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10 Cards in this Set

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The Mailed Glove is indicative of Fraternity and Comradeship. The three circles on the glove represents Light, Life, and Love. Inside the glove is the first minutes from the first meeting that was written in blood. The first constitution is behind the glove. It's a right-handed glove facing left, since a brother can not grip himself. The Mailed Glove is over the silk ribbon to protect the union of the brothers in Omega Chapter and the present brothers from hot oils spilling over.


The Lamp is indicative of knowledge and scholarship. The Lamp of knowledge that burns the oil of wisdom. It is worn on the left lapel with its base parallel to the ground so that the precious oil will not spill. The Lamp burns a red flame to burn off our impurities. The Lamp signifies our endeavors in dark places ever illuminated by the mystical light of Omega.


The Star represents keeping our aspirations high. The truth and Ad Astra per Aspera is behind the star. The 5 points, on the star, represents D.F.O.E.C, which is from The Ritual. The Celestial Wagon that comes to take brother who have passed to the Omega Chapter and drop some information. Above the star in the Epitome of Perseverence (Supreme Basileus).


The Helmet is facing left. The closed visor shuts out all the inconsistent with the ideals of Omega. The visor use to be open, but in 1941 Ernest E. Just entered into Omega Chapter. In 1941, the plume and a red-butted rose was taken of the helmet and placed inside the visor. The three times that the visor is open is in the Initiation Ceremony and when a brother is entered into Omega Chapter and Memorial Day Ceremony (March 12th)

The wreath of laurel

The Wreath of Laurel indicates excellence. It has 298 leaves. The Wreath of Laurel is Kelly Green. The Wreath of Laurel has two imperfect leaves (3 and 9 position) that represent no perfect brother no perfect pledge process. A silk ribbon (Bond of Unity) is wrapped around it to link the brothers of Omega Chapter and present brothers. Silk was chosen because it is one of the toughest materials. The three things the wreath bonds together is: 1) The Living and Dead 2) The undergraduate and graduate. 3) The Honorary and Initiated.


The pearls are the sacred words Friendship and Fraternity. There are a total of 20 pearls. 4 real pearls and 16 precious stones. The 4 real pearls represent the 4 cards or 4 founders. A brother should never reveal his pearl. The 4 real pearls are in each corner. The pearls read from left to right.


The Pearls Riddle

"My Friendship is Right with high Aspiration and Truth in all Endeavors to gains Respect. My Nobility and Intelligence was a Thought from Youth." "My Fraternity practices Restraint in this Industry of Enthusiasm needing Nerve for Duty and Scholarship Help is the only Ingenuity for Perseverance."

The Escutcheon

The Escutcheon has five things pointing left. 1) The Helmet 2) A Sword 3) The Lamp 4) A point on The Star 5) The Mailed Glove. The five things point to the west because Omega was founded in the East and ever expanding Westward.

The swords

The Swords cross to make an X for the test of endurance. The Swords represents protection by associating ourselves with others. This is where the swords cross. The Swords represent Bravery over Courage. The swords are actually Unsheathed Swords that's behind the shield.

The Greek Letters

Omega Psi Phi means "Friendship is essential to the soul." "Ophelema Philia Psukis" is another way to pronounce it. They're a story between each letter and after the Phi. The Story of Jonathan and David are located between the Omega and the Psi. Dameion and Phythius are between Psi and Phi. The Story of Burroughs the slave is behind the Phi. The Psi is our soul, where we are linked at and right behind it is where the swords cross.