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166 Cards in this Set

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Bottom-up Processing

1) Processing based on incoming stimuli from the environment
2) Also called data-based processing

Top-down Processing

1) Processing based on the perceiver’s previous knowledge (cognitive factors)
2) Also called knowledge-based processing

Psychophysical approach (PP)

The stimulus-perception relationship

Physiological approach (PH1)

The stimulus-physiology relationship

Physiological approach (PH2)

The physiology and perception relationship


Toward the back, away from the ventral (stomach) side. The top of the brain is considered dorsal because it has that position in four-legged animals.


Toward the stomach, away from the dorsal (back) side.


Toward the front end.


Toward the back end.


Above another part.


Below another part.


Toward the side, away from the midline.


Toward the midline, away from the side.


Located close (approximate) to the point of origin or attachment.


Located more distant from the point of origin or attachment.


On the same side of the body. (e.g. left side of brain, left side of body)


On the opposite side of the body. (e.g. left side of the brain, right side of the body)

Coronal Plane

A plane that shows brain structures as seen from the front (or frontal plane).

Sagittal Plane

A plane that shows brain structures as seen from the side.

Horizontal Plane

A plane that shows brain structures as seen from above (or transverse plane).


Stimulus - Electromagnetic energy

Receptor - Photoreceptor

Sensory structure - Eye

Cortex - Primary visual cortex


Stimulus - Airpressure waves

Receptor - Mechanoreceptors

Sensory structure - Ear

Cortex - Auditory cortex


Stimulus - Tissue distortion

Receptor - Mechanoreceptors, Thermoreceptors

Sensory structure - Skin, muscle, etc.

Cortex - Somatosensory cortex


Stimulus - Gravity, Acceleration

Receptor - Mechanoreceptors

Sensory structure - Vestibular organs

Cortex - Temporal cortex


Stimulus - Chemical composition

Receptor - Chemoreceptors

Sensory structure - Nose, Mouth

Cortex - Primary taste cortex, Olfactory cortex


The process by which individual sense organs convert energy from environmental events into neural activity.

The Perceptual Process (Loop)

1) Environmental stimuli

2) Attended stimulus

3) Stimulus on the receptors

4) Transduction

5) Processing (involves prior knowledge)

6) Perception

7) Recognition

8) Action

Three stages of Perception

1) Stimulus

2) Electricity

3) Experience and Action

Stage 1 of Perception - Stimulus

o All objects in the environment are available to the observer.
o Observer selectively attends to objects.
o Stimulus impinges on receptors resulting in internal representation.

Stage 2 of Perception - Electricity

o Transduction occurs which changes environmental energy to nerve impulses
o Transmission occurs when signals from the receptors travel to the brain.
o Processing occurs during interactions among neurones in the brain.

Stage 3 of Perception - Experience and Action

o Perception occurs as a conscious experience.
o Recognition occurs when an object is placed in a category giving it meaning.
o Action occurs when the perceiver initiates motor activity in response to recognition.


The anatomy of the nervous system.

Also refers to the study of the various parts of the nervous system and their respective function(s).

The Nervous System

1) Central Nervous System (CNS)
2) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Central Nervous System (CNS)

1) Brain

2) Spinal Cord

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

1) Somatic - Controls voluntary muscles and conveys sensory information to the central nervous system.

2) Autonomic - Controls involuntary muscles.

The Autonomic Nervous System

1) This system sends and receives messages to regulate the automatic behaviours of the body (heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, etc).

2) Divided into two systems:
- Sympathetic (expends energy)

- Parasympathetic (conserves energy)

Sections of the Brain

1) Forebrain

2) Midbrain

3) Hindbrain

The Forebrain

1) Thalamus

2) Hypothalamus

3) Cerebral Cortex

4) Limbic System

5) Corpus Callosum

The Hindbrain

1) Cerebellum

2) Pons

3) Medulla

The Medulla

1. This regulates our cardiovascular and respiratory systems (heartbeat, blood circulation and breathing rate).
2. Responsible for reflexes (such as swallowing,
coughing & sneezing, vomiting).
3. Maintaining body balance by controlling head
and limbs position with respect to gravity.

The Pons

1. This integrates information from movements of and sensations from facial muscles, tongue,
eye and ear.
2. Involved in regulating brain attentiveness
levels and in initiating sleep and dreaming.

