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37 Cards in this Set

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Developed the theory that different social classes use specific types of language and this can explain differential educational achievementBernstein does recognise that other factors affect achievement within school (internal factors)

Elaborated code

associated with m/c. wider vocab, more grammatically complex, speech varied, analytical, context free

Restricted code

associated with w/c. Limited vocab, grammatically simple, predictable, descriptive, context bound

What does Bernstein say about speech code for working class?

Working class lack code in which schooling takes place.-feel excluded-less successful

What does Bernstein state in the school?

He is a cultural deprivation theorist as he describes working class speech as inadequate

What do critics argue about Bernstein?

He is a cultural deprivation theorist as he describes working class speech as inadequate

What do cultural deprivation theorists state about attitudes and values?

Parents attitudes are key in affecting educational achievement

Compensatory education

Programs such as operation head start help deprived areas get a head start at school.

E.g sesame street

The myth of cultural deprivation

Nell Keddie sees it as victim blaming and that it isn't just external factors that affect educational achievement.

Intellectual development

WC home lack books,educational toys and activities like trips to help children's intellectual development

JWB Douglas

WC scored lower tests of ability than MC because WC were less likely to support child's intellectual development through reading and activities at home.


(1998)WC parents lack of interest is the main reason for under achievement.


A group that has different attitudes and values to mainstream culture


4 subcultures



immediate gratification

present time orientation


Belief that whatever will be will be or your destiny has been made already


Value being part of a group more than succeeding individually

Immediate gratification

Seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get reward in future

Present time orientation

Seeing present more important than the future not having long term goals or plans

Self-fulfilling prophecy

It is predicting or expecting something from someone coming true because the person believes it


Defining or categorizing an individual or group in a stereotypical way


Pupils are separated into different ability classes for all subjects based on ability.

External factors

Things that affect a child's academic development outside of school

Internal factors

Things that affect a child's academic development within school

Material deprivation

A lack of material things e.g books,computers,poor housing.

Parental Education - Feinstein

Parents education most important factor determining educational success. This is true regardless of social class or income.

Parenting Style - Educated parents

higher expectations, more discipline, support learning.

Parenting Style - Less educated parents

harsh and inconsistent - doesn't encourage independence or self control - leads to w/c children having trouble at school e.g. teacher relations, motivation


Everyone has the equal opportunity to achieve. Rewards are based on ability and effort

Cultural capital

the language, expression, social skills, specific forms of cultural knowledge which middle class parents pass on to their children.

Cultural Capital theory

Combines aspects of both cultural and material explanations.

What do critics argue about Bernstein?

He is a cultural deprivation theorist as he describes working class speech as inadequate

How are values passed?

Through primary socialisation.-Middle class adequately equip for success-Working class fail to

What does keddie say about myth of cultural deprivation?

failure shouldn't be blamed on culturally deprived background -fail because education system is dominated by middle class

University and social class

Callender and Jackson (2005) w/c students more likely to see debt negatively.

Effects of diet and health on educational achievement

Howard (2001) kids from poorer homes have a lower intake of energy, vitamins and minerals. Wilkinson (1999) kids from poorer backgrounds are more likely to have emotional/ behavioural problems. Blanden and Machin (2007) found children from poorer backgrounds more likely to engage in fights or temper tantrums.

Criticisms - Blackstone and Mortimore

reject view that w/c parents don't care about their children's education - just more likely to have jobs which do not allow them to visit/contact schools so frequently. May want to help children progress but lack knowledge to do so.

Criticisms - Keddie

It's not that w/c are culturally deprived - it stems from the fact that their culture is not valued by a middle-class dominated education system