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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the scores for qSOFA?

RR >22, GCS<15, SBP<100

What are the parameters of CURB65?

confusion, urea>7, RR >30, BP <90/60, age>65) - severe pneumonia if 2 or more

What are the parameters of the Glasgow Coma Scale?

Eyes: spontaneous, to sound, to pressure, none

Verbal: orientated, confused, words, sounds, none

Motor: obey commands, localising, normal flexion, abnormal flexion, extension, none

Mild 13-15, moderate 9-12, severe 3-8

What is the NEWS score and what are its parameters?

National Early Warning Score for sepsis; parameters = RR, ox sats, SBP, HR, confusion/consciousness, temperature

What is the Mantoux skin test and what is it used for?

a test for immunity to tuberculosis using intradermal injection of tuberculin

What are treatments for TB?




Ethambutol (only if Rifampicin/isoniazid resistance)

What is the NYHA classification used for and what are its components?

Heart failure staging


Mild = SOB +/- angina; slightly limits ADL

Moderate = only comfortable at rest; markedly limits ADL

Severe = symptoms even at rest; usually bedbound

What is the Duke criteria used for and what are its parameters?

Endocarditis = 2M or 1M + 2m or 5m

Major = typical organism in >=2 blood cultures; pos echocardiogram or new valve regurgutation

Minor = predisposition; fever; vascular phenomena; immunological phenomena; atypical organism in blood cultures

2 major; 5 minor

What is Well's clinical score used for and what are some of its parameters?

Active cancer

Recently bedridden

Calf swelling >3cm compared to other leg

Collateral superficial veins present

Entire leg swollen

Localised tenderness along deep venous system

Pitting oedema only in symptomatic leg

Paralysis/paresis of lower extremity

Previously documented DVT

What is Light's criteria for and what are its parameters?

Exudative pleural effusion

LDH > 2/3 upper limit normal

Pleural/serum protein ratio >0.5

Pleural/serum LDH ratio >0.6

What is Whipple's Triad used for and what are its parameters?

Symptoms of hypoglycaemia (insulinoma) → autonomic → moderate/severe (late symptoms) = neuroglycopaenic

Measured plasma glucose → <2.8 for normal (some <2.2), <4 for insulin-treated DM

Better after glucose treatment → 15-20g fast acting carb + IM glucagon, IV dextrose (if severe) + longer acting carb to prevent further drop in blood sugar

What is the Leeds Acne Grading System and what is it used for?

Pictorial method to diagnose + follow up on acne

Name 3 scoring systems for psoriasis

DLQI (dermatology life quality index), PASI (psoriasis area and severity index), PEST (psoriasis epidemiology screening tool)

What is the Enron classification used for and what are its parameters?

Cellulitis treatment

1) not systemically unwell - flucloxacillin, doxycycline, vancomycin

2) systemically unwell or significant comorbidities - ceftriaxone

3) systemic upset/limb threatening vascular compromise

4) sepsis/severe life threatening complications - admit for IV therapy +/- surgical management

What is SCORTEN used for and what are its parameters?

Used for toxic epidermal necrolysis

What staging system would you use for subarachnoid haemorrhage and what are its parameters?

(WFNS grades I-V) – based on GCS (3-6, 7-12, 13-14 with/without deficit, 15)

What is the Conn Score (West Haven classification) used for staging and what are its parameters?

Hepatic encephalopathy

How would you assess the severity of cirrhosis?

What are the parameters of the Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score?

Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score (GAHS) = age >/< 50, WCC >/< 15, urea >/< 5, PT ratio >/< 1.5-2, bilirubin >/< 125-250 → score 1-3

What is the Rockall score used to assess?

risk prediction for survival on admission for GI bleed → age, shock, co-morbidity

What is the Glasgow-Blatchford score used for and what are its parameters?

need for intervention or death in context of GI bleed → blood urea, Hb, BP, melaena/syncope/hepatic disease/HF

What is the Gleason score used for and how is it calculated?

1st zone + 2nd zone = Gleason score

Used for prostate cancer

What treatment regime is used to treat bladder cancer?






What is the Nottingham index used for staging and what are its parameters?

How would you assess the severity of breathlessness in COPD?

MRC Dyspnoea Scale

Grade 1: Dyspnoea on strenuous exercise.

Grade 2: Short of breath when hurrying or walking up a slight hill.

Grade 3: Walks slower then contemporaries on level ground because of breathlessness, or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace

Grade 4: Stops for breath after walking about 100 meters or after a few minutes on level ground

Grade 5: Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing or undressing

What is the Ankle Brachial Pressure index?

Ankle Brachial Pressure Index ABPI (blood pressure comparison between upper and lower limbs) should be roughly equal;

0.8 ratio might suggest occlusion and need vascular arterial assessment;

>1.1 ratio might suggest calcification

What is the Marsh classification used for and what are its parameters?

Coeliac disease