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316 Cards in this Set

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Science and technology

It is a dynamic processes engaged in by man to satisfy basic needs

1. the thirst for knowledge and 2. the material requirements for human survival and prosperity.

Two basic needs of human


It is the description, understanding, and prediction of phenomena through the use and generation of verifiable theories, laws, and principles.


________ is the language of Science


an intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

1. As a knowledge

2. As a field of systematic inquiry of nature

3. As a form of human cultural activity

4. As a total social enterprise

According to McGinn (1991), Science has four meanings:


the use of scientific knowledge and/or empirical knowhow for the production, improvement, and distribution of goods and services, as well as the satisfaction of other material needs


The application of understanding of natural laws to the solutions of practical problems


TRUE OR FALSE. Science is practically creating and inventing things while technology is about learning new facts


It is a group of persons joined together for a common purpose or by a common interest.

1. Pre Industrial society

2. Industrial society

3. Post industrial society

Broad categories of society

Pre Industrial society

The main economic activity in this society is food production, which is carried out through the use of human and animal labor

Industrial society

A society with an increased efficiency of production of the industrial revolution produced an even greater surplus than before.

Post industrial society

Societies dominated by information, services, and high technology more than the production of goods.


the investigation of the physical world in which experiments are rendered in order to explain matters of concern.

1. Focuses on the natural world

2. Goes through experiments

3. Relies on evidence

4. Passes through the scientific community

Four characteristics of science

Internal studies

refers to studies of phenomena such as the general nature and interrelationship of science and technology, the social structures and reward systems of the professions of science and engineering, and social aspects of everyday scientific and technological activity.


Subset of STS that focuses on the inseparable connection between science and technology

Techno social

The perception that society and technology are intertwined technological action is a social process

Gentle tyranny

an unintended restrictions placed on population

McGinn (1991)

According to ________, Science has four meanings:

W. Brian Arthur (2009)

In the book The Nature of Technology: What it is and how it evolves, ___________ defined technology in three ways


He strongly opposes the view on technology


a means to an end


a human activity

Brooks (1994)

________ highlighted six relationships between science and technology


It refers to the study of science and technology in society, that is, the study of the ways in which technical and social phenomena interact and influence each other.

Harms and Yager (1993)

______________ further derive four main purposes of the STS approach

The relationship of Science, Technology and Society

1. Ancient Period

2. Mesoamerican Period

3. Medieval Period

4. Renaissance Period

5. Middle East

6. Intellectual Revolution

7. Industrial Revolution

8. African revolution

9. In the 19th century

10. In the 20th century

Science and Technology in different periods

Homo erectus

ca 750,000 Fire is used by ________.

Stone-headed spears

ca 45,000 __________ are used in Europe

wooden bow and arrow

ca 20,000 The ____________ are used in Spain and Saharan Africa.


ca 2000 The ________ build palaces in Crete.

ca 8,500

On _____________, North Americans make stone arrowheads.

Folsom people

ca 8,000 The __________ living on eastern side of the Poe's Mountains develop sophisticated tools.

South America

ca 6000 Pottery is made in ______________.

flirt tools

ca 2500 People in the Arctic makes ___________.


ca 1750, __________ build a long canal to irrigate their cops.

rafts and boats

ca 1200 Fishermen in Peru makes _________ from reeds

Olmec sculptors

ca 1200 ______________ carve figurines and giant human heads.


ca 11,000 The earliest-known day pots are made in ________.


ca 5200 People in Iran make ______


ca 4000 ________ is first made in Thailand.

ca 3500

On ________, The plow is invented in both China and Mesopotamia.

ca 3000

On _________, Boats in China are equipped with anchors.


ca 2950 A lunar calendar is developed in _______.


ca 2500 Clay pipes are used as drains in _________

ca 2500

On _________, Chinese doctors begin using acupuncture.

Chinese astronomers

ca 2296, ___________ record the sighting of a comet.

natural gas

ca 850 The Chinese use ________ for lighting.

solar eclipse

ca 1361 Chinese astronomers record a ________.

Mesoamerican Period

This period contributed a lot ideas or discoveries for Archaeology.

in the middle

The term Mesoamerica comes from the Greek word mesos meaning __________




Three civilizations in Mesoamerican Period


Carved colossal heads from volcanic rocks as portraits of rulers.


