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25 Cards in this Set

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Are bones made of one type of tissues?

No, bones are made of many tissues including the ones mentioned above.

What are some functions of bone?



-anchorage (provide attachment to muscles, act as anchors)

-miniral stored inside

-Blood cell formation and fat storage (in the bone marrow)

-Hormone production

What are two classifications of bone?

-Axial (portion of bones closer to the midline, sternum, ribs, skull, etc…

-Appendicular (Appendages like upper limbs, shoulder girdles, lower limb and pelvis)

What are compact and spongy bones?

Two different parts of the bone.

Compact bone: outer layer of the bone which is tough and dense

Spongy bone: internal layer of the bone. Trabeculae are stripped honeycomb-like structures on the inside. Spongy bones contain marrow.

Explain the structure of the long bone and include the medullary cavity

-Wider heads on both sides called epiphysis (proximal, which means closer to body or trunk and distal which is further away).

-long shaft is called Diaphysis

-Diaphysis contains spongy bone and the Medullary Cavity where lots of marrow is stored so it has more openings then regular spongy bone.

What is the area between the epiphysis and diaphysis in long bones?

It is called the Metaphysis… or growth plates and they are made of cartilage up until someone is past puberty then it fuzes

What is the cartridge located on the epiphysis of the long bones?

Hyaline cartilage

-helps with shock absorption and softer edgeing because epiphysis connects to other bones

What are the types of marrow?

Two types of marrow

1. Red marrow

- blood cell production

-located in trabecular cavities of long and flat bones

2. Yellow marrow

- Fat storage

-Can turn back into red marrow in adults in severe anemia (decrease in RBC and decrease in oxygen to lungs so it converts yellow marrow to red marrow)

What are the three types of cartilage and what is the purpose of cartilage

1) Hyline cartilage

2) Elastic

3) Fibrocartilage

-good at resisting compression, absorbs damage that would be done if two bones were to rub against eachother.

What is Hyline cartilage and where is it found?

-It is the most abundant cartilage in the human body.

-found in costal (costal is ribs)

- connecting hands and ribs

-parts of the nose

-the larynx and down the trachea is made of it

What is Elastic cartilage and where can it be found?

Cartilage type that can be bent more repeatedly.

-found in external ear (can be bent easily)

-found in external nose

-Epiglottis, part of neck where moves when you swallow and prevents food from coming into lungs

What is Fibrocartilage? Where is it found?

Cartilage which has great tension strength

-found in knee joint

-located in areas subject to pressure and stretch

Is there cartilage in the growing skeleton?

Fetuses are made up of mostly Hyline cartilage

-resilient and elastic

-ideal for fast growth

-no nerves and blood vessels

-as cartilage fuses the baby starts to learn to walk and gains strength

What is a fracture? What are the differences in fractures?

A break In the bone.

The break can be in regards to the Position of the bone: Bone can be displaced fracture which mean bone ends are out of alignment or non-displaced fracture: bone ends are still in original position

Break can occur in regards to the Completeness of bone: Complete fracture: bone is completely broken through. Incomplete fracture: break in bone but not broken all the way through

Skin penetration: evaluating fractures to see if skin is broken or penetrated.

Closed penetration: Bone does not penetrate skin

Open penetration: Bone does penetrate skin

What is a comminuted fractured?

Bone is splintered , crushed or broken into pieces. And particles from the bone are present

What is a Green stick fracture?

Common in children because they haven’t had their bones ossify and turn into bone from cartilage yet.

-partial fracture where one side of bone breaks and the other side just bends

What is an impacted fracture?

One end of the bone forcefully driven into another end of the bone and it breaks

What is a pott fracture?

Ankle fracture

-break in malleoli of ankle (bumpy bones on both ends of ankle)

-can happen if you jump and land awkwardly or if you roll your ankle

What is a colles fracture?

When you fall and break your fall with your hands.

-wrist is made of two main bones (radius and ulna)

-colles fracture is break in radius

Explain fracture repair for displaced bones

Closed reduction: physician has to manually coaxes bone ends back into position

Open Reduction: bone ends are secured surgically with pins or wires

Explain how a fracture heals itself.

1) A hematoma forms, which is basically a bunch of blood which rushes to the area

2) Fibrocartilaginous callus forms… Fibrocartiliage replaces blood.

3)Bony Callus forms

- Fibrocartilige gets replaced by actual bone

4) Bone remodeling occurs

- extra bone is removed and new bone is smooth.

What are some Bone disorders?

Osteomalacia: Soft/weak bones due to poor mineralization (Due to Cacium or Vit D)

Rickets: child version of Osteomalacia

-More dangerous because child is still growing and cartilage has to be converted to bone so that it can support child’s weight

Osteoporosis: bone resorption (bone breakdown) is happening more then bone deposition.

-Common in older adults because of the decrease in sex hormones

-Treatable with Calcium, Vit D or hormone replacement therapy

-Prevention: adiquite nutrition or load bearing exercise

What is the use of the axial skeleton?

-Forms the longitudinal axis of the body (all components of the body move around it)

-Supports all structures around head neck and truck

-protects brain, spinal cord and thoracic organs.



What are some of the uses of the Bones of the skull?

-Forms the framework of the face

-Contain cavities for special sense organs (taste, smell, sight)

-Provide openings for air and food passage

-Secure the teeth

-Anchor muscles of facial expression, which we use to show our feelings