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49 Cards in this Set

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What is an example of a physical prompt?

A) A teacher says, "Touch you head" while modeling same.

B) A teacher points to the student’s head while saying "Touch your head".

C) A teacher putting the student’s hand on his head in response to the discriminative stimulus (SD), "Touch your head."

D) A teacher gestures toward the student’s head

C) A teacher putting the student’s hand on his head in response to the discriminative stimulus (SD), "Touch your head."

The components of Discrete Trial Training (DTT) are

A) Antecedent, Behavior, Consequent

B) Discriminative Stimulus, Prompt, Response, Consequence, Intertrial Interval.

C) Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Automatic Reinforcement

D) Cue, Modeling, Gesture, Verbal Prompt

B) Discriminative Stimulus, Prompt, Response, Consequence, Intertrial Interval.

One of the most popular ABA teaching strategies for students with autism is a lesson presentation format ___ also known as trial by trial training.

A) Discrete Trial Training (DTT).

B) Natural Environment Teaching

C) Referent Based Training

D) Pivotal Response Teaching

A) Discrete Trial Training (DTT).

Time delay is a procedure in which:

A) The teacher delays prompting for predetermined amounts of time to obtain non-prompted, correct responses.

B) The teacher delays instruction when the student provides an incorrect response

C) The teacher waits until after the teaching session to provided reinforcement

D) The teacher interrupts instruction in order to provide a break to the student.

A) The teacher delays prompting for predetermined amounts of time to obtain non-prompted, correct responses.

To qualify as a behavior, something must be:

A) Observable

B) Quantifiable

C) A and B

D) None of the above

C) A&B

A good example of an operationally-defined behavior:

A) John leaves his assigned seat during instruction without permission.

B) John wanders around.

C) John reads at the second grade level.

D) John has a "meltdown" when he is frustrated

A) John leaves his assigned seat during instruction without permission.

What is the major purpose of applied behavior analysis?

A) To provide a process of systematically applying specific principles to facilitate behavior change.

B) To provide a systematic means of determining whether changes in behavior may be attributed to the application of behavior principles.

C) A only

D) A and B

D) a and b

In the prompt component of Discrete Trial Training you should:

A) Administer as part of the antecedent.

B) Should be the least intrusive prompt that is effective.

C) Plan to fade the prompt systematically and probe occasionally to see if prompts have become unnecessary.

D) All of the above.

D ALL the above

It is important for a behavior to be operationally defined because

A) It ensures that the teacher is consistently observing the same behavior

B) It allows for confirmation by a third party

C) It facilitates continuity of instruction

D) All of the above

D All the above

Which of the following is NOT an instructional foundation that supports the RTI framework?

A) Differentiated instruction

B) General education teachers teaching everyone.

C) Universal design

D) Research-based teaching methods

B) General education teachers teaching everyone.

To write effective objectives, the teacher must

A) Broadly identify a target behavior for instruction

B) Define the instructional procedures for teaching

C) Refine broad generalizations into specific, observable, measurable objectives

D) B & C


refers to the tendency of a learned behavior to occur after programmed

contingencies have been withdrawn.

A) Response maintenance

B) Stimulus generalization

C) Acquisition

D) Response generalization

A) Response maintenance

The definition for a Mand is:

A) A verbal operant, to make a request

B) A verbal prompt provided by teacher to promote social interaction

C) An aversive procedure, the teacher says No loudly and looks away from the student

D) Directions provided by teacher to signal the beginning of a new teaching trial

A) A verbal operant, to make a request

When students escape from a task or environment by performing a problem behavior, that behavior is likely to be maintained by

positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement



negative reinforcement

Jack can’t learn because he has Fragile X Syndrome is an example of what explanation of behavior?

A) Biophysical explanation

B) Developmental explanation

C) Cognitive explanation

D) Behavioral explanation

Biophysical explanation

Which of the following is NOT a decision the RTI team needs to consider regarding data?

