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24 Cards in this Set

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interactional vandalism
Duneier and Molotch: Mudrik: black male and caucasian female street interactions.
Unfocused and focused interaction
Goffman: unfocused: individuals exhibit mutual awareness of another- large groups of people, present in facial and physical gestures.
Focused: individuals directly attend to what others say or do.
Social constructionism
what society perceives and understand as reality is a creation of social interactions.
"Social construction of reality"
Berger and Luckmann: examination of "common sense". Obvious facts of social reality differ among different cultures.
Secondary groups
Large impersonal groups to achieve a certain goal.``
Cooley: concern: loss of intimacy but create more individuality
Simmel: As groups increase it creates more outlets within the group
Social Networks
Connections that link a person or a group with others.
Women: less connections then men in job market.
Internet: rapid communication- global reach. Less about appearance, more about commonalities.
Lower income and elderly: difficult accessing internet, decrease in networks
Biological: criminals as biologically defective. Heredity. 3 main types of human physique: muscular active bodies.
Psychological:criminality associated with certain personalities. in jail possess a certain personality. Psychopaths.
Sociological: connection between conformity and deviance. Groups or subcultures
Control Theory
crime occurs from an imbalance toward criminal actions and social/ physical control.
Hirschi: 4 types of social control bonds: Attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Unable to break free from rules
Ecstacy vs. Prozac
ecstacy not socially excepted, deemed by lawmakers as bad. Both drugs help overcome emotional inhabitions. Medically used in other countries.
sociology of the body 21st C
society affects how we perceive our bodies. Affected by social influences. Eating disorders.
The sick role
Parson: 3 pillars sick person adopts to minimize the disruption from illness.
1. sick person isn't responsible for illness.
2. Sick person entitled of withdrawal from responsibilities at regaining health from a medical expert.
Symbolic interactionists: study of illness and health
how people experience being ill and the illness of others.
Corbin and Strauss: 3 types of work: organize their daily lives while being chronically ill.
Illness work: managing their condition.
Everyday work: management of daily life.
Biographical work; incorporating one's illness into daily life.
Global AIDs and socialization of nature
what was once natural or given in nature now depends on social decisions. AIDs is a social problem. 3rd world countries- medication and prevention. America supplied with correct drugs, 3rd world not affordable.
World Trade question:
Sociological imagination: consider situation outside of personal point of view- other person's shoes.
Bin Laden hierarchical structure, not random events.
global affects: world trade center workers not associated themselves with afghanistan.
Sociological perspective:
not just facts but able to look at the broader view- Sociological imagination- look at situations anew- set aside preconceptions
Sociology of shoes
shoes, created in other parts of the country, possibly 3rd world, sweatshops, wearing shoes affects child labor, market trends.
global perspective
Relationship b/w local and global: globalization: interdependence of world growth. Connect local and global through technology, communication and interaction. Personal affects: global awareness- poverty and helping others.
abstract interpretations that can be used to explain a wide variety of situations. how and why things occur. Theories need to be tested by facts. Need facts to explain and validate research
4 ways sociology can make a difference in your world
1.Viewing the social world from many perspectives- better understanding of others.
2. practical help in assessing results of policy initiatives.
3. self enlightenment- increased self understanding.
4. assist professionally.
keeping values and norms in society shared by a group. Does not promote change but rather constant traditions. What the group believes is "right"
Hip hop: Globalization
Hip hop artists and fans sample characteristics of subcultures that are foreign to them. Global form. cultural diversity: Wide range of influence on other cultures: ideas and styles of the music.
Homogenization of culture
Kuwait: influence of the internet and western culture. Just because western countries respond to technology a certain way does not mean Kuwait will respond in an equal way.
Global unification: main languages, common markets, technology.
children develop awareness of social norms and values and achieve a distinct sense of self. Peter Pan
Gender: innate or learned?
Freud: possession or absence of a penis.
Chodorow: connection with mother. Boys forced to break close bond, girls encouraged to remain attached; men more independent.