Invented calendar and carved hieroglyphic writing into stone.


The mother culture of Mesoamerica.


Developed methods of farming such as shifting agriculture and raised bed farming.


Developed numbering system including place value and the concept of zero.


Developed a solar calendar with 365 days and ritual calendar with 260 days.


Built chinampas or “floating gardens” to plant crops.


Built empire which has a ruler with his council consisting of nobles, priest, and military leaders.


Believed that illness is a punishment from the gods but still uses herbs and medicine for treatment

Dark Ages

The Medieval Period also known as ___________

500 to 1000

There is very little evidence that will support that there was progress in the society during the periods ______ to _______

period of readjustment

In the years immediately after the fall of Rome, there was a ______________, Where medieval society was more concerned with keeping peace and empire building than nurturing centers of learning.

Medieval Period

The period where there is advancements in the philosophy of science and the refinement of the scientific method.


acted as a nucleus for the Renaissance and the Enlightenment

Medieval period

This was the time for discovering great new inventions in science and technology.

Medieval period

A period of invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, greatly improved water mills, building techniques like the Gothic style, and three-field crop rotation.

15th century

the printing press of Johannes Gutenberg (ca. 1395-1468) in the ____________

300 years; 250 sheets per hour

wooden press reigned supreme for more than _____ years, with a hardly varying rate of ________ per hour printed on one side.

period of rebirth

The term Renaissance is used to refer to the ________________ as age of preparation for the 17th century scientific development and achievements


It connects the period of Middle Ages to modern history.

intellectual and cultural movement

Many historians prefer to think of the Renaissance as primarily an ________________

Robert Wilde

He interprets the Renaissance as a time period, though convenient for historians, “masks the long roots of the Renaissance (para.2)”.


papermaking originated from __________

communications revolution

The _____________ greatly made an impact in human opportunities for enlightenment and pleasure and created unimaginable possibilities for manipulation and control on the other.

Nicolaus Copernicus

presented the theory of heliocentric

Galileo Galilei

major Renaissance scientist persecuted for his scientific experiments

Galileo Galilei

He improved the telescope

Isaac Newton

He discovers the gravity

Middle east

This period is a product of the development and growth of individual nationalism, imperialism

Egypt to Afghanistan where Islam arose

Middle east is a term used to describe a geographic location that extends from ____________________


It is a religion of right actions, rules, and laws

Prophet Muhammad

Messenger of God by Muslim's belief

submission to God

Islam is an Arabic word meaning _____________

Witness (Shahada),

Worship (salat),

Fasting (Sawm),

Tithing (Zakat), and

Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Five Pillars of Islam

Middle East (Revolution)

This period shows openness to embracing knowledge resulted to some advancement in the field of geography, medicine, and mathematics.

Al Idrisi

In 1166, _________ produced very accurate maps including a world map that has continents, mountains, rivers, and famous cities.


Salat prayers require knowledge in geography to know the direction of the _________


He produced an accurate colored map


They invented symbols to express an unknown quantity.

Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī

introduced algebra in solving equation.


They made use of human cadaver to study and understand its anatomy and physiology


wrote an encyclopedia of medical knowledge.

Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi

_________________ spearheaded the construction of the first Islamic Bimaristans (hospital)

Intellectual revolution (18th century)

The period in Europe in the 18th century when many writers and thinkers began to question established beliefs

Copernican revolution

Rejected the Ptolemaic model and accepts the heliocentric model

Ptolemaic model

earth is the center of the solar system

Heliocentric model

Sun is the center of the solar system having the earth revolving around it.


the common tool used by ancient astronomers to explain the motion of celestial bodies


Proved that the Earth is spherical


The first to propose the idea that the Sun was the center of the universe


Considered to be the greatest astronomer of ancient times.

Claudius Ptolemy

Used Hipparchus observations to develop the Ptolemaic System which describes the Earth as the center of the universe with sun, moon, planets, and stars revolving around it in a circular orbit.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Concluded that the Sun, not the Earth is the center of the universe.

Johannes Kepler

Formulated the three Laws of Planetary Motion.

Darwinian Revolution

This revolution has brought a great impact on how people approach Biology forever.