The Cerebellum

This imposes fine control and coordination of balance and movements using the information from muscles, joints and tendons. (It’s a big job,
hence its size; it contains over 30 billion neurones!)

The Cerebral Cortex

1) This contains up to six distinct laminae (layers)
that are parallel to the surface of the cortex.
2) Cells of the cortex are also divided into
columns that lie perpendicular to the laminae.
3) Divided into four lobes: occipital, parietal,
temporal, and frontal.

The Four Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex

1) Frontal lobe

2) Parietal lobe

3) Temporal lobe

4) Occipital lobe

Frontal Lobe

This lobe is concerned with the planning of movements, recent memory, and some aspects of emotion.

Parietal Lobe

This lobe is concerned with bodily sensations.

Temporal Lobe

This lobe is concerned with hearing and advanced visual processing.

Occipital Lobe

This lobe is concerned with vision.

The Thalamus

This contains a large number of relay centres conveying nearly all the sensory information to the cortex (e.g. from the eyes - LGN).

The Hypothalamus

1) This controls the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system.
2) Organises the basic behaviour for survival:
fighting, feeding, fleeing and mating.

The Limbic System

1) This is an important set of interconnecting structures, surrounding the thalamus and lying just under the cortex.
2) It includes structures such as the amygdala and the hippocampus and has neural links to the hypothalamus and the cortex.
3) It is involved in emotional and motivational activities as well as in some aspects of learning and memory.

The Primary Sensory Projection Areas

These serve as the receiving stations for information arriving from the eyes, ears etc.

The Primary Motor Projection Area

This is the departure point for signals to the muscles.

Key Components of Neurones

1) Cell body

2) Dendrites

3) Axon or nerve fibre


These are specialised neurones that respond to specific kinds of energy.


The cell body of a neurone, which contains the nucleus.


A branched treelike structure attached to the soma of a neurone; receives information from the terminal button of other neurones.


The long thin cylindrical structure that conveys information from the soma of a neurone to its terminal button.


A junction between the terminal button of an axon and the membrane of another neurone.

Terminal Button

The bud at the end of a branch of an axon; forms synapses with another neurone; sends information to that neurone.


A chemical that is released by a terminal button;
has an excitatory or inhibitory effect on another

Glial Cells

A type of cell in the central and peripheral nervous system that forms myelin sheaths.

Myelin Sheath

A sheath that surrounds axons and insulates them, preventing messages from spreading between adjacent axons.

Node of Ranvier

A naked portion of a myelinated axon, between
adjacent glial cells.

White Matter

The axons, covered with myelin are White.

Grey Matter

Cell bodies, dendrites, and un-myelinated axons are Grey.


• Neurones are surrounded by a solution containing ions.
– Ions carry an electrical charge.
– Sodium ions (Na+) - positive charge
– Chlorine ions (Cl-) - negative charge
– Potassium ions (K+) - positive charge
– Electrical signals are generated when such ions cross the membranes of neurones.

Action Potential Occurrence

1) Electrical signals or action potentials occur when:
– Permeability of the membrane changes
– Na+ flows into the fibre making the neurone more positive
– K+ flows out of the fibre making the neurone more negative
2) This process travels down the axon in a
propagated response.

Properties of Action Potentials

1) Show propagated response.
2) Remain the same size regardless of stimulus intensity.
3) Increase in rate to increase in stimulus intensity.
4) Have a refractory period of 1 ms.
5) Show spontaneous activity that occurs without stimulation.

Synaptic Transmission of Neural Impulses

Neurotransmitters are:
1) Released by the presynaptic neurone from
2) Received by the postsynaptic neurone on
receptor sites.
3) Matched like a key to a lock into specific
receptor sites.
4) Used as triggers for voltage change in the
postsynaptic neurone.

Excitatory Neurotransmitters

These cause depolarisation.
– Neurone becomes more positive (less negative inside)
– Increases the likelihood of an action potential

Inhibitory Neurotransmitters

These cause hyperpolarisation.
– Neurone becomes more negative
– Decreases the likelihood of an action potential

Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)

This is an excitatory depolarisation of the postsynaptic membrane of a synapse caused by the release of a neurotransmitter by the
terminal button.

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)

This is an inhibitory hyperpolarisation of the postsynaptic membrane of a synapse caused by the release of a neurotransmitter by the terminal button.

