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115 Cards in this Set

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Cells are composed of (blank), a colorless, jelly-like substance in which food elements and water are present


Which phase of cell metabolism involves complex compounds being broken down into smaller ones?


Bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, fascia, and fat or adipose tissue are called

Connective tissue

How many major systems are found in the human body?


White and red blood cells are produced by which system?


How many bones are in the human body?


Which answer is not a face bone?

A. Palatine

B. Carpus

C. Mandible

D. Maxillary


The clavicle and scapula form the

A. Hand

B. Shoulder

C. Upper arm

D. Hip


The biceps, deltoid, and triceps enable movement in which areas of the body?

A. Neck and shoulder

B. Arm and shoulder

C. Arm and hand

D. Fingers and wrist

Arm and shoulder

Which of the 11 body systems is responsible for coordinating activities that are performed both inside and outside of the body?

A. Nervous

B. Skeletal

C. Endocrine

D. Circulatory


The fine fibers that supply every square inch of the human body are known as


What does the buccal nerve affect?

Muscles of the mouth

The infratrochlear nerve affects the

Membrane of the nose

What is another name for the digestive system


When you breathe in, what is absorbed into the blood?


What part of the body had the largest, most complex nerve tissue?


Neurons, or nerve cells, are the

Primary structural units of the nervous system

The dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is called


The integumentary system is made up of the skin and its accessory organs, including

Oil glands, sweat glands, sensory receptors

(all answers)

Which component of a cell determines a person's genetic makeup?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Blood is approximately (blank) percent of water?


Body elimination is called


Define physiology.

Study of functions and activities performed by the body structures

Which answer defines histology?

Microscopic anatomy

What is the role of connective tissue?

Supports, protects, and binds together other tissues of the body

Which of the following are bones of the cranium?

A. Sphenoid and Ethmoid

B. Frontal and Temporal

C. Parietal and Occipital

D. All Answers

Sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital

(All answers)

What is the function of the supinator muscles?

Rotate the radius/palm outward

What is the chief sensory nerve of the face?

Fifth Cranial Nerve

Branches of the fifth cranial nerve include:

Ophthalmic nerve, mandibular nerve, maxillary nerve

(All answers)

What does the greater auricular nerve affect?

Face, ears, neck, and parotid gland

What is the purpose of the thyroid gland?

Controls how quickly the body burns energy and makes protein, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones

Which organs play key roles in the excretory system?

Kidney and liver, skin, large intestine

(All answers)

The respiratory system is composed of these two parts:

Lungs and Diaphragm

(Blank) makes up about 65% of the human body and covers 75% of the earth's surface


The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with (blank) being neutral


(Blank) include skin cleansers, moisturizers, and body washes

Oil-in-water emulsions

In emulsions, the droplets of water are surrounded by surfactants with their "heads" (hydrophilic ends) pointing (blank) and their "tails" (lipophilic ends) pointing (blank)

Pointing In (heads, hydrophilic ends)

Pointing Out (tails, lipophilic ends)

The three states of matter are

Solid, liquid, gas

Why are surfactants necessary in skin care preparations?

Wet the skin, disperse oil in water, emulsify oil & water

(All answers)

Identify the answer that best describes oil-in-water:

Oil added to water

Physical properties of a substance include:

Color, odor, weight, density, specific gravity, melting point, boiling point, and hardness

(All answers)

What is the medical term for freckles?


A skin sore produced by scratching or scraping the skin is called a(n):


In the medical vernacular, hives are referred to as:


Pruitis means:


This condition is aggravated by spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, exposure to extreme temperatures, heat, sun, and stress:


This disease involves red patches covered with white-silver scales that are usually found in patches on the scalp, elbows, knees, chest, and lower back


Distended capillaries are called:


A congenital disease characterized by spotty hypopigmentation is called


A mass of keratinized cells that causes a thickening of the skin is called


The vast majority of all skin cancers are caused by

Sun Exposure

Tanning is safe when you expose your skin to UV rays:

Tanning is never safe

Eighty percent of sun damage occurs by this age:


Bacteria are (blank), meaning they cannot live in the presence of oxygen.


Adult acne is more prevalent among:


Which of the following medications treat acne?

Tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene, and azelaic acid

(All answers)

Which skin type can also be a skin condition?


A lack of (blank) is a characteristic in dry skin?


Which skin type is characterized by follicles that go from smaller to medium size just on the edge of the T-zone by the nose?


Which skin type is easily irritated by products and exposure to heat or sun?


Trauma, extractions, sun damage, or exfoliation can cause what in darker skin types?

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Which ethnic skin type is considered to be most sensitive to peels?


