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108 Cards in this Set

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High blood pressure

Hypertension HTN

High cholesterol



Coronary Artery Disease


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

What are the three types of dispositions?




What does HPI stand for?

History of present illness

What does ROS stand for ?

Review of Systems

The HPI and the ROS are considered what type of information?


The physical exam is what type of information ?


If a physician told you a patient's abdomen was nontender, where would you document this?

Physical Exam

What section focuses directly on the chief complaint?

Physical Exam

Name an example of something you may write in the surgical history portion of the chart?


Name an example of something you may write in the family hx portion of the chart?

History of Diabetes Mellitus

Name an example of something you may write in the Social Hx portion of the chart?
What is the abbreviation for hypertension?


What is the abbreviation for stroke?


What is the abbreviation for diabetes?


What is the abbreviation for heart attack?


What is the abbreviation for high cholesterol?


What is the medical term for removal of the appendix?


What is the medical term for removal of the gallbladder?


What is the medical term for removal of the uterus?


What is the medical term for removal of the tonsils?


What is the medical term for removal of the breast?


What are the five vital signs

blood pressure


oxygen saturation

heart rate


What does NKDA stand for?

No Known Drug Allergies

What does LNMP stand for?

Last Normal Menstrual Period

If the doctor said the exam was "benign", what does this mean?

Normal, not a concern

What is the medical term for CAD?

Coronary Artery Disease

What is the medical term for AAA?

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

What is the medical term for COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

What is the medical term for PNA?


What is the medical term for URI?

Upper Respiratory Infection

How is CHF diagnosed?

Chest X Ray, elevated BNP

How is PE diagnosed?

CTA chest

How is cholecystitis diagnosed?

Ultrasound of the right upper quadrant

How is pancreatitis diagnosed?

Elevated lipase

How is appendicitis diagnosed?

CT scan abdomen, pelvis with PO contrast

How is a Hemorrhagic CVA diagnosed?

CT head and lumbar puncture

How is deep vein thrombosis diagnosed?


What are two types of heart attacks and how are they diagnosed?

STEMI diagnosed by EKG

NON-STEMI diagnosed by Troponin

What are three types of cardiac risk factors?


Diabetes Mellitus

Coronary Artery Disease

What are four associated symptoms of an MI other than CP?





What are three symptoms a patient with an ischemic CVA would present with?

change in motor, changes in speech, changes in sensation

What are the only three true symptoms of an allergic reaction?

Swelling, Itching, Rash

What heart rhythm would a physician hear if the patient were in atrial fibrillation and how is this disease diagnosed?
Irregularly irregular rhythm

Diagnosed by EKG

What physical exam finding is associated with asthma?


How is altered mental status different from a focal neurological deficit? What is the major cause of AMS in the elderly?

AMS affects the whole brain, focal neurological deficit cause damage to certain areas of the brain. The major cause of AMS in the elderly is UTI

What is "layman's name" for GERD?

Acid Reflux

What is the most common cause for seizures in children?


Write a pathophysiology finding you learned during training and state its significance.





Reactive to

Light and


PERRLA make sure there is no damage to the optic nerve

In your own words, describe the significance of an HPI.
The story of the symptoms and events that led to the patient's ED
Name three people who will read the HPI other than the physician.

Nurse, Provider, Insurance Companies

Name five elements of the HPI.






True or False: The patient's entire ED visit is based on their answers to the questions asked during the HPI.
True or False: Accurate chronology is not important in an HPI.


Everything needs to be in order

What is the main difference between an HPI and an ROS?

The HPI is the chief complaint, the story

The ROS is a yes or no checklist of symptoms

List five body systems found in the ROS and provide two symptoms for each system.
Constitutional: Fever, Weight loss

Eyes: changes in vision, double vision

Cardiovascular: chest pain, palpitations

Neurological: headache, seizure

Psychiatric: depression, anxiety

True or False: The symptoms listed in the ROS can contradict the symptoms discussed in the HPI.


The ROS cannot contradict the HPI

How would you document the GPA for a patient who is currently pregnant, has been pregnant two times in the past, and has one child at home?

G: 3

P: 1

A: 1

What box would you check to communicate that the patient did not mention any other complaints other than those mentioned?
"All other systems negative except as marked"
Write an HPI finding you learned during training and state its significance.

Patient came in today complaining of a cough that started about three weeks ago. PT states CP with cough and describes it as "sharp & painful" on the left side of chest

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: NAD

No Acute Distress

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: AT/NC

Atraumatic Normocephalic

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: PERRL

Pupils Equal Round Reactive to Light

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: EOMI

Extraoccular Movement Intact

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: TM

Tempanic Membrane

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: RRR
Regular Rate and Rhythm
Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: JVD

Jugular Venous Distension

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: TTP

Tenderness To Palpitation

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: FROM

Full Range Of Motion

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: CVA tenderness

Cerebrovascular Accident

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: A&O

Alert & Oriented

Write the meaning of this physical exam abbreviation: SI/HI

Suicidal Ideation/Homocidal Ideation

What disease is associated with scleral icterus?

Liver failure

What condition is associated with fluorescein uptake?

corneal abraision

What condition is associated with bulging and erythematous TM?

Ear Infection

What condition is associated with dry mucous membrane?


What condition is associated with tonsillar exudate


What condition is associated with sinus tenderness?


What condition is associated with irregularly irregular?

Atrial fibrillation

What condition is associated with JVD?

Congestive Heart Failure

What condition is associated with wheezing?


What condition is associated with Pale conjunctiva?


What condition is associated with rales?


What condition is associated with McBurney's Point Tenderness?


What condition is associated with Murphy's Sign?


What condition is associated with Guaiac Positive (Heme +)?


What condition is associated with CVA tenderness?


What condition is associated with urticaria?


What condition is associated with fluctuance and Induration?


What condition is associated with bilateral pitting pedal edema?

Heart failure

What condition is associated with calf tenderness?

Deep Vein Thrombosis

What condition is associated with facial asymmetry?

Bell's Palsy

What condition is associated with unilateral weakness?


What do you write on the chart of the doctor states "The pulses are fine" after checking the patient's pulse near the wrists?

radial pulse regular rhythm

What do you write on the chart of the doctor states "The pulses are fine" after checking the patient's pulse near the heel?

posterior tibialis pulse regular rhythm

What do you write on the chart of the doctor states "The pulses are fine" after checking the patient's pulse near the top of the foot?

dorsal pedis pulse regular rhythm

What do you write on the chart of the doctor states "The pulses are fine" after checking the patient's pulse near the neck?

carotid pulse regular rhythm

What do you write on the chart of the doctor states "The pulses are fine" after checking the patient's pulse near the pelvic region?

pelvic pulse regular rhythm

Which words do you think are synonyms with the word "red"?


What organ is in the RUQ?

Gallbladder and liver

What organ is in the LUQ?

Spleen and pancreas

What organ is in the RLQ?


What organ is in the LLQ?

Descending colon

What is an extrasystole?

extra heartbeat

What is the physician checking for when they hold their stethoscope to both sides of the patient's neck?

Carotid bruit

Write a PE finding you learned during training and state its significance

Skin: dry, warm, no rashes