Charles Robert Darwin; The Origin of Species

___________ published his book _________ that emphasizes that humans are the result of an evolution.

Charles Robert Darwin

Famous for his work of “evolution and the natural selection”


the idea of __________ that acquired characteristics are inheritable.

Natural selection

Evolution, as explained by Darwin, occurs by means of __________

1. Overpopulation and variation

2. Competition and selection

3. Environmental change

Reasons for Natural Selection to occur

Theory of Personality

This theory involves the human development contributes to his/her personality

Sigmund Freud

Proponent of psychoanalysis


its main goal is to make unconscious conscious.

topographical and structural model of the mind

Freud also developed ____________ to basically explain the sources of human behavior

1. Conscious Mind

2. Pre conscious

3. Subconscious

According to the topographical model of Freud, the mind is divided into three regions:

Conscious mind

It consists of thoughts that focus on the present state of mind.

Pre conscious mind

consists of what can be retrieved from the memory.

Subconscious mind

consists of the primitive desires, wishes, or impulse, which is mediated by the preconscious mind.




preconscious mind is then divided into three:


drives a socially acceptable way to satisfy the demands of id as it operates the conscious and unconscious mind


comprises Eros and Thanatos


operates based on the principles of morality that drive man to become socially responsible and behave in an acceptable manner

Industrial revolution

phenomenal process in the transfer of doing work by human hands and feet to the use of machines is called ________

Great Britain; 1760 to 1840

Industrial revolution _________ and spread across Europe, America, and even Asia from ___________

Industrial revolution

This period has fundamental change in the way goods were produced and altered the way people lived.


Iron production

Steam engine

three important technologies formed the foundations of the first Industrial Revolution namely:

James Watt

The steam engine has been around but later on improved by

Henry Mudslay

Joseph Whitworth

The development and refinement of machine tools by two British engineers which played a key and crucial part in the later phase of the first Industrial Revolution

Robert Fulton

He invented the steam boat

Thomas Edison

He invented the light bulb

George Stephenson

He developed the first steam-powered locomotive


They made use of the first method of counting.


Created the building of Zimbabwe and the 11 interconnected rock-hewn churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia which are considered as wonders of the world.


Observations on Sirius A and B by ________ people.

Cushitic people

____________ used their knowledge of stars and constellations to calculate and establish an accurate calendar.


They Pioneered some medical practices like installation of false teeth, filling of dental cavities, broken bone setting, bone traction, vaccination, brain surgery, skin grafting, and autopsy.


They Built boats in varying sizes with the largest that can carry a load of 80 tons.


Made use of plants like the bark of Salix capensis as source of aspirin, kaopectate for treating diarrhea and Rauwolfia vomitoria as source of reserpine for hypertension and snakebite.

19th century

This period witnessed the rise of modern industry, from agriculture to industrial manufacturing and technology-intensive services.


The invention of useable electricity, steel, and petroleum products led into a ________ Industrial Revolution during the 19th century

Age of Machine tools

THE 19th century is also known as the ________


Dalton studies the atomic theory on _______

John Dalton

He studied colorblindness

Dmitri Mendeleev

He formulated the Periodic Table.


formulated the law of the Conservation of Energy in ______


Hermann von Helmholtz invented the ophthalmoscope on ______

James Clerk Maxwell

He showed that light is an electromagnetic wave in 1873

Henri Becquerel; 1896

He discovered radioactivity on ________


Marie & Pierre Curie discovered radium on _______


Joseph Thomson discovered the electron on _______

Michael Faraday

He invented the dynamo in 1831

Samule F.B. Morse

invested the electric telegraph on 1937.


At the end of the 19th century, steam engines began to covert to ________

Kari Benz

Gottlieb Daimler

They made the first cars in 1885 and 1836.


Then in 1838, a steamship called the __________ made the jobs across the Atlantic in 19 days.

In the 20th century

one of the most noticeable in the history of humans for its incomparable technological advances and scientific discoveries.

Radio and telephony

____________ enriched greatly and reached a wider population of users

20th century

In this period, technology has become more scientific and the natural sciences more technological


Who developed a microprocessor in 1971

Steve Jobs

Steve Wozniak

They have redefined the meaning of computer by introducing Apple in 1976.