A) Data must be reviewed and understood.

B) Determining what data actually mean and what constitutes progress.

C) Determining which classroom a student will be assigned to.

D) Common agreement between what constitutes lack of progress and the need to move to

Determine which classroom a student will be assigned to

is a highly structured, usually one-on-one, adult-directed, approach based on ABA principles:


Social stories

Discrete Trial Teaching

Direct Instruction


Which of the following methods of treating students with autism has been found to be unsupported by research?

A) Sensory Integration Training

B) Using augmentative alternative communication devices

C) Discrete Trial Teaching

D) Direct Instruction

Sensory Integration Training

IDEA requires the RTI model be used specifically with which disabilities?

A) LD and ED

B) All disabilities

C) ED and OHI

D) LD and OHI

LD and ED

Effective programs for students with ASD are based upon:

The latest popular treatment

The unique needs and abilities of the individual student

The needs of the special education teacher

The use of assistive technology in the general education classroom

The unique needs and abilities of the individual student

Teachers and other school personnel must understand the process of RTI and be able to document efforts to improve student progress as required in

IDEA, NCLB and the Federal Regulations.

state laws and regulations.

local regulations.

school district policy.

IDEA, NCLB and the Federal Regulations.

A stimulus, or group of stimuli, that reliably set the occasion for a response is:

Positive reinforcement

Discriminative stimuli

An S-delta

Respondent conditioning

Discriminative stimuli

Effective curriculum-based instruction can be premised upon:

A) The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program

B) The Sensory Profile

C) The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills

D) A and C

A and C

Which is not an appropriate target behavior for an objective?

A) Understands the value of coins

B) Points to the correct response to a arithmetic problem

C) Increase the number of times a student raises her hand during a 30-minute lesson

D) Independently operates a microwave oven

Understands the value of coins

Behaviorist most often measure behavior changes in terms of_____.

A) Duration

B) Frequency

C) Topography

D) Ethnography


The goals of behavioral assessment do NOT include ____.

A) Defining the target behavior.

B) Identifying a suitable intervention

C) Identifying the psychological cause of problem behavior.

D) Identifying functional relations between the target behavior and its antecedents and consequences.

Identifying the psychological cause of problem behavior.

A good behaviorist knows how to ___.

A) Teach

B) Count

C) Advocate

D) Do statistical analysis


The behavior that is to be changed by an intervention is the ___.

A) Target behavior

B) Modal behavior

C) Operant Behavior

D) Symptomatic Behavior

Target behavior

Data are often recorded on a ___.

A) Tally sheet

B) Cheat sheet

C) Percentile sheet

D) Behavior sheet

Percentile Sheet

When parents or teachers react to problem behavior by offering a student various items or activities until the behavior stops, they risk maintaining the behavior through

A) positive reinforcement

B) negative reinforcement

C) extinction

D) punishment

Positive reinforcement

Data collected during the RTI process

A) may not be used during the special education evaluation process.

B) is the for the special education teacher’s use only.

C) may be used during the special education evaluation process.

D) is for the general education teacher’s use only.

may be used during the special education evaluation process.

Task Analysis is defined as:

A) A discrete behavior that may be exhibited at any time rather than in response to a particular stimulus.

B) Breaking skills down into sub skills or breaking content down into components so that the steps of learning are more accessible to the learner.

C) Taking advantage of a naturally occurring teaching opportunity in actual context where skills need to be used.

D) Basic subjects or skills that are used to learn academic content

Breaking skills down into sub skills or breaking content down into components so that the steps of learning are more accessible to the learner.

A student acquires a sequence of behaviors, all of which must be done in order to have access to a reinforcer. He has learned:

A) A fading procedure

B) A backward chain

C) A behavioral chain

D) A forward chain

A forward chain

A backward chaining procedure is used to teach a student to remove her coat:

A) Presenting the whole task on each occasion

B) Beginning with the last step first for instruction

C) Beginning with the first step only for instruction

D) Using a combination of the above three methods

Beginning with the last step first for instruction

The three basic steps of a curriculum development process include:

A) Determine where you want to end up.

