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31 Cards in this Set

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The nurse is caring for a patient who speaks Vietnamese. When working with the interpreter, the nurse should (select all that apply)
1.Make eye contact with the interpreter.
2. Speak a little more loudly than usual
3. Use an interpreter who is socially compatible with the patient
4. Try to find a family member to help interpret
(select all that apply)
1.Make eye contact with the interpreter.

3. Use an interpreter who is socially compatible with the patient
Over which factor affecting self-concept does a school-age child have the most control?
1. Peer relationships
2. Family relationships
3. Socioeconomic status
4. Developmental Level
1. Peer relationships
Which statement by the patient demonstrates that she is identifying too closely with her disease?
1. "Because I have high blood pressure. I need to watch my salt intake"
2. "Now that I have had chemotherapy, I can't go anywhere; too many germs"
3. " I have to watch my fluid intake so my lungs don't fill up with fluid again"
4. "I try to exercise at least 3 times a week to avoid further bone loss"
2. "Now that I have had chemotherapy, I can't go anywhere; too many germs"
Negative body image has been linked to an increased risk for (select all that apply):
1. Sexually Transmitted infections
2. Hypertension
3. Depression
4. Colon Cancer
1. Sexually Transmitted infections
3. Depression
Each patient develops unique patterns of coping with anxiety called _______, which the patient uses both consciously and unconsciously to relieve anxiety.
Defense Mechanisms
Which topic should be included when educating all clients about sexuality?
1. Contraception
2. Sexually transmitted infections
3. Sexual orientation
4. Sexual identity
Sexually transmitted infections
The nurse is caring for a patient who is terminally ill with lung cancer. Recently, the patient's blood pressure has been decreasing, and his heart rate increasing. He is experiencing temperature fluctuations and perspires profusely with limited movement. Based on these findings, the patient will most likely die within which time period?
1. 1-3 months
2. 1-2 weeks
3. days to hours
4, moments
2. 1-2 weeks
During the admission assessment, a patient tells the nurse that he does not believe there is a God. The nurse should document his religious affiliation as:
1. Agnostic
2. Atheist
3. Sikhism
4. Rastafarianism
2. Atheist
A client who has experienced prolonged exposure to the cold is admitted to the hospital. Which method of taking a temperature would be most appropriate for this client?
1. Axillary, with an electronic thermometer
2. Oral, with a glass thermometer
3. Rectal, with an electronic thermometer
4. Tympanic, with an infarared thermometer
3. Rectal, with an electronic thermometer
The nurse is evaluating a patient's responses to interventions to promote her self-esteem. The patient has a nursing diagnosis of Chronic Low Self-Esteem. The patient is moderately overweight. Which of the following statements by the patient provides the most direct evidence of positive self-esteem?
1. "I've always been a little overweight, even as a child"
2. "When I look in the mirror, I can see that I've lost a little weight"
3. "My husband says he likes me at this weight"
4. "I've done a good job sticking to my diet this week"
4. "I've done a good job sticking to my diet this week"
Which intervention by the nurse indicates that she values an Aleut patient's beliefs and indigenous health care system?
1. Incorporating Aleut practices into care based on consultation with a cultural resource book
2. Explaining the values and beliefs of the traditional health care system to the patient so that the patient understands what is occurring.
3. Contacting a Native American resource group for information about Aleut culture
4. Planning how to incorporate traditional practices and beliefs through discussion with the patient.
4. Planning how to incorporate traditional practices and beliefs through discussion with the patient.
Which nursing intervention is specific for promoting positive body image?
1. Encourage the client to be active and focus on healthy eating
2. Discuss boundaries, expectations, and management defined by lifestyle and family networks
3. Monitor for and discourage self-doubt
4. Use positive and reaffirming language when speaking with the patient.
Encourage the client to be active and focus on healthy eating
A patient is prescribed a low-sodium, low-fat diet. How can the nurse best ensure that the patient follows the prescribed diet during hospitalization?
1. Make sure dietary services sends a low-sodium, low-fat meal tray
2. Have dietary services provide a meal tray that accommodates his cultural dietary practices as well as the diet
3. Have the patient's family bring in from home what he typically eats
4. Sit with the patient while he eats to make sure he consumes the prescribed diet
2. Have dietary services provide a meal tray that accommodates his cultural dietary practices as well as the diet
You are caring for a healthy 28-year-old male with a fractured tibia. The patient has asked you to place his penis in the urinal and hold it while he voids. You should:
1. Assist the patient as he has requested
2. Immediately leave the room
3. tell him his behavior is inappropriate
4. Report him to your supervisor
3. tell him his behavior is inappropriate
A patient of Mormon faith is admitted to the hospital with new onset diabetes mellitus. Based on his religious affiliation, which items (s) should not be included on the patient's dinner tray? Select all that apply.
