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32 Cards in this Set

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abstract (ADJ)

For over a thousand years, mathematicians regarded subtracting a large number from a small one as impossible because the concept of negative numbers was too abstract.

ab- away + tractus pulled

existing as an idea but not as a tangible experience

Form: abstraction= something that exists only as an idea

Root Family: tract

retraction - a pulling back

protract - to extend in time

tractor - vehicle that pulls farm instruments

detract - reduce the value of someone or something

tractable - manageable

anthropology (N)

The Amazon basin has long been a focus of anthropological research because of its many isolated indigenous tribes.

anthro human + -ology study

the study and comparison of human cultures

Root Family: anthro

misanthrope - one who distrusts all people

philanthropy - generosity to charitable causes

anthromorphic - having human form

anthropocentric - pertaining to the belief that humans are the center of the universe

comprehensive (ADJ)

My doctor gave me a comprehensive physical examination.

com- together + prehendere to grasp

thorough and complete; covering all relevant subjects

synonyms: exhaustive, encyclopedic

Root Family: prehens

reprehensible - morally objectionable

apprehensive - fearful

construe (V)

Some opinion polls are unreliable because their biased phrasing encourages people to construe issues to conform to the ideology of the pollster.

con- together + struere to build

to interpret in a particular way

Form - misconstrue = to interpret incorrectly

Root family: con-, co-, com-, col-

conjecture - guess

consensus - general agreement

conspire - to plot together

coalesce - to come together

coherent - forming a united whole

compliant - willing to obey

confluence - a place at which two things merge

Root family: stru, stroy, stry

destroy - put an end to by attacking

instruct - to teach

industry - manufacturing activity

obstruct - impede

discerning (ADJ) *

Elena has a very discerning palate for olives and can even tell in what region of Italy they were grown.

dis- apart + cernere to separate

showing a keen ability to distinguish subtle elements

Forms: discern= to recognize and distinguish, discernment= keen judgement, discernible= perceivable

Syns: discriminating, judicious, astute, percipient, perspicacious

Root family *: dis-

disparate - very different; variegated

discrepancy - a lack of compatibility between facts or claims

disseminate - to cast widely

disperse - to spread or scatter

diffuse - spread over a wide area


disputatious - argumentative

dispel - to drive away; to eliminate

Root family: cern, cert, cret, cre

ascertain - find something out for certain

certain - known for sure

certify - formally attest or confirm

discretion - behavior to avoid offense or revealing private info; freedom to make decisions

discriminating (ADJ) *

Our interior designer has a discriminating eye for bold fabrics.

dis- apart + crimen judicial decision

showing good taste or judgement

Forms: indiscriminate = done without careful judgement

Syns: discerning, judicious, astute, percipient, perspicacious

Root family: crim

criminal - one who commits a crime

recrimination - counteraccusation

crime - illegal act

disseminate (V)

The rumor was disseminated almost instantaneously over the Internet.

dis- widely + semen seed

to cast (something, usually info) widely, as seed is scattered

Form: dissemination= the process or act of spreading info widely

Syns: promulgate, propagate, circulate

Root family: dis-

disconcerting- unsettling

disparate- very different; variegated

discrepancy- a lack of compatibility between facts or claims

disperse- to spread or scatter

dispel - to drive away; to eliminate

diffuse- spread over a wide area

Root family: semin

seminary - a college to prepare clergy

seminal - serving as a primary influence on later works

seminar - a discussion-based class

erudite (ADJ)

Professor could be engagingly erudite without seeming pompous.

e- not + rudis untrained, unwrought

having or showing a great learning or knowledge

Form: erudition= an expression of great learning or knowledge; the quality of having great learning or knowledge

Syns: scholarly, cerebral, learned

Root family: rud

rudiment - a most basic element or undeveloped first form of something

rudimentary - basic or undeveloped

rude - ill mannered

indoctrinate (V)

The parents were concerned that the guest speaker was going to indoctrinate their children.

e- not + rudis untrained, unwrought

to teach someone to accept a set of beliefs uncritically

Forms: doctrine= a set of beliefs held by a political, philosophical, or religious group

Syns: proselytize, inculcate, propagandize

Root family: in-

inundate- to flood

incisive- showing keen judgement

ingratiate- to curry favor

inherent- existing as an inseparable element

infiltrate- to gain access secretly

Root family: doc, dox

Doctrinaire- seeking to impose rigid doctrine

Orthodox- conforming strictly to traditional teachings

Docile- compliant and easy to instruct

Paradox- a self-contradictory statement or situation

insular (ADJ)

The farming village was too insular for her, who wanted to experience the outside world.

insula island

isolated from cultural and influences outside one's own experience

Form: insularity= the quality of being culturally isolated

Root family: insula

insulation- the state of being protected from loss of heat, electrical conduction, or unpleasant effects, or the materials or situations that provide such protection

isolate- to set apart from others

island- land mass surrounded by water

peninsula- land mass surrounded on three sides of water

orthodox (ADJ)

Dr. Altbaum is respectfully skeptical of treatments that have not been tested via orthodox trials.

orthos right, straight + docere to teach

conforming strictly to traditional teachings

Form: orthodoxy= authorized theory or practice, unorthodox= straying from conventional teachings

pedantic (ADJ)

Jennifer's pedantic displays in class earned her the scorn of her classmates.

pedante schoolmaster

inclined to show off one's learning or knowledge

Forms: pedant= a know-it-all, pedantry= the quality or practice of being a know-it-all

Root family: ped

Pediatrician - a children's doctor

Pedagogy - the art of teaching

peruse (V)

Pitifully few of the congressmen perused the bill before signing it

per- thoroughly + use use

to read thoroughly and carefully

Form: perusal= the act of reading thoroughly

Root family: per-

Perfect- as good as can be

Perpetuate- to help to continue for an extended period of time

Perfunctory - carried out with a minimum of effort

perturb- to make uncomfortable or anxious

postulate (V)

Copernicus postulated that the simplest explanation for planetary motion was probably the best explanation.

assume the existence or truth of something as a basis for reasoning

Form: postulate (n) = an assumption made for the purpose of reasoning

Syns: posit, presume, hypothesize

provincial (ADJ)

Glen's comments reflected his provincial political views rather an understanding of the national interest.

unsophisticated or narrow minded; particular to the narrow views of an isolated community

Form: provincialism- narrow mindedness or lack of sophistication

Syns: parochial

revelation (N)

The biography provided many interesting revelations.

a fact revealed in a surprising way

Form: revelatory= revealing something previously unknown

Syn: epiphany