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59 Cards in this Set

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Karate Technique: Age Uke

Rising Block

Karate Technique: Ge Dan Barai

Downward Block

Karate Technique: Gyaku Zuki ("G" is silent)

Reverse Punch (Punch & front foot opposites)
Karate Technique: Kata


Karate Technique: Kiba Dachi

Straddle Leg Stance (aka horse stance)

Karate Technique: Kihon

Basic Technique(s)

Karate Technique: Kizami

Forward stance hand or leg in a short technique

e.g. "Kizami Mae Geri": forward stance front leg kick

Karate Technique: Kokutsu Dachi

Back Stance

Karate Technique: Mae Geri

Front Kick
Karate Technique: Mae Geri Ren Geri
Double Front Kick
Karate Technique: Mawashi Geri

Roundhouse Kick

Karate Technique: Mawashi Geri Ren Geri

Double Roundhouse Kick

Karate Technique: Nukite

Spear-Hand (Straight Thrust)

Karate Technique: Oi Zuki

Lunge Punch

Karate Technique: San Bon Zuki

One Step - Three Punches (can also be done stationary e.g. in Kiba Dachi)
Karate Technique: Shuto Uke

Knife-Hand Block
Karate Technique: Soto Ude Uke

Outside-Forearm Block

Karate Technique: Tate Uraken Uchi

Back Fist Strike (Downward)

Karate Technique: Tsuki (pronounced "zuki")


Karate Technique: Uchi Ude Uke

Inside Forearm Block

Karate Technique: Ushiro Geri

Back Kick

Karate Technique: Yoko Enpi Uchi

Elbow Strike (to the side)
Karate Technique: Yoko Keage

Side Snap Kick
Karate Technique: Yoko Kekomi

Side Thrust Kick

Karate Technique: Yoko Uraken Uchi

Back Fist Strike (to the side)

Karate Technique: Zenkutsu Dachi

Front Stance
Basic Term: Dojo (pronounced "doh-joh")

Training Hall
Basic Term: Hai (pronounced "hi")

Used for affirmation as in, "yes" or "OK". It is also used to give commands as in "OK, let's go!" or "OK, line up!"
Basic Term: Hajime (pronounced hah-jee-meh)

Commonly used term at the beginning of a

kumite match (or other exam, competition, or training) meaning "Begin", "Start" or "Go"

Basic Term: Gi (pronounced "Gee")

The traditional karate uniform
Basic Term: Karate / pronounced kah-rah-teh

The Japanese art of empty hand fighting
Basic Term: Kata
Basic Term: Kihone (pronounced key-hone)

Basic Techniques
Basic Term: Kumite / pronounced koo-me-teh

To engage one's hand with an opponent;


Basic Term: Kiai (pronounced key-I)

A sharp sound made at the moment of focus, when all of one's physical & psychological strength is concentrated at ONE point.

Basic Term: Mokuso (pronounced moh-ku-sho)

Basic Term: Osu (pronounced oss)

A traditional military greeting

Basic Term: Otagai ni rei

(pronounced oh-tah-gah-nee-reh)

Bow to one-another
Basic Term: Rei (pronounced reh)

Basic Term: Sensei (pronounced sehn-seh)


Basic Term: Sensei ni rei

(pronounced sehn-sen-nee-reh)

Bow to the teacher

Basic Term: Shomen ni rei

(pronounced sho-me-nee-reh)

Bow to the front
Basic Term: Yoi (pronounced yoh-ee)

"Prepare!" or "Get ready!"
Basic Term: Yame (pronounced yah-meh)


Basic Term: Japanese Counting (1 - 10)

1-ICHI, 2-NI, 3-SAN, 4-SHI, 5-GO, 6-ROKO,

7-SHICHI, 8-HACHI, 9-KU, 10-JU

Basic Term: Jodan (pronounced jo-don)

Body target areas ABOVE the shoulders (including face, neck, other aspects of the head)
Basic Term: Chudan (pronounced chu-don)

Body target areas of the torso (including chest, abdomen, ribs, and back)
Basic Term: Gedan (pronounced ge-don)

Body target areas of the lower trunk (lower than the belt)
Basic Term: Kyu (pronounced Q)

Ranks BELOW the rank of 1st Black Belt


Basic Term: Sho-Dan (pronounced sho-don)

The 1st rank of black belt
Basic Term: Ni-Dan (pronounced nee-don)

The 2nd rank of black belt
Basic Term: San-Dan (pronounced son-don)

The 3rd rank of black belt

Basic Term: Yon-Dan (pronounced yon-don)

The 4th rank of black belt
Basic Term: Go-Dan (pronounced go-don)

The 5th rank of black belt
Basic Term: Roku-Dan (pronounced roku-don)
The 6th rank of black belt
Basic Term: Shichi-Dan (pronounced sichee-don)

The 7th rank of black belt

Basic Term: Hachi-Dan

(pronounced hachee-don)

The 8th rank of black belt
Basic Term: Ku-Dan (pronounced Q-don)

The 9th rank of black belt
Basic Term: Jyu-Dan (pronounced jew-don)

The 10th rank of black belt