1. Pork
2. Tea
4. Coffee
2. Tea
4. Coffee
What of the following is a common, normal emotional response to a stressor?
1. Depression
2. Fear
3. Anxiety
4. Panic
3. Anxiety
After a patient dies of ovarian cancer, her daughter says to the nurse, "You'll probably think I'm terrible, but I'm glad she can finally rest peacefully." Which response by the nurse is best?
1. "Your feelings are a normal response to watching a loved one suffer"
2. "It's unusual for family members to be grateful that a loved one has died"
3. "your mother's death has been very hard on you, you should seek counseling"
4. "I don't understand your comment"
1. "Your feelings are a normal response to watching a loved one suffer"
A family member asks the nurse to explain the purpose of hospice care. Which of the following is the best response? "Hospice care:
1. Is appropriate when the patient wishes to deliberately end his life"
2. Focuses on stopping the disease process as rapidly as possible"
3. Focuses on symptom management for patients not responding to treatment"
4. Is holistic care for patients dying or debilitated and not expected to improve"
4. Is holistic care for patients dying or debilitated and not expected to improve"
Which core issue of spirituality includes a patient's need to achieve?
1. Hope
2. Faith
3. Love
4. Forgiveness
1. Hope
A patient is hospitalized with severe depression after her divorce is finalized. Which type of loss is the patient experiencing?
1. Actual
2. Perceived
3. Physical
4. External
1. Actual
Which of the following clients would have the most difficulty maintaining thermoregulation?
1. 4-year-old playing baseball during the summer
2. 27-year-old snow skiing
3. 50-year-old lying in the summer sun
4. 73-year-old raking leaves on a cold day
4. 73-year-old raking leaves on a cold day
__________ is defined as a loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities.
1. Anhedonia
2. Anxiety
3. Depression
4. Ambivalence
1. Anhedonia
A client has an elevated temperture. The nurse assesses the client and finds the skin flushed and very warm. The client is oriented to person, place, and time, and expresses severe fatigue. The most appropriate nursing action at this time would be to do which of the following?
1. Place ice bags on the client's skin.
2. Remove blankets and offer fluids.
3. Increase the client's activity
4. Decrease the client's intake
2. Remove blankets and offer fluids.
A client had oral surgery following a motor vehicle accident and the nurse assessing the client finds the skin flushed, warm, and diaphoretic. Which of the following would be the best method to assess the client's body temperature.
1. Oral
2. Axillary
3. Arterial line
4. Rectal
4. rectal
The nurse observes the following behaviors from the client. Which one would demonstrate date necessary to make the nursing diagnosis "situational low self-esteem"
1. Loud Laughing
2. Halting speech
3. Tapping foot
4. Whistling softly
2. Halting Speech
When a patient spikes a temperature during the first postoperative day it usually indicates a potential problem involving the?
1. Intestines
2. Bladder
3. wound
4. Lungs
The client has been diagnosed with an altered sexual function. Which of the following nursing interventions would best assist the client?
1. Have several members of a support group visit the client
2. Acknowledge the client's sexual concerns
3. Decide for the client what route of recuperation is most appropriate
4. Emphasize that the client's behavior is unhealthy and must be changed.
2. Acknowledge the client's sexual concerns
A nursing assistant assigned to care for a Russian client explains to the registered nurse that she just doesn't understand the Russian culture. The nurse should make which of the following suggestions to the nursing assistant?
1. Switch clients with another nursing assistant
2. Explore the Russian values and beliefs with the client and her family
3. Focus on physical care to the client
4. Rely solely on family members to provide cultural care
2. Explore the Russian values and beliefs with the client and her family
The nurse is caring for a client from an area of the country known to practice folk medicine. Which of the following assessments has highest priority?
1. in a nonjudgmental fashion, explore practices the client has utilized.
2. Determine the client's level of knowledge regarding the physician-prescribed treatment.
3. Ask the client to describe the variety of remedies available for use in treating various illnesses.
4. inquire about the credentials of the community healer
1. in a nonjudgmental fashion, explore practices the client has utilized.
A Client comes to the community health center seeking assistance for "depression." Following assessment, what symptom would indicate the client is experiencing spiritual distress?
1. Ability to interject humor
2. Lack of compassion for others
3. Ability to fall asleep quickly
4. Reading the bible frequently
2. Lack of compassion for others
The nurse is caring for a dying client. The family expresses concern over the client's anger. After explaining the stages of grief to the family, the nurse determines that the family understands when they make which of the following statements?
1. "we should ignore the anger"
2. "Anger demonstrates a fighting response that will aid healing"
3. "anger provides a sense of control"
4. "we can do everything for him, so he can just rest"
3. "anger provides a sense of control"