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56 Cards in this Set

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What is unrestricted air flow in layers or straight lines called

Laminar flow

What limits the amount of air that can be forced through a duct

Fan and motor size and Noise may also play an important role

What is the average pressure at sea level

14.7 psia

What is used to measure the pressure of atmospheric air

A barometer

What is psia

Absolute pressure in pounds per square inch

What is PSIG

Gauge pressure in pounds per square inch

How do you find the absolute pressure in a tank

By adding the barometric or atmosphere pressure to the Gage reading

What is a manometer

A Gauge that utilizes the elevation of a column of water to measure pressures

What unit of pressure is commonly used when measuring the pressure in ducts

Inches of water because they are measured by means of a water gauge

What pressures are often measured in air conditioning and ventilating work

As small as one tenth of an inch of water

What type of a gauge is used for measuring the pressure in air conditioning and ventilating work

A gauge having an inclined tube

What is the slope on an inclined tube

An angle of about 10 to 1

What are a u-tube and well type manometer used to measure pressures of

Approximately 1 in or more

What is static pressure

The outward push of air against the walls

How is static pressure measured

Perpendicular to airflow

How is total pressure measured

Tube inserted into the duct pointing towards the direction of air movement

How is velocity pressure measured

By connecting total and static pressure tubes to opposite ends of the manometer

How is total pressure calculated

Is the sum of the static and velocity pressures

How is velocity pressure found

Is the difference between the static and total pressure

What size are the openings in the static pressure tube

8 openings .04 in in diameter have been found to give accurate results

What is the instrument that combines the static and total pressure tubed together

A pitot tube

Pitot tubes used with standard manometer with a slope of aboat 10 to 1 cannot be used to accurately measure air velocity of less than what

700 fpm

How can you accurately measure velocities lower than 700 fpm with a pitot tube

By using ultra-sensitive manometers

How can static pressure be measured alone using a pitot tube

The total pressure tube of the pitot is disconnected and the static pressure tube is connected to the cup of the manometer

How is total pressure alone measured using a pitot tube

The static pressure tube is disconnected from the manometer connected in this way the total pressure will be indicated on the gauge

Because air is invisible tasteless odorless and touchless how can it be recognized

By pressure, temperature, weight, heat energy, the space it occupies, and the speed of its movement

How is air considered and treated in HVAC work

As an individual gas not as a compound

What is air made up of

Hydrogen nitrogen and oxygen

How does air move around

Changes its shape easily and takes the course of least resistance

How is the pressure in air balancing measured

By the number of inches the pressure can lift a column of water in a tube, if the pressure in the duct for 2 in it means that the amount of force can push up or lift the water 2in in a vertical column

What is gauge pressure

The amount of pressure under or over the surrounding atmospheric pressure

What is positive static pressure

A discharge duct, it exerts an outward or bursting pressure against the walls of the duct

What is negative static pressure

A suction duct on the intake side of the fan, exerts an inward or section force on the walls of the duct

What is air velocity

Speed of air flow and is expressed in feet per minute or fpm

What is air volume

Quantity of airflow and is expressed as cubic feet per minute or CFM

What creates resistance to airflow

Friction and dynamic loss

What creates are friction

Molecules rubbing against the sides of a duct

What is dynamic loss

Results from changes in duct size , shape or Direction

What is turbulence

It is a form of dynamic loss which results in Eddy currents

What is aspect ratio

The ratio of one side of a duck to the other the longer Dimension / the shorter dimension

What is system resistance

Another term for static pressure loss in a system

When does Total pressure equal velocity pressure

When static pressure is 0 at the duct Outlet

What is the resulting value when the viscosity friction and velocity are combined in laminar flow

The Reynolds number

Laminar flow produces less friction loss velocities are what

Impractically low

What type of flow is most commonly dealt with in HVAC

Turbulent flow

What are dampers used for

To control air flow by introducing system resistance

What are two types of dampers used in HVAC

Multi blade dampers and opposed blade damper

What are opposed blade damper is also known as

Squeeze blade dampers

What type of static pressure is an exhaust system

Negative static pressure

What type of static pressure is a supply system

Positive static pressure

What is sound attenuation

The process of dissipating sound

What are the two ways of achieving sound attenuation in HVAC

Duct liners, and sound traps

What specifications would be included for ductwork

The type of liner, adhesives and fasteners, and the type of equipment to structure isolators

Duck liners are placed inside ducks in order to reduce what

Sound and heat transfer

What material is most frequently used for duct liners

Fiberglass because it can withstand high temperatures and is an effective sound barrier

Vibration can be reduced by using what

Flexible duct connections, and equipment to structure isolators