Internet was also created on

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ARPANet means


World Wide Web which was created on ________

Henry Ford

He devised a system of mass production for the Model T in 1908.

Artificial intelligence

has the capacity for a computer to perform humanlike intellectual processes


AI was invented on ______

Information Age

where people access and control information that impacts practically every area of modern life

Information Age

the modern era in which knowledge has become a commodity

Computer Technology

there is rapid and widespread diffusion of information, and data is easily accessible

The Pre Gutenberg World

During this time, books were produced by hand and transcribed using clay, papyrus wax, and parchment.

The Pre-Gutenberg World

At this time, The primary method of transmitting information is through "word-of-mouth" channels.

The Pre-Gutenberg World

the spread of mass communication slowly progressed, that it took hundreds of years.

Gutenberg Revolution

It express the democratizing effects of the invention of the printing press on society.

Gutenberg Revolution

At this time, Democracy occurred and impacted the community, allowing people to express what they had not done before

Gutenberg Revolution

information distribution during this time is expensive and only afforded to the few

Post Gutenberg World

described as the social media revolution

Post Gutenberg World

In this era, mass communication distribution costs nothing because everyone has the tools

1440 --- 1920 ----- 1970 ----1971 ----1990

Information Dissemination Development Timeline

Early times of the internet

At this time, it still follows Gutenberg's Principle because money and time are required for internet accessibility and information dissemination.

Post-Gutenberg Principle or Social Information Principle

every individual and potential individual can now have the information at hand

1. Belonging to society,

2. giving and receiving precautions and instructions,

3. providing comfort and encouragement, and

4. improving everyday ways and means

drive for man to communicate and continuously exchange information


Began in the mid-19th century which includes telegraph, telephone, and radio

Second modern information Revolution

Extended until the mid-20th century and includes television, early generation computers, and satellite

Third Modern Information Revolution

Began in the 1980s and has surpassed the two other revolutions which was called the "Knowledge Revolution" and includes the Web design & Web images, Advanced Observation Tower, Next Generation Reef Monitoring

1. It allows more significant savings of money usually spent to ensure the communication has reached the receiving end. 2. It allows for more effective and efficient communication. 3. It allows easy production and distribution of goods from producers to wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. 4. It improves the national economy as it flourished the businesses of the business sectors. 5. It improves the ways of handling political affairs at the national and international levels. 6. It made military affairs easy by providing adequate and timely communication, thus preventing the occurrence of supposed to be wars, and 7. It makes the world closer by making family members and friends in distant places reachable with just one click.

Benefits of Information Age


True or false. The use of social media has been noted as the most popular offline activity

Mark W. Schaefer (2016)

He described how social media changed the world.

1. It makes people less individualistic, and traditional groups are more reinforced. 2. It serves as an essential catalyst in education, including informal learning. 3. Various messages around the world can be shared through selfies. 4. Online equality and offline equality are different. 5. It's the people who utilize social media, not the company, that defines social media function. 6. It is perceived as conservative or traditionalist. 7. Posted photos and the use of emoji in social media have shifted human communication. 8. It makes the world less homogenous. 9. Social media promote personal commerce. 10. Can create group communications. 11. It becomes "online homes" to some people. 12. It profoundly affects gender relations. 13. It makes human conversations and relationships polymedia.

14. Privacy is threathed


1. General issues such as exposure to misinformation, violation of one's privacy, and political polarization. 2. Issues in specific situations like cyberbullying and stalking. 3. Interferes important obligations like schoolwork that may affect the grades of students. 4. Social media addiction. 5. Health risks include anxiety, stress, depression, emotional exhaustion, loneliness, envy, low self-esteem, low-quality sleep, and health problems

Dangers and problems in social media

1. 1987 Constitution

2. Civil Code of the Philippines

3. Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009

4. Human Security Act of 2007

5. Data Privacy Act of 2012

6. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

7. Jurisprudences



It facilitates the easy finding of information for various purposes such as teaching, research, knowledge acquisition,

right website

Choosing the __________ to source the info helps prevent the spread of false information or fake news, confusing communication can be avoided, and the standard of one's work will be lifted.

Purpose (advocate or inform?)

