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26 Cards in this Set

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Drug Classification:
Sedative-Hypnotic drugs are...
...central nervous system (CNS) depressants

Three main types of sedative-hypnotic drugs...
Nonbarbiturate sedatives
Minor tranquilizers

Sedative-Hypnotic drug side-effects...
Nausea, Lethargy, Vomiting, Skin rashes, Upset stomach, Hangover, Fever, Blurred vision, Facial numbness, Impaired judgement, Poor motor control, Psuedo-dementia.
High risk of Fatal Overdose
High risk of Physical and Psychological Dependance (Addictive)
Life-threatening Withdrawal Symptoms

Subclass- Barbiturates:

[Sedative-Hypnotic drugs]
- All end in --al
- Acts as CNS depressant; Anxiolytic, Hypnotic, Anticonvulsant.
- Largely replaced by benzodiazepines in routine medical practice (ex: anxiety and insomnia) because less dangerous in overdose
- Used in Anesthesia, Epilepsy

-First: 1903, synthesized from chemicals in urine- barbituric acid
Barbital: Trade-name, Use
- Veronal
- Inducing sleep
Phenobarbital: Trade-name, Type, Use



-relaxation and relief from anxiety

-Marketed in 1912

Types of Barbiturates (4 types)...
[by Duration of effect]
- Ultra-short-acting

- Short-Acting (less than 4 hrs)

- Intermediate-Acting (4 to 6 hrs)

- Long-Acting (more than 6 hrs)

*quicker acting = greater abuse
*Length of time depends on: dose, differences among users, method of admin.
Effects of Barbiturates...
Similar to alcohol; mood-altering.
- Depresses the nervous system, activity of muscle tissue, the heart, and respiration.

- Confusion, Short-attention span, Impaired cognitive fxn, Inadequate emotional control, Poor judgement, Slurred speech, Hangovers, Intoxication.

- Deteriorated Rxn Time, Hand-eye coordination, and Energy levels.
*do not drive, use machinery

- Hostility and Rage commonly surface.

Extent of effect depends on the user's state of mind, setting, and experience with the drug.
Tolerance of Barbiturates...
Taken chronically,
a tolerance is developed.
Also, cross-tolerance to chemically similar drugs (alcohol, minor tranquilizers) develops.

*If large quanities are taken daily (800-1,000mg), dependance can result in 4 to 6 weeks
Potential Hazards
Ranges from fatigue to fatal overdose. Moderate side effects include emotional upset, nausea, vertigo, vomiting, and diarrhea.

-increased risk of panic attacks

- depresses breathing, insufficient blood oxygenation
- depresses heartbeat, blood pressure drops > shock > coma > death

- Effects to Fetus when taken during pregnancy: congenital dependancy and withdrawal; birth defects, brain damage, or death due to oxygen deficiency.

- Fatal synergistic effect with other depressants, esp. alcohol.

- Life-threatening withdrawal without medical supervision:
Profuse sweating, insomnia, muscular twitching, paranoia, vomiting, aches and pains, cramps, quick temper, and in severe instances, nightmares, hallucinations, and seizures.

- Side effects: Short-attention span, Impaired cognitive fxn, Inadequate emotional control, Diminished hand-eye coordination, Nausea, Vomiting, Birth defects, Confusion, Poor judgement, Slurred speech, Vertigo, Diarrhea, Respiratory failure, Violent behavior
Medical Use
- Sleep-inducing agent
- for certain convulsive disorders
- limited extent, for anxiety
(most prescribed to elderly)

-Anesthesia (short-acting barbiturates)
-- *Pentothal (thiopental) is used during surgery to Reduce brain swelling and cerebral pressure, and improve circulation.
-- barbiturates are less used now for this purpose, b/c other drugs are less toxic and dependancy inducing.

-- Effectiveness of barbiturates as sleeping agents is questionable, b/c they interfere with REM cycle of sleep, which is necessary to be truly restful.
--- "Rebound Insomnia" can occur: where it becomes more difficult to fall asleep than less difficult. b/c insomnia is a side-effect.
--- Fatigue; ppl taking barbiturates wake up more tired than when they went asleep.
Case Studies
Barbiturates are sometimes ingested to
- improve amphetamine effects
- reduce the effects of heroin withdrawal.

* Typical scenario: taking amphetamines ("speed") during the day to get charged up ("wired") and barbiturates at night to go to sleep.
Drug List:
- *Luminal (phenobarbital); long-acting

- Seconal (secobarbital); short-acting

- *Nembutal (pentobarbital); short-acting

- Tuinal (secobarbital sodium & amobarbital sodium)

- *Amytal (amobarbital); intermediate-acting

- Lotusate (talbutal); short-acting

- *Butisol (butabarbital); intermediate acting

Luminal (phenobarbital)

Butisol (butabarbital)

Amytal (amobarbital)

Nembutal (pentobarbital)

Pentothal (thiopental)

Subclass- Nonbarbiturate Sedatives:

[Sedative-Hypnotic drugs]
Chloral Hydrate

[Nonbarbiturate Sedative]

[Nonbarbiturate Sedative]

[Nonbarbiturate Sedative]

[Nonbarbiturate Sedative]
Methaqualone: Harmful Effects

[Sedative-Hypnotic drugs]
- Harmful and highly addictive!

- Severe withdrawal symptoms: mania, seizures, vomiting, convulsions, and death.

- 75mg: dream-like moods
- 130-300mg: feel anesthetized and fall asleep -potentially permanently

- Lethal when combined with alcohol

- Additional effects: *memory loss (implicated in accid. overdose), reduced inhibitions, disorientation, drowsiness, anxiety, paranoia, restlessness, depersonalization, menstrual irregularities, anorexia, hangover, pain in extremities, nosebleeds, diarrhea.

**remains a problem in South Africa, other parts of Africa, and India
"Date Rape" Drugs

[Minor Tranquilizers]

[Minor Tranquilizers]
Subclass- Minor Tranquilizers:

[Sedative-Hypnotic drugs]