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45 Cards in this Set

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Mind your tongue

مواظب حرف زدنت باش

To Call the shots

to be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation

I told you so

said when something bad happens after you warned someone that it would happen

To be in a pickle

Be in a difficult situation

spoken for

If something is spoken for, it is not available because someone has already bought or asked for it.

If something is spoken for, it is not available because someone has already bought or asked for it.If someone is spoken for, they are not available for a romantic relationship because they are already having one with someone else

If someone is spoken for, they are not available for a romantic relationship because they are already having one with someone else

Helicopter parent

a parent who is closely involved with their child's life and tries to control it too much, especially their child's education

Be careful what you wish for

حواست باشه چه آرزویی میکنی


a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain

To be delusional

Believing things that are not true

What size shoe are you?

What size shoe do you wear?

سایز پات چنده

You snooze, you lose

Used to mean that if you do not pay attention and do s.th quickly SB else will do it instead of you

Something is Dope

Very good

To err is human

To forgive devine

انسان جایزالخطاست

Get lost !

Used to tell SB forcefully and rudely to go away

گم شو!

To take a rain check on something

Politely decline an offer for now but it means that you are willing to do it some other time

To be hell bent on doing something

To be very determined

In cold blood

Intentionally and without emotion

با خونسردی

Okey dokey


Rest assured ...

If you tell SB they can rest assured about s.th you mean they can feel confident that it's true or it will happen

Keep me posted

To make sure SB knows what is happening specially in a situation that is quickly changing

To sleep on it

To wait and think about it before making decision


Someone who is easily frightened

Be snappy!

Be quick

I do not follow

You have lost me

I did not catch that


آبنبات چوبی


بستنی یخی (میوه ای)

To be privy to something

To know information about something

To Crack the door open

to open the door or window a very small amount

Leave the door ajar

To leave the door slightly open.

almost shut


A personal story

A hard carrot to turn down

Something so intriguing that is hard to reject and turn down


A holiday that somebody spends in their own country or at home instead of traveling somewhere else

Rosy cheeks

گونه های قرمز شده از شرم و خجالت 😊

To snap photos

To take picture

Picture-perfect opportunity

موقعیت خوب برای عکاسی

to use the loo

to go to the bathroom

In a tick

In a jiffy

In a very short amount of time

In a minute

There is more to it than meets the eye

It's more difficult to understand or involves more things than you thought

SB is the apple of somebody's eye 👁️

SB loves SB very much.

نور چشمی کسی بودن

For all I care

Used to say that you do not care what somebody is doing

You are not interested in or worried about what someone is doing

Do or die

مرگ و زندگی


Too powerful to be defeated

Do not think twice about doing something

To do something immediately and without thinking whether it's a good idea or not

To munch

To eat something with a loud sound

To munch on something

To slurp

To drink liquid with a loud sound as a result of sucking air into your mouth

هورت کشیدن