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68 Cards in this Set

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systematic study of human behavior.
Social Conflict Theory -
states that society is an area of inequality, producing conflict & change.
Four Research Methods -
participant observation
existing sources
statement about how & why things are related.
manifest functions -
the recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern.
latent functions -
the unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social patterns.
culture -
the beliefs, values., and behaviors and material objects together form a people's way of life.
symbols -
anything that carries a particular meaning categorized by ppl who share the same culture.
language -
system of symbols that allows ppl to communicate with one another.
values -
culturally defined standards that ppl use to decide wat is desirable, good, and beautiful broad guidelines 4 social living.
norms -
rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of it's member.
beliefs -
specific ideas that ppl hold to be true.
mores -
high moral value.
folkways -
little/moral value.
"ethnocentrism" -
cultural relativism
the act of judging another culture by the values of that culture.
"cultural relativism" -
judging another culture by the values of that culture.
socialization -
the lifelong social experiences (cradle --> grave) develop our human potential and learn culture.
personality -
every person's unique, and fairly consistent patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.
"Prescriptive" -
do it.
"Proscriptive" -
don't do it.
wearing a black suit to a Thailand funeral, when they wear white in mourning would be a ...
"proscriptive folkway"
the dominance of European cultural patterns.
"multiculturalism" -
is a perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the US and promoting equal standing for all the cultural traditions.
Nature -
Nuture -
- born with it, ascribed, Biology.

- picked up along the way, achieved, culture debate.
(Social Structures)
Hunting Gathering society -
nomads, moving around
(Social Structures)
Agrarian/Hortialcultural/Paostral societies -
settling down next to bodies of water. Social institutions took place.
(Social Structures)
Industrial Societies -
important change producing structure. Machines.
(Social Structures)
Post-Industrial Society -
we live today, high technology information.
Sigmund Freud -
the most studied celebrated theorist about conflict. Cradle ---> grave
four sociologists
Auguste Comte
Emilie Durkhelm
Karl Marx
Max Weber
Auguste Comte -
structural-functional approach.
Emilie Durkhelm -
study suicide.
Karl Marx -
social conflict theory.
Max Weber -
father of social economic status.
mean -
arithmetic avg. of a group of scores
median -
middle score # , when a group of #s are arranged from highest to lowest.
mode -
score that occurs most frequently of a group of #s

12141810 = 1 is the mode.
Sigmund Freud -
conflict/subconscious, human personality has 3 parts.
ID :
ego :
superego :
basic drives & instincts (sex, survival)

attempt to reconcile id + super ego.

presence of culture norms.
Freud "True Facts" :
human internalize culture norms (rules).

our childhood experience has lasting effect.
Freud -
agree that his theory is sexual bias culture that males are more dominant then females.
Erik Erikson -
8 stages of development, age realted stages at each stage a significant challenge is met.
Erikson's first three stages of development -
St. 1:(Birth-2 1/2 yr), trust vs. mistrust.
St. 2:(2 1/2 yr - 6 yr), autonomy vs. doubted shame.
St. 3: (Old Age) - integrity vs. despair
Jean Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development -
1. Sensory-motor stage (5 senses)
2. Pre-operational stage (symbols, language)
3. concrete-operational stage (casual connections)
4. formal operational stage (abstract thought)
biological maturation + social interaction = ability to shape my world.
nature vs. nuture -
Biology vs. culture -
ascribed vs. achieved
concern the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities versus personal experiences in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits.
4 agents of socialization -
*Family - primary female.
School - socializing similar ideas.
Peers - 14-15 parents are stupid.
Mass Media - influence of TV.
social interaction -
is the process by which people act and react in relation to others.
status -
a social position that one holds.
status set -
to all the statuses a person holds at any time.
ascribed status -
receives at birth or takes on involuntarily.
achieved status -
a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal ability & effort.
master status -
a status that has special importance often shaping a person's entire life (social identity).
role -
behavior expected of some one who holds a particular status.
role set -
2 or more behaviors attached to a status.

Parent = status
feeding, protecting = role
role conflict -
a conflict among the roles corresponding to two or more statuses.
role strain -
the stress experienced by an individual when unsuitavle behavior, expectations associated with a single role.
role exit -
when we disengage from a role.
social construction of reality -
is the process by which individuals creatively shape reality through social interactions.
Thomas theorem -
situations that we define real become real in its consequences.
ethnomethodology -
the study of the way people make sense of their everyday lives. (Harold Garfinkel)
Dramaturgical Analysis -
the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance. (Erving Goffman).
Presentation of Self:
Non-verbal communication
personal space
Presentation of self -
every effort we make to create specific impressions in the minds of others. (job interview)
non-verbal communication -
communicating using body movements, gestures, and other expression, rather than speech.
6 emotions -
only people who don't experience these 6 emotions -
Traumatic brain injury
culture specifics -
is wat triggers, valued are emotions