Author credentials

Content biased or balanced?

Coverage of topic adequate?

Current information?

Site recognized by others

Website evaluation process

1. Pre-Spanish Period 2. Spanish Colonial Period 3. American Period and Post-Commonwealth Era 4. Marcos Era 5. Fifth Republic


Batangas and Palawan

Archaeological findings showed that modern man from Asian mainland first came over land on across narrow channels to live in ________________ about 48,000 B.C.

stone flakes; sawing and polishing stones

Modern Man made simple tools and weapons of _______ and later developed new skills like _______ and ____________.

3,000 B.C.; adzes

During ________, they learned to produce ____, ornament of seashells and pottery

Chinese porcelain

Competition of ornament seashells

Iron Age (3rd century BC to 11 century A.D)

during this time, Filipinos were involved in ore mining such as copper, gold, bronze, and iron

Banaue Rice Terraces

Early Filipinos have also engaged themselves into weaving, shipbuilding, mining, and faming that led them in creating the finest products of engineering which is the _______________


plankbuilt warship suited for inter-island trade

Philippines, China, and Vietnam.

trading relationship have existed and established between the ____________,________ & __________


True or false. Before the Spaniards came, Filipinos were already aware of activities and practices related to science and technology such as curative values of plants

Spanish Colonial Period

This period contributed the growth of science and technology in the country.


They have introduced formal education and founded scientific institution.

Parish schools

____________ were established where they taught religion, reading, writing, arithmetic, and music.

University of Santo Tomas

oldest university in Asia


_________ was prioritized during the Spanish colonization

Engineering & construction


Other contribution and highlights during Spanish Colonial Period

Galleon trade

The _________ made a big impact in the economic growth of the Philippines which is why the agriculture was neglected

Suez Canal

This made visiting each other countries for Europeans and Filipinos possible

American Period

The Americans replaced Spaniards after they ruled the country and the progress of science and technology has continued under their rule.

July 1, 1901

The establishment of Bureau of Government laboratories was made on __________

Philippine Commission

Who established the Bureau of Government laboratories was made in July 1, 1901

study the tropical disease and laboratory projects on the country

The purpose of the Bureau of Government laboratories

Bureau of Science

Bureau of Government laboratories was replaced by the ___________ in 1905 that became the primary research center of the country

December 8, 1933

When was National Research Council of the Philippines established

American Period; free trade policy

It was during this period when science was inclined towards agriculture, food processing, forestry, medicine, and pharmacy, and not much focus were given on the development of industrial technology due to _________

Institute of Science

Bureau of Science was replaced in 1946 by ___________

US Economic Survey

In 1950, there were reports made by the _______________ about the Philippines’ problem with regards to science and technology such a lack of basic information, no support, minimal budget, and low compensation.

Carlos P. Garcia

During his regime, The Science Act of 1958 was passed

To establish the National Science Develop Board (NSDB)

Goal of The Science Act of 1958

Marcos Era

In his presidency, where the advancement of science and technology was given importance.

Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

He declared in his SONA that there is a need for science in public high school and with the help of Department of Education in partnership from the National Science Development Board it aims to provide science-teaching equipment for a period of 4 years.

Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

He declared in his SONA that there is a need for science in public high school and with the help of Department of Education in partnership from the National Science Development Board it aims to provide science-teaching equipment for a period of 4 years.

Marcos Sr.

In 1968, He recognized that technology was the top reason in economic development, and gave extra funds to support projects in applied science and science education

Marcos Sr.

In 1970, he emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum and teaching equipment is crucial to the science development program.

Marcos Sr.

He declared Presidential Decree No.49, series of 1972 as a support for promoting the scientific research and invention.

Marcos Sr.

In his regime, PAGASA was established

to give environmental protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the nation.

Purpose of PAGASA

Marcos Sr.

He established the National Academy of Science and Technology in 1976 to have scientists whose experts in science and technology.

Marcos Sr.

