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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the longest river in the world
The Nile River
Hoe did the Nile River help the Egyptian people?
They used it for water to drink and for their crops. It was also used for transportation.
When did the Egyptians figure out that the Nile always flooded?
Every year between May and September
How did understanding the flooding cycles of the Nile help people to thrive?
The Egyptians used the calendar and observations about the sun and moon to decide when the Nile River would flood. So, it helped them plan their crops.
What made the calendars so important to the Egyptians?
it allowed them to track the number of days between the flooding cycles.
Who were the kings who unified the two kingdoms of Egypt?
The king of Upper Egypt and the King of Lower Egypt.
Describe the Egyptian Religion
The Egyptians were politheistic and they believed that the King was a GodKing they called him a pharoah
What led to the knowledge of decoding heiroglyphics
The Rosetta Stone
What made the Egyptian economy so prosperous?
What did the farmers do while the Nile was flooding?
They worked on the pyramids
How were ancient Sumerians and Egyptians similar
1 both used irrigation
2 both worshipped many gods
3 both believed in the afterlife
4 both built pyramids
How is the land in Nubia different from the land in Egypt?
1 the land in Nubia was rockier
2 farmers had to use sturdier farming tools in Nubia
3 they built irrigation canals
Describe 3 things about the Nubians?``
1 Their kingdom was south of Egypt
2 Had tall cliffs of granite rock
3 had their own written language named Meroitic
Why did the Egyptians want granite blocks?
They used them to build the pyramids
How was Kush affected byh the Egyptian invasion?
The Egyptians set up trade and military posts to protect the resources the Egyptians wanted
How did the relationship between the Egyptians and Nubians change?
At first they were trading partners but later they were rivals
Write 3 facts that you would include in the description of the Nile River
1 it brought life to the people who lived near it
2 it was used for transportation
3 it was used for fresh water
How wer Egyptian pharoahs bodies prepared for the aftelife? Why was this done?
They were preserved in a process called mummification. This was done because they believed that the afterlife was more important than life on earth.
Describe the social class structure that developed in Egypt during the Middle Kingdom
The middle class emerged with merchants and craftspeople. Before this there were only two classes, farmers and pharoahs.
Compare the role of women in Egyptian and Sumerian civilization.
Both could inherit land and handle business transactions.
What are two reasons why Egypt grew during the Middle KingdoM
1 farming improved
2 trade expanded