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13 Cards in this Set

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Boston Tea Party
a protest against the Tea Act in which a group of colonists snuck onto British tea ships dressed as Indians and dumped tea into the Boston harbor.
Townshend Acts
Parliament passed a law with a place duties on paint, glass, lead ,and tea. Then they allowed red coats to search homes for smuggled goods.
Boston Massacre
an incident in which British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists killing five the colonists that were unarmed.
Samuel Adams
a local leader that believed Parliament could not tax colonists without the colonists permission.
Lexington and Concord
a secret plan by the British general taking place at night so they could capture colonial leaders such as Sam Adams which took place in Lexington then they went to Concord for gun powder .
Stamp Act of 1765
the French and Indian War had caused national debt this caused Britain to tax colonists to pay for the debt.
to not purchase or buy anymore
the act of abrogating an official cancellation
a military force to supplement of regular army in an emergency.
Committees of Correspondence
the Committees of the towns in colonies get together and discuss the ideas of ways to challenge British laws.
a local militia who got ready to fight at a minuets notice.
First Continental Congress
a meeting at which all the governors of all the colonies met to solve concerns or problems peacefully
Second Continental Congress
a second group of delegates from the colonies this was a first attempt at a republican government