He established campuses of Philippine Science High School in the Visayas and Mindanao in 1986

Fifth republic

The time where Corazon Aquino is in the presidential seat and on her term in 1986,

Marcos Sr

He established the Bataan Nuclear power plant

Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Corazon replaced National Science and Technology Authority with ________

Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987-1992

where the role of science and technology in the nature economy was highlighted in the fifth republic


In _________, the budget allocation for science and technology was increased amounting into 1.054 billion pesos

Corazon Aquino

She also encouraged Filipino scientists and inventors to put back Philippines

Corazon Aquino

She also encouraged Filipino scientists and inventors to put back Philippines

Corazon Aquino

one on of her goals to make the country industrialized by the year 2000.

Fidel V. Ramos

He reported that there were improvements with regards to science and technology and there was a significant increase in people who specialize in the field of science and technology.


By the year 1998, it was an estimated that the Philippines had ________________ competent scientists and engineers.

5th republic; 3,500 scholarships

It was during the __________ where the government provided __________ scholarships for students who are interested in taking up courses related to science and technology.

5th republic; Magna Carta for science and technology Personnel

during this time when science and technology personnel were given priority by the government by approving the Republic Act No. 8439 in 1997 which entitled _______________________

to give incentives and rewards to people who made an impact and influential in the field of Science and Technology

Purpose of Republic Act No. 8439

President Joseph Estrada

During his regime, the Internet age was pushed for the advancement of schools and industry

Fifth republic; Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

During this time, when science and technology reached its golden age.

R.A 9367 or the “biofuels”

act that promotes the development and usage of biofuels throughout the country

Benigno Aquino, 2014

He honors four scientist who gave huge contributions in the scientific field that geared towards the advancement of science and technology of the country.


______________ (2006) in her editorial stated “It is a well-established fact that science and technology impacts all aspects of our lives as well as the planet we live on.


True or false. It is the responsibility of all concerned to ensure that science and technology is used wisely to benefit mankind.


True or false. most benefits accrued from science and technologies have not reached the majority of people, particularly the poor in the developing countries.


True or false. Scientists and technologist should expand beyond generation of new knowledge and assume the role of advising the decision makers and finally making the decisions on the science and technology prospects, choices and priorities for the country


group or race of people who shared history, traditions, and culture, sometimes religion, and usually language

National identity

may include identity based on race or ethnicity, loyalty to a set of political ideas, and institutions

Fagoyinbo (2013)

_________ explained that “the word nation is often used synonymously with state, as in the United Nations. But a state is more properly the governmental apparatus by which a nation rules itself

Prof. Gambari

_________ (2008) enumerated the aspects of a strong nation.

building a political entity

building institutions

building a common sense of purpose

Aspects of a strong nation

“decision processes and decision outcomes

Reisman (2008) distinguished development as ____________________________

Science and Technology

key drivers to development and improvements in key systems in the contemporary world


True or False. In a global perspective, moving on with the flow of modernity determines the nation’s capability to sustain its people’s lives.


application of science & technology

Countries are being categorized today based on _______ and the ___________________


development has been primarily measured by increases in ____ & _____

World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) reports

Launched by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report

provides annual reports on world economic trends in different dimensions and a basis for classifying countries

low carbon economic growth, reducing inequalities, economic diversification and eliminating deep-rooted barriers.

Long term issues

Canada, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and United States

Developed countries

Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean

Developing countries

Eduardo J. Angara

He stressed that “investments on research and development (R&D) and education” evidently considers “Science and Technology Innovation (STI) as a driving force behind the success of the Asian neighboring countries

Government investment in public goods and services

Support for higher education institutions.

Support for small and medium-scale enterprises.

Inter-institutional linkages between universities.

Good governance.

factors which contribute to the economic successes of these Asian countries

1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 10

Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The State shall give priority to research and development

1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 11

The Congress may provide for incentives and scholarship to encourage private participation in programs of basic and applied scientific research

1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 12

The State shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaptation of technology from all sources for the national benefit.

1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 13

The State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and other gifted citizens


primary body in the country responsible for providing central direction, leadership and coordination of all scientific and technological activities, and of formulating policies, programs and projects to support national development.


True or False. NSTA was eventually elevated to cabinet level based on Executive Order No. 128 signed by President Corazon Aquino on January 30, 1987.


True or False. NSTA was eventually elevated to cabinet level based on Executive Order No. 128 signed by President Corazon Aquino on January 30, 1987.


