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49 Cards in this Set

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When can the police officer use force?

(6) Graham v. Connor

To achieve and maintain control of resistive subjects

to the detain persons reasonably suspected of criminal behavior

to make lawful arrests

to defend themselves and others

to prevent escape

to bring a lawful situation under control








The purpose of DAAT

Control, based on officers training, experience in the fact situations

How long can someone be held at the police department municipal jail?

72 hours

What are nine special circumstances?

Reasonable perception of threats

Sudden assault

Subjects ability to escalate force rapidly

Special knowledge

injury or exhaustion

Your physical positioning

Availability of backup

Training and equipment


What is the definition of great bodily harm?

Bodily injury which creates, A substantial risk of death, or which causes serious permanent disfigurement, or which causes a permanent or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ, or any other serious bodily injury


perm disfigurement

perm protracted loss

impairment bodily member/organ

other serious

What is an early warning signs?

Signals or certain behaviors provided by a subject that are often associated with the high level of danger to officers

What are special circumstances?

Factors or situation that may justify a rapid escalation of force or selection of a higher force option

What are three tactics available under protective alternatives?

Active countermeasures

incapacitating techniques

intermediate weapon




What are four tactics under control alternatives?

Escort holds

compliance holds

control devices

passive countermeasures





What are the exceptions to red light and siren when disregarding traffic rules in an emergency vehicle?

Evidence of a speed violation

Response believing a felony or there is knowledge his presence may endanger the victim

Evading apprehension

Destruction of evidence

Suspect may cease the commission of a crime before officer obtains enough evidence

What are the three phases of the critical incident?

Response phase

deployment phase

resolution phase




What are the four department priorities?









What are the seven factors for discipline?

Type of offense

Severity of offense

Prior offenses

Dishonest motive

Willful defiance

Prior service record









What are the four elements of a domestic abuse?

Intentional infliction of physical pain physical injury or illness

intentional impairment of a physical condition

first second third-degree sexual assault

act that causes a person to reasonably fear imminent engagement in these forms of abuse

What are the three ways you can document deadly force?

Narrative report

Written statement


Criteria for an at risk missing

13 years of age or younger

Believed to be out of zone of safety,

Mentally incapacitated

Life-threatening situation

In the company of others that pose a danger

Absent under circumstances inconsistent with established patterns of behavior

Define Racial profiling?

Any police action that relies upon race, ethnicity, or national origin of the individual rather than behavior of an individual or an individual who has been identified as being engaged in criminal activity

Six factors to determine the predominant aggressor?

History of domestic abuse

statement of witness

relative degree of injuries

extent to which each seem to fear each other

whether any party threatening or had threatened future harm

whether either party acted in self-defense or defense of other

What rooms can be used for a strip search

145 and 156

What are the six rules for a Terry stop?

Public place

officer must identify himself

officer must reasonably suspect person is committing has committed or is about to commit a crime

officer may demand a persons name address and an explanation of his conduct the

must be in the vicinity of initial stop

questioning may only be for a reasonable time

Four factors in determining Curtlidge?

The proximity of the area to the home

whether or not the area is enclosed

the use of the area

the steps taken by the owner to prevent the area to be observed by passerbys

What are the six requirements for a valid search warrant?

Be in writing and signed by a judge

Be directed to a law-enforcement officer

Command that a particular specified place or personally searched

Particularly describing the subject matter of the search

Be dated

Based on a sworn complaint or affidavit showing probable cause

What are the six requirements for a valid arrest warrant?

