 9+ years a citizen, lives in a state)

Gets to Declare War, Ratify Treaties, and with the senate, can impeach and elect presidents, and makes laws

Speaker of the House

Maintains the House and is the leader, if the Vice and Prez. can't serve for some reason, they become president

Executive Branch

Prez., Vice, Secretary of State, and Cabinet

Judical Branch

9 Supreme court judges

Order of the courts

1. Supreme Court

2. Court of Appeals

3. District Courts

The Federalist Papers

By Madison, Jay, and Hamilton where they promoted the constitution

The Anti-Federalist Papers (Brutus)

By Henry, Mason, Gerry opposing the constitution

When was the Constitution Ratified?

June 1788

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments of the Constitution that protected the rights of the people

1st Amendment

Freedom of Speech, Press, Peaceful Assembly, Religion, and Petition to the government

2nd Amendment

Freedom to bear arms

3rd Amendment

Freedom to refuse to quarter soldiers unless the government and people agree to do so

4th Amendment

Can't search places without a warrant or a probable cause

5th Amendment

Due process of law (Right to remain silent)

6th Amendment

Right to a speedy and fair trial

7th Amendment

Right to a jury

8th Amendment


9th Amendment

Protects all rights, even if not in the constitution

10th Amendment

States have the power to control laws


To go against


A small army made up of volunteers

How do you amend the constitution?

The Supreme Court approves, 2/3 of congress approves, and 3/4 of state legislatures

Executive Branch's Function and Powers

To execute the law: appoints ambassadors, judges, and other officials, negotiates treaties, makes foreign policy, commands the army, manages the government, veto bills, appoints Supreme Court judges, and grants pardons (whatever that is)

Legislative Branch's Function and Powers

To make the laws: confirms presidential appointments, ratifies treaties, appropriates money, proposes laws, declares war, passes tax, and impeaches presidents

Judicial Branch's Function and Powers

Interprets the law: reviews court decisions and call laws and decisions unconstitutional

(even sometimes when they have nothing to do with the constitution at all and they are just protecting their political beliefs (You are probably wondering if this is true and our government is this corrupt, but hey death penalty, abortion, and the electoral college exist, so anything can happen!))

List these in order: Quartering Act, Writs of Assistance, Proclamation of 1763, Coercive Acts, Tea Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Sugar Act, Boston Massacre, Treaty of Paris (1763)

Treaty of Paris (1763), Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Writs of Assistance, Townshend Acts, Quartering Act, Boston Massarce, Tea Act, Coersive Acts