It isbcomposed of councils and agencies with specific scope and responsibilities as well

1. sectoral planning councils

2. research and development institutes

3. S&T service institutes

4. collegial bodies 5. regional offices 6. provincial S&T centers

Councils and agencies of DOST


It is Jointly created by the Senate and the House of representatives,


serves as an advisory and the policy making body that aims to strengthen the linkage with all sectors related to science and technology in pursuit of its objectives


responsible for implementing industry-focused policies and with DOST co-funds programs


responsible for the formulation of policies, plans, and programs for the development of higher education system in the country.

National Economic and Development Authority

government agency responsible to formulate development plans and ensure that the plan implementation achieves the goals of national development.

Philippine Development Plan (PDP)

It serves as the blueprint of programs and administration’s plans for progress.

PDP 2017-2022

NEDA launched in 2016, the _____________ which is part of four medium-term plans anchored on the AmBisyon Natin 2040.

AmBisyon Natin 2040

aims to realize the collective vision of Filipinos over the next 25 years thus, articulating that

1. Malasakit

2. Pagbabago

3. Patuloy na Pag unlad

Three pillars of Development


Regain people’s trust in public institutions and cultivate trust among fellow Filipinos.


Inequality-reducing transformation through increasing opportunities for growth of output and income.

Patuloy na pag unlad

Increasing potential growth through sustaining and accelerating economic growth.

Matatag, Maginhawa, at Panatag na buhay

Aim of AmBisyon Natin 2040

Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022

This is prepared by the DOST to ensure that results of science and technology endeavors are geared towards and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefit for the people

1. National Integrated Basic Research Agenda (NIBRA)

2. Health

3. Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural resources (AANR)

4. Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology

5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR CCA)

HNRDA is divided into five sectors.

1. Water Security-TUBIG Program (Tubig ay Buhayin at Ingatan)

2. Food and Nutrition Security-SAPAT Program (Saganang Pagkain Para sa Lahat) 3. Health Sufficiency-LIKAS Program (Likas Yaman sa Kalusugan) 4. Clean Energy-ALERT Program (Alternative Energy Research Trends) 5. Sustainable Community-SAKLAW Program (Saklolo sa Lawa) 6. Inclusive Nation-building-ATIN program (And Tinig Natin)


8-point action agenda

The DOST launched in its _________________, initially in 2006, to better promote the support science, technology, and innovation.

order of the National Scientists

highest honor given by the President to an individual who had contributed significantly to the fields of science and technology


True or false. A National Scientist receives an annual gratuity and other privileges similar to those enjoyed by National Artists

Angel C. Alcala, Ph.D.

“He was recognized for his research on the ecology and diversity of Philippine amphibians and reptiles, as well as marine biodiversity and conservation of marine protected areas

Ramon C. Barba, Ph.D.

He was recognized for his achievements in the field of plant physiology, especially the induction of flowering of mango and micro propagation

Edgardo D. Gomez, Ph.D.

“He is known for his research and conservation efforts in invertebrate biology and ecology

Gavino C. Trano Jr., Ph.D.

cited for his outstanding contributions in the field of tropical marine phycology, focusing on seaweed biodiversity. He published extensive studies on the culture of seaweed species


True or false. Advancement nowadays can be limited to acquiring advance facilities and technologies but more on the acquisition and enhancement of knowledge and skills essential in meeting the demands of the highly competitive and scientific based society.

John F. Kennedy

“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.”

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Education Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH)

The Department of Education, through the National Education for All Committee (NEC), engaged in benchmarking strategy with the ______________________

Jacques Delors

He identified learning throughout life as a key to meet the challenges of the 21st century

learning to know,

learning to live together,

learning to do, and

learning to be

“Four Pillars of Education

The significant connections of inquiry skills, scientific attitudes, and contact in supporting holistic development of a scientifically literate individual.

Engr. Marinto C. Martinez

Aerogas Catalytic Combustor (ACC) – anti-pollution, fuel saver and power booster engine device made by

SALT (Sustainable Alternative Lighting)

environmental-friendly lamp that runs with just two table spoons of salt and one glass of tap water created by Aisa Mijeno

SALAMANDER Amphibious Tricycle

a six-person seating capacity (four in water), amphibious tricycle powered by either a 5kW electric engine or a 250cc gasoline motor invented by Atoy Llave.