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8 Cards in this Set

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Theory of GNSS

provides position determined by means of the receipt of radio signals from a satellite constellation in orbit around Earth. It’s a real-time, all weather, 24hr, worldwide, 3D positional system

List the 4 components of GPS

Space segment, control segment, user segment, GNSS error

Space segment

27 satellites orbiting Earth with 4-6 satellites on each plane. Provides at least 4 satellites within line of sight from anywhere on Earth

Control segment

Tracks, monitors and predicts satellites positions

User segment

Any person with a GPS receiver is the user segment

GNSS Signal

Transmits data by microwave signals that are sent in 3 parts:

- navigation msg: time, sv health

- ephemeris data: precise orbit info

- almanac: sv course orbit time/ ionosphere model

3 GNSS errors

- satellite error: clock/ orbit error

- atmospheric error: ionospheric/ tropospheric error

- receiver error: clock/ station coordinate error

Satellites needed for GNSS fix and why

4 satellites:

X latitude

Y longitude

Z height

T time based error

x, y and z used to determine a position on Earth and T used to adjust for the error in the receivers clock