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36 Cards in this Set

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state the standard issue of the 782 gear.
-fighting load carrying equipment: pistol belt, suspenders, field pack, ammo pouches, e tool cover, canteen cover, ifak.
-bivouac: cantten and cup, e tool, poncho, t-cop.
-protective equipment: helmet, otv
-special issue: flak jacket, sleeping bag, sleeping mat.
-describe the construction and the elements of the following dug-in emplacements.
-hasty: made quickly by scraping the soil while in the prone position to form a shallow ridge or parapet.
-improved one man fighting position: constructed with a water sump, grenade sump, firing step, and parapet. build as wide as occupants shoulders and as tall as the person on the step. provides tanks from over passing tanks.
-improved two man fighting position: two one man fighting positions provides less protection from tanks.
-explain rules of camouflage and how they apply to
-general rules: camouflage by altering the form, shadow, texture, and color of objects. camo against air and ground observation. camo is constant and continuous.
-fighting position: make it look like surrounding vegetation. obtain the material from a wide area. cover excavated soil with vegetation or dump in a river. inspect the position from enemy's viewpoint.
-personal quipment: all shinny things and not naturally colored items need to be covered.
-individual: paint shinny areas with dark color (cheeks, nose, chins, hands, wrists.)
-vehicles: park under natural camo if necessary. place naturaly foliage as it grows.
-discuss conver and concealment
-cover: protection from enemy fire. a hill is natural cover. a parapet is artificial.
-concealment: protection from enemy observation.
-state what action should be taken when caught in the light of an over head flare and a ground flare.
-overhead flare: immidiatley seek the lowest cover possible and do not move until the light goes out.
-ground flare: move quickly and quietly out of the light.
-discuss the military aspects of terrain as it applies to a defensive force.
K-key terrain features
O-observation and fields of fire
C-cover and concealment
A-avenues of approach
-explain the procedures for basic land navigation using a lensatic compass.
-place map on a flat surface
-place an open lensatic compass on the maps compass rose with the sighting wire laying directly over the map's magnetic north line.
-turn the map and the compass together until the north arrow of the compass is alligned with the index line of the compass.
-the map is now orientated.
-state the five basic colors and how they apply to a military map.
black- man made feature
blue- water
green- vegetation
brown-relief feature (contours)
red- roads, built up areas, enemy positions.
-describe the grid system on military maps
-the military grid system provides a uniform system for referencing and marking measurements.
-read right first, then up
-explaini resection and intersection
-resection: locating the unknown position of a user by sighting in on 2 or three known points.
-intersection: finding the position of an unknow point by occupying two other known point and sightin in on the unknown point.
-explain the an/psn- (PLGR) for basic land navigation
-basically a gps that helps you find you present position. provides azimuth, range, and steering information.
-discuss the following

-topographic map
-topographic map: shows elevations and land features
-azimuth: azimuth is described in terms of degrees or mils
-utilizing bamcis, describe the planning process for the 5 paragraph order.
B- begin planning (issue patrol warning order)
A- arrange for reconnaissance and coordination
M- make reconnaissance
C- complete the plan (finalize route, assign fireteam responsiblities, determin hand signals, challenge and password, ensure members have proper uniform and equipment)
S- supervise preperations (conduct rehearsals)
-discuss the five paragraph order
the term smeac is a good way to issue concepts and orders to subordinates.

S- situation (contains information on enemy units, friendly units and attatchments
M- mission
E- execution
A- admin and logistics
C- command and signal
define the following reports

salute- size, activity, location, unit, time, equipment
spot- detailed report of enemy engagement allways follow a salute with a spot includes all information from the salute.
describe the purpose of a security and recon patrol.
-security patrols: provide physical security.
-recon patrols: detect enemy unit movement toward your position. locate and observe enemy position.
state the twelve patrol planning steps.
-study the mission
-plan the use of time
-study the terrain and situation
-organzize the patrol
-select personnel, weapons, and equipment
-issue the warning order
-make recon
-complete detailed plans
-issue patrol order
-supervise, inspect, rehearse, and re-inspect
-execute the mission
discuss the priority of establishing a defense.
commander's intent dictate the priorities.
-considers four defensive principles of war (supervise, security, unity of command, mass.)
A-automatic and crew size weapons
F-fields of fire (clear them)
describe a perimeter defense to include the three echelons of a defense.

