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104 Cards in this Set

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What was European colonialism motivated by?
Trade and adventure, power and profit, idealism and national patriotism.
What did these nations also believe they had?
"civilizing mission" toward nonwhite populations.
What did the industrial revolution generate?
a need for markets and manufactured goods and new sources of raw materials.
What answered these needs?
what is imperialism?from the political affairs of other countries
the policy of establishing colonies and building empires
What is isolationism?
separation from the political affairs of other countries.
who established the isolationism policy?
George washington in his farewell address, he warned against all entangling alliances
What did the monroe document emphasize?
the UNited state`s desire to keep the americans separated from Europe
What was another factor factor affecting American foreighn policy?
the Declaration of Independence_the idea that people had the right to govern themselves.
When did European control of parts of North America byt France and Russia end?
in the 1860s
what did the united states challenge?
a french expansion effort in 1861 and bought russian territoy in1867.
Who was Mexicos reform government under?
Benito Juarez
exain what Benito Juarez did.
he made mexicos reform government stop paying its foreighn debts.
what did French, Spanish and British troops do because of this?
they entered the country to force payment.
what happened after the debts were collected?
Spain and Britain left but the french remained and quickly occupied Mexico City
who was Napolean the third?>
A French emperor who overthrew the Republic of mexico.
What did Napolean do in 1864?
He installed the Austrian prince maximillian as Mexico`s emperor.
How did tthe united states react to mazimillian becoming Mexicos empreor?
they protested! and senttt nearly 50,000 troops to the border of rio grande!
what did napoleans forces doo because of this?
Then, what did the little mexicanos doooo?!
they prompltly defeated maximillians army and executed Maximillian.
How did the United states prove its willingness?
to back the Monroe document with force.
WHO WAS william H. Seward?
secretary of state that believed in maanifest destiny
What did william h seward envisionize?
a great empire and wanted to annex canada, hawaii and several carribean islands.
what was sewatrds only major achievment ?
The purcahase of alaska in 1867
who was the undeveloped territory, twice the size of texas, held by?
What did the czar see in Alaska?
very little value.
Whatr happened in 1867 when the russiaan czar wanted to sell alaska?
seward jumped at the chance!
what happened within a few hours?
Sewaard arranged a treaty in which the United states would buy Alaska for $7.2 million -less than two cents an acre.
what happened after four months of selling the idea to congress?
the transaction was completed/
what was the united states like at one time?
it had little need to look beyond its own borders for growth.
name two facts about the old us,
raw materials were abundadnt, and the home market was immense.
What was the US like by the 1890s?
the country had developed into a great industrial nation, and was able to compete with European prodicers.
Who was James G. Blaine?
secretary of state under Presidents Garfield and Harrison.
what did Blaine want to do?
To open up new markets, not by taking on colonies , but by increasing American trade through reciprocity.
What is reciprocity?
the mutual lowering if tariff barriers.
What did Blaine try to do without much success?
to include reciprocity provisions in the Mckinley tariff of 1890.
Whaat was he then able to do?
to chair a Pan-American Congress in washington D. C, in 1889!
What was the goal of the Pan- American Union?
to promote economic cooperation and trade among the Americas.
Why was successs limited?
because the United States intervened, often forcibly in Latin American affairs.
When did american missionaries and trders first venture to hawaii ?
in the earlky 1800`s
who followed after?
American sugar growers
What happened by the 1890`s?
Hawaii was closely connected to the united states thru commerence and the many Americans living there.
Did many nationalities live in hawaii?
when were many native Hawaiin rulers controllled by the american Buissness leaders until?
until the hawaiin Queen liliuokalani came into power in 1891
What was she determined to do?
return control to her own people.
What did some American Buissness leaders do in response?
with the help of the marines from the cruiser BOSTON, took over the government
what didt he american minister to hawaii write the department of state?
that hawaii was ready to annex
How did president Cleveland feel about this?
he disagreed
what did he decide?
that the use of American troops to overthrow the Hawaiin Government was a violation on "national Honesty"
what did Cleveland do despite criticism?
he withdrew american solidiers from Hawaii.
What did Cleveland also try to do, but failed?
to oust the revolutionary provisional government and put Liluokalani back on her throne.
After the civil war how did the US appear?
ready to take a position among the powers of the world.
What did the US do twice?
forced britain to Submit to arbitration.
what is arbitration?
