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45 Cards in this Set

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5 traits that Daniel Bell attributed to Post-Industrial societies

1. An information explosion.

2. Extensive trade among nations.

3. A large surplus of goods.

4. A large service sector that most work in.

5. A wide variety and amount of goods available to the average person.

5 functions of family

1. Regulation of sexual behavior.

2. Replacement of members from generation through reproduction.

3. Care and protection of children, infirm, and the elderly.

4. Socialization of children.

5. Economic security provided by the family as the basic unit of economic production and consumption.

5 functions of educational institutions

1. Providing preparation for occupational roles.

2. Serving as a vehicle for the transmission of cultural heritage.

3. Acquainting individuals with various roles in society.

4. Preparing individuals for certain expected social roles.

5. Promoting change through involvement in scientific research.

Bureaucratic authority is another name for...

Rational-legal authority

Rational-legal authority

Based on written rules. Derived from the position an individual holds, not from the person


A system of government in which decision-making is vested in a small group of people.

How can you determine if someone will vote?

The degree to which they believe they have a stake in the political process.

Karl Marx definition of profit

The excess value of a product that is withheld from workers.

Sociological definition of family

2 or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Functionalist view of incest taboo

They believe it helps by facilitating the socialization of children and it helps to avoid role confusion


The greatest single influence of marital homogamy.

Spatial nearness

The most highly predictable social channels in the choice of marriage partner in the US...

Age, race, education, class, and religion

Melvin Kohn's discovery while studying families...

Parents socialize their children based on the norms of their work environment.

2 components of romantic love

1. Emotional

2. Cognitive

What belief did the industrial revolution create?

That formal education was essential to the well being of society.

Credential society

When employers use diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs, even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work

Cultural transmission of value

The process by which schools pass a society's core values from one generation to the next

Studying religion

Sociologists cannot empirically study religion because religion is a matter of faith that is beyond objective evaluation.


Durkheim's word for common elements of everyday life


A new or different religion at odds with the dominant culture and religion.

Sociological significance of early development of surplus and trade...

They fostered social inequality


Children with disabilities are integrated in regular social activities


Determining which occupation is another function, which is supported by tracking students into particular curricula


Generic term for a man/woman having more than 1 spouse


Man with more than 1 wife


Wide with more than 1 husband


Marrying within ones own group


Marrying outside of ones own group.

Incest taboo

Prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives.


Tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another


18% of 25-29 year olds are living with their parents. Face issues with their parents between independent and dependent.


Government headed by a king or queen

Traditional authority

Based on customs. Prevalent in tribal groups where customs determine relationships.

Charismatic authority

Based on an individual's personal following. This type of leader works outside the established political system and may threaten established order.


Government whose authority derives from the people


Government where power is seized and held by an individual.

Voter apathy

Indifference/inaction to the political process

Gender gap

Men are more likely Republican and women democrats


The diffusion of power among many special interest groups


Our system for producing goods and services

3 essential features of socialism

1. Public ownership of the means of production

2. Central planning

3. Distribution of goods without a profit motive

3 essential features of capitalism

1. Private ownership of the means of production

2. Market competition

3. Pursuit of profit

2 factors associated with higher quality of child care

1. Fewer children per staff worker.

2. Staff training in early childhood development.


Adults living together in a sexual relationship without being married. 12 times more common than in the 70s

6 reasons functionalists believe religion is universal

1. Answers questions about the ultimate meaning

2. Provides emotional comfort

3. Unites believers into a community that shares values and perspectives.

4. Provides guidelines for life

5. Provides social control and support for the government

6. Spearheads social change on occasion.