What affects a persons skin condition?

External and Internal Factors

Skin conditions include:

Couperose, sensitive and wrinkling

Large blackheads around the eyes are called:

Solar Comedones

UVA rays can cause:

Photoaging, skin cancer, DNA damage

(All answers)

Polyphenols are plant chemicals and a family of antioxidants found in foods such as:

Green tea, red grapes, strawberries, and pomegranates

(All answers)

An epileptic seizure can be triggered by:

Light or electrical treatments

What are your skin concerns? Why are you here? These are important questions that must always be asked when doing a(n):


According to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, products that affect the structures and/or functions of the human body are:


In skin care formulations, what category of ingredients causes the actual changes in the appearance of the skin?

Performance ingredients

A product added to a formulation to enhance the effectiveness of a preservative is called a(n):

Chelating agent

Chemical exfoliation can be achieved by using:

Certain AHAs and BHAs

Hydroxy acids used for skin treatments include:

Glycolic and lactic, citric and salicylic, malic and tartaric

(All answers)

After using a lightening agent on the skin, it is especially important for the client to use a(n) (blank) to prevent the pigmented areas from returning.



Enhance cellular metabolism

Closed, lipid bilayer spheres that encapsulate ingredients, target their delivery to specific tissues, and control their release are called:


What is the function of vitamin A in skin care preparations?

Stimulates cell repair

Which of the following is derived from seaweed?


Which of the body's systems involves the sense of smell?


Which of the following natural ingredients can positively impact mature skin?

Green tea, squalane oil, dipotassium glycyrrhizate

(All answers)

Cleansers that are solely used to remove makeup are called:

Makeup removers

Which of the following peels sloughs the outer layers of the corneum?


Keratolytic enzymes do what?

Help speed up the breakdown of keratin

Benefits derived from masks and packs include:

Hydrate, nourish, calm and soothe

(All answers)

Which type of mask contains oils, emollients, and humectants, and has a strong moisturizing effect?


TCA (trichloroacetic acid), glycolic acid (50% or more), and Jessner's Peel (4-10 coats) are performed by:

a Physician

What should you do to ensure a safe outcome when doing a peel?

Always give a patch test 24-48 hours prior to the service, consult with the client prior to appying the peel, follow manufacturer's directions

(All answers)

Why is glycolic acid frequently used for superficial peels?

Has the smallest molecular weight of all AHAs

Salicylic acid is typically used to:

Treat acne

What does a buffering product do?

Reduces irritation

Light peels can:

Improve the texture of the skin, increase the cell renewal function (CRF), and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation

(All answers)

During the consultation for a peel service, you should:

Explain the procedures and realistic goals of the service


Is a powerful electronic vacuum, sometimes abrades the skin with a hard application such as a diamond tip, usually sprays crystals on the face and then uses suction to vacuum them up and stimulate the skin

(All answers)

Light therapies include:

Lasers, intense pulsed light (IPL) systems, light-emitting diode (LED) devices

(All answers)

Ultrasound equipment uses (blank) to treat the skin

Deep-penetrating sound waves

Body exfoliation services are also called:

Polishes and glows

Balneotherapy is a type of spa service involving the core use of:

Mud or fango

Ayurveda is based on the 3 doshas. What are they?

Kapha, vatta, and pitta

Medical aestheticians are well trained, experienced, and, in some cases, can be certified as:

Certified Medical Aestheticians

Botox is injected into the muscles causing:

Temporary paralysis or diminished movement by blocking the neurotransmitters

To be a good student, you must be:

An active studier

When preparing for your State Board test, you should expect:

Some anxiety

What does the independent skin care clinic or day spa offer?

Anti-aging facials

A full-service salon always provides:

Skin care services

What does a résumé reveal about you?

Summary of education, summary of work experience, accomplishments and achievements

(All answers)

What is a franchise salon or spa?

A salon that is owned by an individual, but is still part of a larger organization or chain

Expect to answer these question(s) during your interview:

What is your approach to customer service?

How do you feel about promoting retail sales?What are your long-term career goals?

(All answers)

As an esthetician, you should:

Investigate new products and techniques

Which answer describes employment guidelines?

A detailed job description highlighting specific duties and responsibilities

Which cosmetic ingredient was introduced in in the twentieth century?

Botox, Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxy Acids

(All answers)

UVB rays can cause skin diseases including:

Skin Cancer

Vitamin A:

is an antioxidant, improves the skin's elasticity, improves skin thickness

(All answers)

Which of the following is a benefit of using an exfoliant?

Helps improve the luminosity of the skin, skin texture is smoother and softer, helps improve product penetration

(All answers)

UVA rays are longer and cause:
