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64 Cards in this Set

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The proportion of harmonic sound to noise (in decibels) is referred to as
Harmonics to noise ratio (HNR)
Lower the HNR, the more the ___________
Higher the HNR, the more the ________________________
harmonic components
The HNR is useful for ____________ and _______________ assessments
objective; quantitative
The HNRs for children and older adults is __________ than the HNR of young and middle aged adults
The HNRs for ______________________________ is less than the HNR of ____________________________
children and older adults; young and middle aged adults
HNR in dB is _________ in males & ________ females
15.63; 15.38
Evaluates VF function noninvasively by generating a waveform that reflects the opening and closing of the VFs.
Electroglottography (EGG)/ Laryngography
Electroglottography (EGG)/ Laryngography was developed in 1950s and refined in the 1970s by ___________________.
Andrain Fourcin
Electroglottography (EGG)/ Laryngography works on the principles of ________________________
conduction of electricity
During an electroglottography (EGG)/ laryngography two surface electrodes & placed on either side of the ________________
thyroid cartilage
A ______________ frequency signal of very low current is generated and passed through the electrodes. Is the electroglottography/larngography a safe procedure?
high; yes
___________________are good conductors of electricity and ________ is poor conductor of electricity
human tissues, air
When VFs open, a large body of air is present between them which causes _______________ resistance to the flow of current from one electrode to other. There is than a ____________ voltage/amplitude of the waveform
When VFs close, tissues in contact to each other, there is ______________ resistance to the flow of current from one electrode to other. There is then an ____________________ voltage/amplitude of the waveform
Change of resistance (voltage) as the vocal folds open and close is displayed on a screen as a _________________________.
Lx waveform
LX waveform reflects the _______________ of the VF vibration. It represents all the ___________ involved in a VF vibration.
duty cycle; phases
What are the different phases of a vf vibration
closing, closed, opening, and open
***review vf vibration chart***
***review vf vibration chart***
______ can indicate various voice qualities based on the shape of the waveform
EGG can indicate various ___________________ based on the shape of the waveform
voice qualities
EGG can indicate various voice qualities based on the shape of the _______________-
Each register is associated with a __________________________
characteristic Lx wave
The closing phase has a _____________ slope than opening phase
VF closing is ____________________ and VF opening is _______________________.
quick and abrupt; slow and gradual
The pulse register has more than one peak per cycle & it is known as a _______________________ closure pattern
biphasic or multiphasic
When an opening phase may have one or more minor openings and closings before the VFs completely close, this is an example of a ___________________ closure pattern
biphasic or multiphasic
Describe the wave of a pulse register.
Wave with sharp, short pulses followed by a long closed glottal interval
In a pulse register there are ___________ cycles per second than in modal register
Register in which the No of Lx cycles is increased greatly
A falsetto is More like a ___________________ wave
A falsetto has extreme ______________________ and possible ___________________ (or absence of closed phase)
longitudinal tension; incomplete closure
During a falsetto, the motion of the VFs remains ______________ but alternates between a more and a less open glottis.
Quantitative measures that are based on the various proportions of time that each phase takes to complete. They are indications of VF behaviour during VF contact. Obtained for normal voices and voice disorders. Various phases of the duty cycle are measured in terms of their duration and quotients are obtained
EGG slope quotients
***review slide 14 egg quotients
***review slide 14 egg quotients
Duration of closed phase to the time of entire vibratory cycle
closed quotient
CQs in modal register are _____________
0.50 to 0.60
Higher CQ indicates ______________ duration of closure, while lower CQ indicates _______________ duration of closure
longer, shorter
Louder voice shows __________ CQ than soft voice
Tense voice generates a higher CQ than ___________ voice
objective measure for vocal ____________________ or ___________________
hyperfunction or hypofunction
Ratio of the difference in time between the closing and opening phases, divided by the duration of the closed phase. Provides information about the way in which the VF are vibrating in a particular register
Contact Index
Relative durations of the closed and open phases of the duty cycle
Closed to open ratio (C/O ratio)
Longer closed phase=____________ C/O ratio
Shorter closed phase=__________ C/O ratio
higher, lower
Acoustic measurements(F0, intensity, jitter, shimmer) are used to evaluate the effectiveness of_________________________________________
behavioral, medical, and surgical treatments
What are some clinical applications of acoustic analyses?
1) quick and easy method in screening programs in schools and hospitals
•2) assessment of patients by general practitioner and referral
•3) helps in supplementing diagnostic evaluation of voice problem (early detection of voice changes)
•4) helps in monitoring voice changes over a period of time (for patients receiving surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, speech therapy)
Progressive neurologic disease (motor functions of the body deteriorate)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Women with ALS > Healthy women (Jitter and shimmer values)
Women with ALS > Healthy women (Jitter and shimmer values)
What are causes of ALS?
Due to changes in laryngeal structures
Increased accumulation of mucus on the vocal folds
A disease caused by reduction in the neurotransmitter dopamine
Parkinson's disease
What are some acoustic features of Parkinson's Disease?
-Higher F0
–Higher Jitter
–Lower intensity
–Decreased phonational range
–Decreased dynamic range
produces varying degress of temporary and sometimes permanent damage to the laryngeal mechanism
Endotracheal intubation
Severe damage by endotracheal intubation cause ________________, while less severe damage causes
complete loss of voice- aphonia; degrees of dysphonia
What are some acoustic features of endotracheal intubation?
Greater jitter and shimmer values in patient’s voice before and after surgery (1.5 to 23.5 hrs)
When someone is diagnosed with laryngeal cancer is chemotherapy or radiation therapy beneficial?
What is someone referred for after being diagnosed with laryngeal cancer? What results after this?
Laryngectomy (part or all of the Lx is removed); Reduced jitter values
Improper use or overuse of voice causes ________________________
functional voice problems
Effectiveness of specific vocal techniques such as ______________________________________ has been documented using acoustic measures such as jitter and shimmer
(Functional Voice Problems)
manual circumlaryngeal therapy
Higher ____________________ in stuttering children than for non stuttering children
What are some major clinical applications of voice quality?
Need for objective measures of voice quality-
•Clinically needed to target the relevant dimensions for therapy
•Identify vocal changes that occur with normal aging
•Insurance purposes 
An EGG is used before or after __________________________ for voice problems (functional hypokinetic dysphonia, functional hyperkinetic dysphonia, nodules, polyps and Reinke’s edema)
surgery/speech therapy
EGG measure quantifies VF contact area in ________________________
spasmodic dysphonia
EGG has been used to examine the effectiveness of various treatments for increasing intensity in patients with _____________________________.
Parkinson's Disease
A treatment which incorporates increased vocal intensity through improved vocal fold adduction, as well as increased respiratory effort.
Lee Silver-man Vocal Treatment (LSVT)