Synaptic Reuptake

The reentry of a neurotransmitter just released by a terminal button back through its membrane, thus terminating the postsynaptic potential.

Synaptic Enzymatic Deactivation

The destruction of a neurotransmitter by an enzyme after its release.

For example, the destruction of acetylcholine
by acetylcholinesterase.

Visible Light

This is a specific band of energy within the
electromagnetic spectrum.


1) The transparent tissue at the very front of the eye.

2) It is fixed, and accounts for about 80% of

The Lens

1) This acts like an aperture that prevents
(or restricts) the mapping of “many points
to one” between an object and its image.

2) It adjusts shape for object distance,
and accounts for 20% of focusing.


Tough white tissue that coats the rest of the eye.


Muscle tissue that controls the size of the pupil.


This controls the amount of light that enters the eye.


Cylinder-shaped receptors in the retina that are responsible for vision at low levels of illumination.


Cone-shaped receptors in the retina that are primarily responsible for vision in high levels of illumination and for colour vision and detail vision.

Colour perceived by short wavelengths:


Colour perceived by medium wavelengths:


Colour perceived by long wavelengths:


Colour perceived by long and medium wavelengths:


Colour perceived by long, medium and short wavelengths:


Principle of Univariance

• Individual cones are “colour blind”: the
absorption of light by the photopigment in the
photoreceptor always causes the same effect (i.e. isomerisation) no matter what the wavelength is.
• Thus, for any of our 3 cone types, light intensity (or brightness) and wavelength are completely interchangeable.

Trichromatic Theory

Theory that different amounts of red, green and blue combine to make up all the colours that we perceive.

Opponent-Process Theory of Colour Vision

– Three mechanisms - red/green,
blue/yellow, and white/black.
– The pairs respond in an opposing fashion,
such as positively to red and negatively to
– These responses were believed to be the
result of chemical reactions in the retina.

Additive Colour Mixing

– Mixing lights of different wavelengths
– All wavelengths are available for the observer to see
– Superimposing blue and yellow lights leads to

Subtractive Colour Mixing

– Mixing paints with different pigments
– Additional pigments reflect fewer wavelengths
– Mixing blue and yellow leads to green

What is Colour?

- Colour is a percept. There are NO physical colours in the outside world, only different spectral distributions of lights that are reflected from different objects.
- We can perceive colour because we have 3 types of cone, whose spectral sensitivities occupy different parts of the visible spectrum.

Cue Approach to Depth Perception

- Focuses on information in the retinal image that is correlated with depth in the scene.

- We learn the connection between cue and depth, and this association becomes automatic through repeat exposure.

Cues for Depth Perception

1) Oculomotor cues

2) Binocular cues

3) Monocular cues

Oculomotor Cues

- Involves two sets of muscles.

1) Convergence - the inward movement of our eyes as we look at nearby objects.

2) Accommodation - the changes in shape of our lens as we focus on nearby objects.

Binocular Depth Cues

- Depend on information received from both eyes.

- Convergence can be labelled as a binocular depth cue as well.

- Main binocular depth cue is disparity.

Binocular Disparity

- The difference in the position of the images in our two eyes.


- The perception of depth as a result of retinal disparity.

Corresponding Retinal Points

- These are the places on each retina that connect to the same places in the visual cortex.

- The two foveas are an example of two such corresponding retinal points.


- An imaginary sphere that passes through the point of focus.

- Objects on the horopter fall on corresponding points on the two retinas.

Non-corresponding Points

- These are objects that do not fall on the horopter.

- These points make disparate images.

- The angle between these points is the absolute disparity.

- The amount of disparity indicates how far an object is from the horopter.

Relative Disparity

- The difference between the absolute disparity of two objects.

Depth perception in other species

- Animals use same range of cues as humans.

- Frontal eyes are necessary for binocular disparity.

- Lateral eyes provide a wider view, which allows them to watch for predators.

Monocular Depth Cues

- Cues provided from only one eye.

1) Pictorial cues

2) Movement base cues

Motion Parallax

- The difference in the perceived speed of movement for near and far objects.

- Nearby objects appear to glide rapidly past us, whereas more distant objects appear to move more slowly.

Eye movement

This allows us to:
1) Place the image of things that interest us on the fovea; the high resolution portion of the fovea.

2) Keep images of moving objects stationary on the retina.

3) Compensate for our head movements.

