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75 Cards in this Set

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the systematic study human society and social interactions.
is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominnant culural expectations.
___________ helps us look beyond our personal experiences and gain insight into or world .
global interdependence
a relationship in which the lives of all people are intertwined closely and any one nation's problem's are part of a larger global problem.
The two ways that Sociology help us better understand ourselves are...
It enables us 1) to see how behavior is largely shaped by the groups we belong to and society we live and 2.)it allows us to gain new insights into ourselves and to develop a greater awareness of the connection between our world and other people's.
Commonsense interdependence
guides ordinary conduct in everyday life.
is a popular but false notion
What do sociologists attempt to do?
to discover patterns or commonalities in human behavior.
Sociological imagination
the abiity to see beyond ourselves and the world
Who discovered the term sociological imagination?
C.Wright Mills
What does the sociological imagination help us distiquish?
between personal troubles and social issues
Personal troubles
are private problems that affect the indiviual and the network of people they interact with
Public issues
problems that affect large numbers of people
High Income countries
are nations with hightly industrialized economies technologically advanced industruial, administrative, and service occupations;and mostly high levels of national and personal income.
Middle income countries
are nations with industrializing economics,particualry in urban areas, and moderate levels of nation and personal income.
What is an example of a high income country?
United States,Canada,Austrilia,New Zealand,Japan,and the countries of Western Europe.
What type of country has a high standard or living and a lower dealth rate.
High income countries
What is an example of a middle imcome country?
The nations of Eastern Europe,and many latian american countries.
Low income countries
are primarly agrarian nations with little industriazation and low levels of national and personal income.
What is an example of a low income country?
Many nations of Africa and Asi,Particialy the People's Republic of China and India.
is a term used by many people to specify groups of people distinguished by physical characteristics
refers to the cultural heritage or idenity of a group and is based pn factors such as language or country of origin.
refers to the anatomical differences between females and males.
refers to the ,eaning and beliefs,and practices associated with sex differences,referred to as femininity and masculinity.
the ability to provide theroy and research beyond one's own country enveloping countries all over the world
is the relative location of a person or group within the larger society,based on wealth,power,prestige,orother valued resources.
What are the three origins of sociological thinking?
*The enlightment
What was the place called that was an open house to stimulate discussion and intellectual debate where women allowed
In France what was the enlightenment referred to as?
Age of Reason
is the process by whichi societies are transformed from dependence on agriculture and handmade products to an emphasis on manufacturing and related industries.
is a process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cites rathers then rural areas.
Which early sociological thinkers was french?
Auguste Comte
Who was Comte's Mentor
Saint Simon
Who coined the term sociology?
Auguste Comte
Who was the father of Sociology?
Auguste Comte
What did Comte want to originally call Sociology?
Social Physics
a belief that the world can be best understood through scientific inquiry.
Comte's philosophy became know as what?
According to Comte law of three stages.he believed that knowlege began in the ______ stage.
Who translated and condensed Comte's work?
Harriet Martineau
Who wrote Society in America?
Harriet Martineau
Who was the mother of sociology?
Harriet Martineau
What was Herbert Spencer's major contribution?
was an evoluntionary perspective on social order and social change.
Who coined the term survial of the fittest
Herbert Spencer
Social Darwinism
the belief that those species animals best adapt to their enviroment surive and proper,whereas those that don't adapt die out.
Social Facts
are patterened ways of acting,thinking,and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person.
Who said that "suicide is not inherited but that it is a social factor.
Emilie Durkheim
a condition in which social control becomes ineffective as a result of the loss of shared values and of a sense of purpose in society.
Who was the father of modern sociology?
Emilie Durkheim
Who believe that conflict ,especially class conflict is necessary in order to produce social change and a better society.
Karl Marx
Class Conflict
is the struggle between the capitalist class and the working class.
complete understanding
the process by which the modern world has come to be increasingly dominateeby stuctures devoted to effiency,calculabiblty, predictability, and technological control.
Who wrote The philosohy of Money a famous work on consuerism?
Georg Simmel
What schools has the first department of Sociology?
University of Chicago and Alanta University
Who founded the American Sociology Association
Lester Ward
What is significant about Jane Addams?
She won a nobel peace prize.
How did Jane Addams help the underprivileged?
She developed settlement houses.
What was a settlement home?
It was to help immigrants intergrate into society
What are the four main contrabutions that W.E.B Du Bois made?
-Founded 2nd Sociology department
-Reinterated Social Darwism
-coined the term double consciousness idenity
-found naacp
what is double consciousness mean?
the idenity conflict of being a certain race and a nationality
ex:black and american
a set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to describle,explain, and (occasionally)predict social events.
functionalist perspective
are based on the assumption that society is a stable,orderly system.
According to a functionalist perspective
a society is made of intergrated parts that fuctions together to form a society
What is ethonomethodogly
the study of common folks
manifest fuctions are
are functions that are ovious or intendented
Lanent functions
are functions that are not ovious
is an undesirable consequence of any element of a society.
Conflict perspectives
groups in society are engaged in a continnuous power stuggle for control of scarce resources.
Who are the four conflict theoryis?
Simmel,Marx,Mills,and Weber.
The Feminist Approch
directs atention to women's experiances and the importance of gender as an element of social structure.
Marco analysis
examines whole societies and large scale social structures and social systems
Micro Analysis
foucesses on smaller groups
Symbolic interactionist perspective
society is the sum of the interactions of indiviuals and groups.
Post modern perspectives
existing therories have unsucessful in explaining social life in contemporary socieites that are characterized by postindustriaztion, consureriism and global comunication which bring into question the exsisting assumption about social life and nature of reality.