B) Determine where you are now.

C) Analyze the discrepancy between the two points in terms of a plan of action.

D) All of the above.

all the above

Incidental teaching can facilitate generalization of communicative skills by:

a.Conducting training casually throughout the child’s day that incorporates multiple examples and stimuli.

b.Gradually increasing the stimulus-response interval

c.Allowing the teacher to set-up artificial environments exactly the way he/she feels the natural environment would be.

d.Employing a 1-to-1 ratio during correspondence training.

Conducting training casually throughout the child’s day that incorporates multiple examples and stimuli.

Mary’s teacher has told the behavior analyst that he feels Mary is engaging in stimulus generalization. Which of the following is most likely- Mary

Is responding the same way in new situations

Her teacher taught Gloria to correctly name five pictures of animals. One was a tiger. The following weekend Gloria went to the zoo with her family and said "tiger" as soon as she saw the live tiger. Which of the following best describes the situation?

A) Stimulus generalization

B) Response generalization

C) Errorless learning

D) None of the above

Response generalization

Four-year-old Krystal has been taught in a variety of situations to pour things out of a container. Her mother now complains that Krystal repeatedly tries to pour shampoo, conditioners, and moisturizer on the living room carpet. This situation best illustrates:

A typical outcome of the train-and-hope strategy

Krystal’s introduction to natural contingencies

A sufficient exemplar

A disadvantage of generalization training

A disadvantage of generalization training

The best solution to Krystal’s problem behavior would be:

A good spanking

Discrimination training

Response induction

Response deduction

Discrimination training

From a behavioral point of view, which one of the following is the most important reason to avoid depending on food as a primary source of reinforcement?

a.Candy causes cavities

b.Foods are instable reinforcers because they are subject to the influence of motivating operations

c.Food reinforcers are not the natural consequences for many of the behaviors we teach, such as spelling one’s name

None of the above

Foods are instable reinforcers because they are subject to the influence of motivating operations

Reinforcers that are natural to an individual are a better choice than artificial reinforcers. From the following, choose the answer that clearly supports this statement:

Natural reinforcers are part of the individual’s environment so that they are always reinforcing

Because of their unobtrusive nature you can successfully identify and use them with all individuals

They provide an already present or natural form of unobtrusive reinforcement in that situation

None of the above

They provide an already present or natural form of unobtrusive reinforcement in that situation

A common strategy for delivering early intensive behavioral intervention is referred to as:

Behavior management

Developmental teaching

Discrete Trial Teaching

Behavior analysis

Discrete Trial Teaching

When prompting is used by the teacher:

a.Reinforcers are not to be used.

b.The "heaviest" prompt is always used.

c.Reinforcement occurs as if prompts had not been used.

d.The prompt is delivered following a ten-second interval.

Reinforcement occurs as if prompts had not been used.

Gradual removing of prompts is known as


Backward chaining


All of the above

all the ab

A task analysis should be used when

a.The need exist to systematically introduce various prompts

b.A teacher wants to decrease a student’s inappropriate behaviors

c.A teacher wants a student to acquire a complex behavioral chain

d.all of the above

c.A teacher wants a student to acquire a complex behavioral chain

What is most often used in the classroom to decrease behaviors that are being maintained by teacher attention?

Positive reinforcement

Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors

Noncontingent reinforcement


Noncontingent reinforcement

Which of the following does NOT refer to the characteristics of tier three RTI interventions?

a.Students receive special education services.

b.Typically delivered by specialists.

c.Often delivered in very small groups or one-on-one.

d.Progress is meticulously measured via progress monitoring tools.

b.Typically delivered by specialists.

) Which of the following does not refer to the characteristics of tier two RTI?

B Typically delivered by specialists