-forward defense area
-security area
-reserve area
-forward defense area- area where frontline defensive positions are dug
-security area- area infront of FDA, security patrols roam this area, LPOP placed here.
-reserve area- area behind FDA that reserve forces occupy.
discuss the following

-call for fire for indirect weapon support
-fire commands for direct weapon support (addrac)
-supplementary call for fire and cas information
-describe how close air support is requested
use scw study guide section 109.20
dicuss the elements of a fire plan sketch.
use 109.21 in the nmcb 11 study guide.
discuss sectors of fire and fire discipline.

-area assisgned to an individual unit
-sectors of fire
-fir discipline
-area assigned to and individual, unit, or CSW
-sectors of fire- twp stakes are placed newar the firing position to indicate lateral limiits...sectors of fire interlock to ensure mutual support by adjacent units.
-fire discipline- the ability to efficiently apply fire on a target
discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following members of a squad.

-squad leader- ( squad compostion and squad leader responsiblilities.)
-fire team leader
-automatic rifleman
use nmcb 11 study guide for complete answers
discuss an individuals responsibility under the code of conduct
use NMCB 11 study guide
discuss the procedures for handling detainees
-six s's

describe force protection/threat condition conditions.
•THREATCON ALPHA. This condition applies when there is a general threat of possible terrorist activity
against personnel and facilities
•THREATCON BRAVO. This condition applies when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists
• THREATCON CHARLIE. This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel facilities and is imminent
• THREATCON DELTA. This condition applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is likely
discuss who defines rules of engagment.
the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff defines rules of engagment.
describe circumstances when deadly force would be normally authorized
-deadly force is used as a last resort

-authorized as self defense or defense of others when lesser means will not work
-defense of property vital to national security
-defense of property dangerous to others (weapons, ammo, etc)
-to prevent the escape of a prisoner likley to cause death or serious bodily injury to another.
state the eleven general orders of a sentry.
1. to take charge of this post and all government property in view.
2. to walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
3. to report all violations of orders that i am instructed to enforce.
4. to repeat all calls from posts more distant from the quarhouse than my own
5. to quit my post only when properly relieved.
6. to recieve, obey, and to pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and commisioned officers of the guard only.
7. to talk to no one except in the line of duty
8. to give the alarm in case of fire or disorder
9. to call the officer of the deck in any case not covered by instruction.
10. to salut all officers and all colors and standards not cased
11. to be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging to challenge all person on or near my post and to allow no one to pass with out proper authority.
describe the three classes of wire entanglements
-tactical wire- used to hamper enemy aggresion and is placed along fornt of the defensive line.
-protective wire-prevents close surprise attacks and is placed around each fighting position at hand grenade range (35-50 meters)
-supplementary wire- placed to conceal the exact line of tactical wire.
state the purpose of

-triple sandard concertina fence
-double apron fence
-low wire entanglement
see nmcb 11 study guide.
discuss the following actions when isolated in an enemy area.

evasion- know the enemy's locatioin, look for signs of group movement, absence of women and childrem, retain items of identification...without these items you may be treated as a spy.
define the acronym survival
S- size up the situation
U- undue hast makes waste
R- remember where u are
V- vanquish fear and panic
I- improvise
V- value living
A- act like the natives
L- learn the basic skills
discuss the following.

comlumn- used when speed and control are governing factors, favorable to fire and maneuver to either flank

wedge- used when enemy contact is possible, provides all around protection

skirmishers- used when assaulting a known enemy position

echelon- used to protect an exposed flank, hard formationm to control and is slow moving.
discuss the fundamentals of a successful ambush
-surprise attack froma concealed position upon a moving or a temporarily halted target
-success of an ambush is contingent on, early warning of target approach, holding fire until target is in the kill zone, opening fire at the proper time.
discuss immidiate actions during enemy contact in a convoy.
-driver attempts to drive through the killing zone
-personnel return fire immidiatley
-when vehicle is clear of killing zone they are halted and occupants get out and take offensive action against the enemy position.