Main Types of Eye Movements

1) Vergence (or Conjugate) movements

2) Saccadic movements

3) Pursuit movements

4) VOR - Vestibular Ocular Reflex

Vergence/Conjugate Movements

- Vergence points both fovea at a near or a far target.

- Vergence prevents double vision

- During vergence, the eyes rotate in opposite directions (left eye moves right, right eye moves left)

Saccadic Movements

- Saccades move the fovea to an object of interest.

- They are very fast and accurate.

- No voluntary control over their speed

- Effectively blind during every saccade.

- Both eyes move together

Pursuit Movements

- Their purpose is to keep the fovea pointing at a moving target.

- Pursuit is involuntary; you cannot initiate a pursuit in absence of a moving target.

VOR (Vestibular Ocular Reflex) Movements

- These keep the image of the world stationary on the retina when we move our head.

What happens when images don't move on retina?

- Appear normal at first

- Then they begin to fade

- After a short while, they cannot be seen at all

How come the world doesn't fade when we fixate?

- Eyes are never perfectly still.

- Always a bit of a tremor in the 3 pairs of extraocular antagonist muscles even when we think we are holding a steady fixation.

Neural Circuits

- Groups of neurons connected by excitatory and inhibitory synapses.

- A simple circuit has no convergence and only excitatory impulses.

- Each circuit can only indicate single spot of stimulation.

Convergent Circuit with only Excitatory Connections

- Input from each receptor summates into
the next neuron in the circuit.
– Output from convergent system varies
based on input.
– Output of circuit can indicate single input
and increases output as length (or area) of
stimulus increases.

Convergent Circuit with Excitatory and
Inhibitory Connections

– Inputs from receptors summate to
determine output of circuit.
– Summation of inputs result in:
• weak response for single inputs and
long stimuli.
• maximum firing rate for medium length

Center-Surround Receptive Fields

- Excitatory and inhibitory effects are found in
receptive fields.
- Center and surround areas of receptive fields
result in:
• Excitatory-center-inhibitory surround
• Inhibitory-center-excitatory surround

Center-Surround Antagonism

- Output of center-surround receptive fields
changes depending on area stimulated:
– Highest response when only the excitatory
area is stimulated
– Lowest response when only the inhibitory
area is stimulated
– Intermediate responses when both areas
are stimulated

The receptive field of a neuron

- The Receptive Field of a visual neuron is the
small area on the retina which, when
stimulated, influence the firing rate of this
visual neuron

Why are the receptive fields of retinal ganglion
cells so important ?

• All the visual information that the eye sends to the brain is (must be) encoded in the responses (i.e. trains of action potentials or spikes) of these retinal ganglion cells.
• Their RFs capture and enhance certain properties in the retinal image.
- The RFs of retinal ganglion cells are fundamental for understanding our perception of colour, luminance, contrast & edges and lightness & darkness.

Pathway from Retina to Cortex

Signals from the retina travel through the
optic nerve to the:
1) Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
2) Primary visual receiving area in the
occipital lobe (the striate cortex)
3) And then through two pathways to the
temporal lobe and the parietal lobe
4) Finally arriving at the frontal lobe

Other neurons in the visual cortex

Complex cells
– Like simple cells
• Respond to bars of light of a particular
– Unlike simple cells
• Respond to movement of bars of light in
specific direction

Neurons in Striate Cortex

End-stopped cells
– Respond to:
• Moving lines of specific length
• Moving corners or angles
– No response to:
• Stimuli that are too long

Feature Detectors

• Neurons that fire to specific features of a
• Pathway away from retina shows neurons
that fire to more complex stimuli
• Cells that are feature detectors:
– Simple cortical cell
– Complex cortical cell
– End-stopped cortical cell

Optical Nerve Fibre (Ganglion Cell)

- Center-surround receptive field.

- Responds best to small spots, but will also respond to other stimuli.

Simple Cortical Cell

- Excitatory and inhibitory areas arranged side by side.

- Responds best to bars of a particular orientation.

Complex Cortical Cell

- Responds best to movement of a correctly oriented bar across the receptive field.

- Many cells respond best to a particular direction of movement.

End-Stopped Cortical Cell

- Responds to corners, angles or bars of a particular length moving in a particular direction.

What makes a sound ?

Two definitions of “sound”
– Physical definition - sound is pressure changes in
the air or other medium.
– Perceptual definition - sound is the experience
we have when we hear.