Be in writing and signed by a judge

State the name of the crime charged and the statute section to have been violated

Have a copy of the complaint

State the name of the person to be arrested or physical description with certainty

State the date of issue, name of the person issuing a warrant and the title of his or her office

Command the accused be arrested and brought before the issuing judge or judge from the same county

An officer may seize items in Plainview if? (four factors)

The item is in clear Plainview

The item is obviously evidence or contraband

The officer is lawfully in the area where the discovery was made

The officer has constitutional access to the item being seized

Misdemeanor bail requirements

No proper ID

represent a danger to self or others

cannot show sufficient ties to community

previous failure to appears

further detention necessary for investigation

Misdemeanor bail requirements

No proper ID

Present a danger to self or others

cannot show sufficient ties to community

previous failure to appears

further detention necessary for investigation

5 Search warrant exceptions

Automobile exception (Carol doctrine)

Inventory searches

Exigent circumstances

Protective sweep

Terry stop and frisk

What is the automobile exception (carrol doctrine)

Officer has legitimate safety concern

Evidence in the car that supports an arrest

What are two requirements for a warrantless arrest when the offense is not committed in the officers presence?

Probable cause to believe the defendant committed the crime

It is impractical to obtain a warrant under circumstances

Define fresh pursuit

The pursuit by and LEO of someone he or she has probable cause to believe has violated any law or ordinance the officer is authorized to enforce. Officers can arrest in any jurisdiction in the state if the crime was committed in the officers jurisdiction.

What is the three criteria for expander of jurisdiction?

Officer would take the same action within his jurisdiction

The officers responding to an emergency situation poses the significant threat of life or bodily harm

the officer believe constitutes a felony

Officers agency must have an adopted and implemented written policy

Three elements of exigent circumstances?


Threat of escape

Threat of destruction of evidence

Threat of death for GBH to officer or public

Three criteria for an amber alert

Child is 17 years of age or younger

The child is in danger of serious bodily harm or death

There is enough information to believe a broadcast alert will help locate the child

When is documentation required for use of force? (Four)

Firearm discharged except for training

Action results or alleged result in injury or death

Force applied through the use of lethal or less lethal weapon

Force is at a level of control device or higher

Eight defenses to criminal liability



adequate provocation




self-defense defense of others

defense of property

Four elements in deciding a pursuit

Seriousness of the offense

Road/weather and environment

Population density the vehicular/pedestrian traffic

Relative performance capabilities of pursuit vehicle vs suspect

When may an officer fire at an unarmed fleeing felon

If there is probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to officers or others

What are the six factors and justifying a frisk

Time of day

nature of underlying offense

Attitude and demeanor

Number of subjects versus officer

State of intoxication

Wheather officers is placeing the subject in close quarters

The agency requires a written report whenever an employee uses force under the following circumstances:

a. When a firearm is discharged, b. resulted in, injury or death of another person.

c. lethal or less lethal weapon.

d. LVNR, control devices, or above.

An officer may use force:

a. To achieve and maintain control of resistive subjects.

b. To detain persons reasonably suspected of criminal behavior.

c. To make lawful arrests.

d. To defend themselves or others. e. To prevent escape.

f. To bring an unlawful situation safely under control.

When can an arrest be made (4)

1. With a warrant commanding arrest of the person

2. With belief on reasonable grounds that a warrant for the person's arrest has been issued in this state

3. With belief on reasonable grounds that a felony warrant has been issued for the person's arrest in another state. (a WI LEO shall NOT arrest on a misdemeanor warrant issued from another state)

4. With belief on reasonable grounds that the person is committing or has committed a crime

When can you search?

Incident to lawful arrest


Search warrant

Lawful inspection

Pursuant to questioning

Otherwise authorized by law

Fourth Amendment search exceptions

Open fields

Abandon property

Dog sniffs


Open View

Fly over

Elements of curtilage

Proximity of the area to the home

Enclosed in some fashion

The use of the area

Steps taken to prevent observeation

Domestic prohibited acts (4)

A spouse

former spouse

adult whom the persons resides with/formerly resides with

Child in common

Arrest w/o a warrant

valid warrant

valid felony warrant from another state

committing/has committed crime

4 circumstances to

justify/terminate pursuit

Seriousness of offense

Population density

Road/weather conditions

Relative performance capabilities of vehicle involved