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50 Cards in this Set

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یافتم !

Is that everyone?

همه هستن؟

همه اومدن؟

Are you insane?

Are you out of your mind?

دیوونه شدی؟

Sham on you

شرم بر تو

Safe travels

Bon voyage


That is unlikely

بعید می‌دونم

That's on me

تقصیره منه

Enough is enough

دیگه کافیه

Apology accepted

خواهش میکنم

Once in a while

Every now on then

(To) recall (something)

(To) remember (something)

(To) place (someone)

کسی رو بجا آوردن

(To) be scared to death

To be very scared 😨

(To) stand steel

بی حرکت موندن

I could not agree with you more

I indeed agree with you

Night owl

Someone who sleeps late at night

Early bird

Someone who gets up early in the morning

A morning person

(To) make it big

To become famous and successful

(To) make a big thing of it

To make it a very special occasion

to give something too much importance

Think big

بزرگ فکر کن

Big deal!

said when you do not think that what someone has said or done is important or special

(To) be willing to

(do something)

(To) tend to (do something)

مایل بودن

(To) be miles away

to not be conscious of what is happening around you because you are thinking about something else

You can see that a mile off

It's very easy to see. Very obvious

It stands out a mile

(Something) is a far cry from (something)

Very different

In small doses

For short period of time

A fortune 💰

A huge amount of money

In all shapes and sizes

در هر شکل و اندازه ای

(To) be on the bread line

To be very poor

(To) be well off

Very wealthy

(To) be loaded

(To) spend money like water

To spend money very carelessly

(To) tighten your belt

to spend less money than you did before because you have less money

(To) make a killing

to earn a lot of money in a short time and with little effort

(To) pay through the nose

To pay too much money

A rip off

Something that is not worth money you paid for it

(To) be generous


As a result

در نتیجه

A dead end

Something without a good future

(To) get out of a rut

To scape from a boring situation

(To) pull out all the stops

to do everything you can to make something successful

(To) get the sack

اخراج شدن

(To) go off

(To) blow up

(To) explode

(to) go off

To sound as an alarm ⏰

(To) go off

To leave suddenly and without explanation

(To) cut off

To shorten by cutting the ends

(to) cut off

To stop someone who is talking

(to) get along

To make progress

(To) be hard of hearing

Not able to hear well

(to) see eye to eye

To have agreement

(to) have in mind (...)

To be thinking about something