The two components of a pure sound wave

1. Amplitude – the difference between the baseline pressure and the peak or the trough in air pressure.
2. Wavelength – the time difference between two adjacent peaks.


• The amplitude determines the loudness of a tone.
• Amplitude is the difference between the high and the low pressure regions in a sound wave.


• Frequency = 1/Wavelength.
It determines the perceived pitch.
• Two different pure tones will have two different

• A tone’s frequency is measured in units called
Hertz (Hz) where 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.

Timbre & Overtones

• We can tell a guitar from a piano or a clarinet
by the combination of their overtones:- the
unique components of their complex sound
waves whose frequencies are multiples of the
fundamental frequency of each tone.

The Outer ear

Pinna helps with sound location (more
Auditory canal - tube-like 3 cm long
• It protects the tympanic membrane at
the end of the canal.

The Middle Ear

• Two cubic centimeter cavity separating inner from outer ear
• It contains the three ossicles:
Malleus (Hammer) - moves due to the vibration of the tympanic membrane
Incus (Anvil) - transmits vibrations of malleus
Stapes (Stirrup) - transmit vibrations of incus to the inner ear via the oval window of the cochlea.

Function of Ossicles

• Outer and inner ear are filled with air.
• Inner ear is filled with fluid that is much
denser than air.
• Pressure changes in air transmit poorly into
the denser medium.
• Ossicles act to amplify the vibration for better
transmission to the fluid.

Transduction by the Hair Cells

• Movement of a bundle of cilia in different directions changes the firing rate of an auditory neuron.
• Movement of the bundle towards the tallest one causes an increase in the firing rate of an auditory neuron.
• Movement in the other direction causes a decreases in the firing rate of the neuron.

Place Coding (High to Middle Frequencies)

• High and middle frequency are represented at
different locations (places) on the basilar
• Their loudness is represented by the
amplitude of the vibrations.

Coding of low frequencies

• In this case, the basilar membrane actually follows the vibrations and the rate of firing of auditory neurons changes with the frequency of vibration.
• i.e. Not “Place coding” but Temporal- (or Rate-)
• Loudness of low frequency sounds is represented by “how many” auditory hair cells are active.

Summary of Auditory Transduction

• Vibrations of the oval window by the 3 ossicles cause movement of the fluid in the cochlea and of the basilar membrane.
• The basilar membrane moves relative to the tectorial membrane and the “bending” of the cilia of hair cells depolarises (excites) them.
• The hair cells cause neurons in the auditory nerve to fire and they are connect to the brain (Auditory Cortex).
• Low (less than 200Hz) are coded differently to medium and high- frequencies (Anatomical vs Temporal codes).

Locating the source of a sound

• Left vs. Right (azimuth):
1. Intensity Differences
2. Time of Onset Differences
3. Phase Differences
• Front vs. back: Timbre Differences

The three main somatosenses

1) Cutaneous sense
• Sensitivity to stimuli that involve the skin.
• e.g. pressure, vibration, heating/cooling, and
events that cause tissue damage (i.e. pain).
2) Organic (internal) sense
• A sense modality that arises from receptors
located within the inner organs of the body.
• Proprioception - ability to sense position of the
body and limbs
3) Vestibular
• Perception of the body’s balance.

Types of Cutaneous receptors

Free nerve endings:
• Found in both hairy and non-hairy skin (e.g. on the palms and soles of feet).
• In hairy skin, they surround the hair follicles.
Other specialised receptors:
• Detection of touch, stretch, warmth or coolness.

Cutaneous System

• Skin - heaviest organ in the body:
– Protects the organism by keeping damaging
agents from penetrating the body.
– Epidermis is the outer layer of the skin, which
is made up of dead skin cells.
– Dermis is below the epidermis and contains
mechanoreceptors that respond to stimuli
such as pressure, stretching, and vibration.

