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72 Cards in this Set

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Enumerated grounds

Equality examples given in the charter an

Analogous grounds

Characteristics that people cannot change or are only changeable at costs to personal identity

TRC: 94 calls to action

Redress the legacy of residential schools as well as other colonial harms and advance Canadian reconciliation

Issue with RCMP and MMIWG:

- victim blaming

- overlook how marginalization can contribute to lateral violence

Define lateral violence

Violence directed sideways at peers instead of at oppressing groups

Define othering:

Labeling and treating individuals/groups as different and inferior from the dominant group

Consequences of colonialism:

1. Creation of under development and economic dependence

2. Addiction

3. Income inequality

4. High unemployment

5. Poor housing

6. Low education levels

7. Family violence

Consequences of colonialism:

1. Creation of under development and economic dependence

2. Addiction

3. Income inequality

4. High unemployment

5. Poor housing

6. Low education levels

7. Family violence

Inter generational trauma

Shared trauma passed down through generations

Consequences of colonialism:

1. Creation of under development and economic dependence

2. Addiction

3. Income inequality

4. High unemployment

5. Poor housing

6. Low education levels

7. Family violence

Inter generational trauma

Shared trauma passed down through generations

Inter generational resilience

The passing of positive self identity and strength between generations

4 ACS of indigenous historical trauma

1. Colonial in origin

2. Cross generational impacts

3. Cumulative effects

4. Collectively experienced

4 ACS of indigenous historical trauma

1. Colonial in origin

2. Cross generational impacts

3. Cumulative effects

4. Collectively experienced

Define absolute poverty

Difficult satisfying basic needs

4 ACS of indigenous historical trauma

1. Colonial in origin

2. Cross generational impacts

3. Cumulative effects

4. Collectively experienced

Define absolute poverty

Difficult satisfying basic needs

Define relative poverty

Persons economic condition compared to average in their community

What is the MBM

Market Basket Measure: calculates how much income a household requires to meet its needs (food, housing)

What is the MBM

Market Basket Measure: calculates how much income a household requires to meet its needs (food, housing)

Feminization of poverty:

Women are over represented among low income

What is the MBM

Market Basket Measure: calculates how much income a household requires to meet its needs (food, housing)

Feminization of poverty:

Women are over represented among low income

Define brain gain

Canada immigration: Influx of talented educated hard working people from other countries

What is the MBM

Market Basket Measure: calculates how much income a household requires to meet its needs (food, housing)

Feminization of poverty:

Women are over represented among low income

Define brain gain

Canada immigration: Influx of talented educated hard working people from other countries

Brain drain

Home countries lose valued individuals due to immigration to other nations such as Canada

Who is the most vulnerable population for social inequality in Canada?


Define heteronormativity

The societal assumption that all people are heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the normal state of being

Define heteronormativity

The societal assumption that all people are heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the normal state of being

Bill C-16

Added gender identity and gender expression to the list of banned grounds of discrimination

Define underemployment

Employment in a job that requires less requirements or education than the individual has earned

What is the youth delayed start?

Difficulty finding a job following education

Define precarious employment

Temporary, insecure, unprotected, poorly paid work

Survival capital

Resources and opportunities people in modern urban society need to survive/thrive

Common sense perspective:

People earn what they deserve to earn. Those who work harder will earn higher pay and more job opportunities

Functionalism: employment

Employment inequality is necessary for the functioning of society. High rewards motivate people to work hard.

Conflict theory: employment

Ruling class does anything to stay at the top. People may have trouble gaining employment or climbing the income ladder

Feminism: employment

Men have higher level and higher paying job opportunities. Women are expected to perform unpaid domestic labour

Human capital social

Education credentials, job experience, skills

Social capital

Persons social contacts/relationships

Cultural capital

Aspects of self presentation, clothing

Example of precarious work:

Part time work

The working poor

Low income individuals who may work part time jobs or other precarious work

Immigrants + employment : deprofessionalization

Tendency for immigrants to secure jobs that don’t reflect their qualifications and experience

Second shift

Aka social reproduction or double shift

- unpaid work that is not framed as actual work

Glass ceiling

Barriers to the advancement of a qualified person within an organization (white women)

Concrete ceiling

Barriers to the advancement of black women from moving upward in the employment hierarchy

Sticky floor

Traps women and minorities at the lower levels of an organization regardless of their qualifications

Temporary foreign workers

Companies hire workers from other countries to fill their labour shortages. Once worker contract is up they must leave the country

Define debt bondage

Individual forced to work to pay off a debt

Non status worker wha

Working in nation without official documentation. Often paid under the table and underpaid. Vulnerable to exploitation and deportation

What are the 3D jobs many non status workers do?




Racial stratification

Membership of an individual to a race becomes the basis for unequal treatment in society

Racialized people and unemployment:

- high unemployment rates

- more likely to be employed in precarious work

- live in care programs

- racialized women paid less than racialized men

Glass ceiling

Barriers to the advancement of a qualified person within an organization (white women) but they still have the chance to break through

Employment feminization

Increasing presence and influence of women in previously male dominated jobs

productive work vs social reproduction

Productive work = work by men such as producing goods

Social reproduction = work by women such as planning, cooking, cleaning, childcare


Recruiting small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce

Domestic work is seen as ______ _____.

“Feminized work” or “naturally feminine”

Myth about domestic work

Women receive emotional compensation from the job so they should not be paid for the work

Stratified otherization

Different categories of foreign workers

Glass escalator ageism

Men in female dominated professions experience preferential hiring and promotions


Discrimination of individual based on their age

Indigenous have higher unemployment than non-indigenous. Why is this?

1. Family structure

2. Access to education

3. Structural discrimination

Define social mobility

Ability of individuals to move within a social hierarchy

What is the process racialized people may use to increase the likelihood of a job callback?

Resume whitening

Women’s work is often seen as: (3 U’s)

Under paid, under valued, under skilled

What are domestic workers

Workers who perform work for/in private households

Female migrant workers who typically leave their families to work domestic jobs for another family =

Mother domestics

Reason for becoming a domestic worker

- Social reproduction responsibilities

- feel like lacking other skills