The settlement of a dispute by an impartial group
Who was charles Summer?
head of the foreighn relations committee.
What did Charles summer do?
claimed that Great Britain owed the Us more than $2 billioin in damages for allowing Confederate ships to use Brittish ports during the Civil war.
what would happen if the British would not pay?
Senator Summer declared, the United STates should take Brittish controlled Canada.
in 1871 what did SEcretary of State Hamilton Fish arrange for?
what did the British then do?
they did not want to risk war in Canada and feared that a hostile US might supply britains enemys with war ships.
Then what did the us do?
they backed down on its demand for "indirect damages"
What did Cleveland also try to do, but failed?
to oust the revolutionary provisional government and put Liluokalani back on her throne.
After the civil war how did the US appear?
ready to take a position among the powers of the world.
What did the US do twice?
forced britain to Submit to arbitration.
what is arbitration?
The settlement of a dispute by an impartial group
Who was charles Summer?
head of the foreighn relations committee.
What did Charles summer do?
claimed that Great Britain owed the Us more than $2 billioin in damages for allowing Confederate ships to use Brittish ports during the Civil war.
what would happen if the British would not pay?
Senator Summer declared, the United STates should take Brittish controlled Canada.
in 1871 what did SEcretary of State Hamilton Fish arrange for?
what did the British then do?
they did not want to risk war in Canada and feared that a hostile US might supply britains enemys with war ships.
Then what did the us do?
they backed down on its demand for "indirect damages"
What was the US awarded in the treaty of Washington?
$15.5 million, which Britain paid.
what did president cleveland request?
The British put a long standing Venezuela-British Guinea boundary dispute to arbitration.
what happened in JUly 1895?
Secretary of state Richard Olney wrote the Brittish Gobvernment that there refusal to arbitrate violated the Monroe doctrine
What did richard olney warn?
" the United States is practically sovereign on this continent and its fiat is law upon the subjects to which it confines its interposition"
How did Britain answer?
that the monroe doctrine had no standing in international law and did not apply to the situation.
What did President Cleveland do when he was aware of the possibility of war?
he asked congress for authurization to appoint a commission to determine the boundary without consulting Britain.
How did Americans respond?
with excitement, but Britain thought it "monstrous and insulting"
What happened for a few days?
war seemed like a strong possibility
What did the British government then do?
they backed down
What happened early in January 1896?
Britains attention was diverted from venezuela by a dispute with Germany involving South Africa
how did britain try to improve relations with the united states?
Britain agreed to arbitration
how did the boundary settlement turn out?
it turned out in Britains favor and a new era of angelo american understanding emerged
what did the Venezualen crisis call attention to?
the fact that the United States had onlyy 3 modern battleships
what did the crisis also do?
popularized the writings of American Naval officer Alfred Mahan.
What did mahan believe?
as america developed its industry, the nation should look outward.
What had great nations of the past done?
Built up foreighn markets, expanded there merchant fleets, constructed navies to protect their commernce, and planted colonies.
what did Mahan argue?
that a modern nation needed sea power in order to become great
what rising americcan leaders did Mahan influence?
WHat did mahan do?
helped to shape united states naval policy
what is the refusal to take sides?
who was John Hay?
the secretary of state, who said, "a splendid little war"
What is an anarchist?
one who opppses all forms of government.
What does partitioned mean?
being divided into two or more territoreal units having separate political status.
What is a sphere of influence?
an area in China during the late 1800s where trade was controlled by foreighn power.
what is an indemnity?
security or protection against hurt, loss, or damage:exemption from incurred penalties or liabilities.
what is a collary?
in addition to; in this case Roosevelt added in addition to the Monroe Doctine.
what is imperialism?
the policy of establishing colonies and building empires.the act of creating an empire by dominating other nations.
what is isolationism???
policy or behalf that a nation should limit its alliances and involvment in international political and economic affairs. or separation from the political affairs in other countriies.
What is reciprocity?
the mutual lowering of tariff barrierrs; recognition by one of the two countries of the validity of privelages granted by the other.
what is arbitration?
the settlement of a dispute by an impartial group. hearing and resolution of a dissagreement between two parties thru an impartial third party.
what is neutrality?
the refusal to take sides
What is the Maine?
the united states battleship anchored off the cuban capital, that exploded killing 260 crew members.
What is the Cuban capital?
What became the battle cry thruout the US?
remember the Maine!