Mechanoreceptors (Close to surface of skin)

Merkel receptor fires continuously while
stimulus is present.
• Responsible for sensing fine details
Meissner corpuscle fires only when a
stimulus is first applied and when it is
• Responsible for controlling hand-grip

Mechanoreceptors (Deeper in skin)

Ruffini cylinder fires continuously to
• Associated with perceiving stretching of the
Pacinian corpuscle fires only when a stimulus is first applied and when it is removed.
• Associated with sensing rapid vibrations and
fine texture

Somatosenses (Internal Senses)

• Sensory endings located in our internal organs,
bones and joints. e.g. receptors in the muscles &
tendons protect against possible damage from
• Specialised receptors include, muscle spindles
that detects changes in muscle length and
mechanoreceptors that respond to the movement and the angles of our joints.
• Those sensations are called Proprioception: our
sense of body position and movement

Anatomy of the vestibular apparatus

Vestibular sac
- One of a set of two receptor-organs in each inner ear that detects changes in the tilt of the head.
Semicircular canal
- One of the three ring-like structures of the vestibular apparatus that detect changes in head rotation in any direction.

The Chemosenses

1. Gustation = Taste
2. Olfaction = Smell

The Taste System

• Sweetness is usually associated with
substances that have nutritive value.
• Bitter is usually associated with substances that
are potentially harmful.
• Salty taste indicates the presence of sodium.
• However, there is not always a perfect
connection between tastes and function of

Five basic taste qualities

– Salty
– Sour
– Sweet
– Bitter
– Umami - described as meaty, brothy or
savory and associated with MSG

Structure of the Taste System

• Tongue contains different papillae:
Filiform - shaped like cones and located
over entire surface – no taste buds.
Fungiform - shaped like mushrooms and
found on sides and tip
Foliate - series of folds on back and sides
Circumvilliate - shaped like flat mounds in
a trench located at back

Taste Buds

• Taste buds are located in papillae except for
• The entire tongue contains approximately
10,000 taste buds.
• Each taste bud has 50-100 taste cells with
tips that extend into the taste pore.
• Transduction occurs when chemicals
contact the receptor sites on the tips.


- The receptor sheet for taste. Contains papillae, taste buds, taste cells, and receptor sites.

Taste Cells

- Cells that make up a taste bud. There are a number of cells for each bud, and the tip of each one sticks out into a taste pore. One or more nerve fibres are associated with each cell.

Tongue Receptor Sites

Sites located on the tips of the taste cells. There are different types of sites for different chemicals. Chemicals contacting the sites cause transduction by affecting ion flow across the membrane of the taste cell.

The neural pathway from tongue to brain

Receptor cells send information
through 3 different nerves:
1) The Facial nerve
2) The Glossopharyngeal
3) The Vagus

• All three converge on the Solitary Nucleus in the
Medulla, and then project to the Ventral posterior nucleus in the Thalamus (ref relay).
• From the Thalamus, neurons project to the Primary- and Secondary Gastatory cortex.

The olfactory apparatus

Olfactory mucosa
• The mucus membrane that contains the cilia of
the olfactory receptors. The membrane is located at the roof of the nasal sinus, just under the base of the brain.
Olfactory bulbs
• The structures at the base of the brain, containing the neural circuits that process olfactory information. These neurons receive information directly from the axons of the olfactory receptors.

Functions of Olfaction

• Many animals are macrosmatic - having a
keen sense of smell that is necessary for
• Humans are microsmatic - a less keen sense
of smell that is not crucial to survival

Detecting Odors – Sensitivity

• Rats are 8 to 50 times more sensitive to
odors than humans.
• Dogs are 300 to 10,000 times more sensitive.
• However, individual receptors for all of these
animals are equally sensitive.
• The difference lies in the number of receptors
they each have.
– Humans have ten million and dogs have
one billion olfactory receptors.

Identifying Odors - Recognition

• Recognition threshold - concentration needed
to determine quality of an odorant
• Humans can discriminate among 100,000
odors, but they cannot label them accurately.
• This appears to be caused by an inability to
retrieve the name from memory, not from a
lack of sensitivity.

The Perception of Flavor

• Combination of smell, taste, and other
sensations (such as burning of hot peppers
with ref to the body senses)
• Odor stimuli from food in the mouth reaches
the olfactory mucosa through the retronasal
• The taste of most compounds is influenced by
olfaction, but a few, such as MSG are not.

Orbital Frontal Cortex (OFC)

• Responses from taste and smell are first
combined in the orbital frontal cortex (OFC).
• OFC also receives input from the primary
somatosensory cortex and the inferotemporal
cortex in the visual “what” pathway.
– Bimodal neurons in this area respond to
taste and smell, as well as taste and vision.
– Firing of these neurons is also affected by
the level of hunger of the animal for a
specific food.