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19 Cards in this Set

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Is the relationship between load and slip proportional or inverse?

Up (Slip) = Up (load)


1 hp = ??? Watts

1 hp = 746 watts

What is the equation for torque?

Torque = force [F] x radius [r]

T= Nm



What are the three types of mechanical loads?

1: variable torque

2: Constant torque

3: constant horsepower

Name some variable torque loads

Centrifugal pumps, centrifugal, compressors, centrifugal fans, and blowers

Name some constant torque loads

Reciprocating compressor’s, crushers, positive displacement, pumps, conveyors, printing, presses, punch, presses, low-speed vehicles

Name some constant horsepower loads

A small diameter material rotating quickly, lathes, drill press, milling machines

Name the three main parts of an induction motor?

1. Frame

2. Stator

3. Rotor

What is the equation for synchronous speed?

Back (Definition)

Where do NEMA motors have their junction boxes?

On the right side viewed from the front (the front is the side without the shaft sticking out)

What are the two types of motor frames?

Fractional horsepower and integral horsepower

Nema standard states that voltage V8 variations may not exceed plus or minus 10%, what does this mean?

For a 3 phase motor all three legs:If the motor is rated for 120V then the maximum 132V voltage and the minimum is 108V

Name a standard states that the voltage variation for frequency may not exceed plus or minus 5%, what does this mean?

57hz to 63hz is fine if the motor is rated for 60hz.

The maximum voltage on balance should not exceed 1%, what does this mean?

If you measure;

L1-L2 = 208V

L2 -L3 = 210V

L1-L3= 211V

Vavg= (208+210+211)/3


Max deviation=209.66V-208V

Max deviation=1.66V

1% of 209.66V is greater than 1.66V

If duty is not indicated on the nameplate, the motor is considered continuous duty true or false?


What are some notable characteristics of Design A rotors?

-Highest efficiency

-150% FLA starting torque

-suitable for most loads besides high-inertia loads (same as B)

-not common because of high starting current (600%)

-machine tools, fans

What are some notable characteristics of Design B rotors?

-Starting current 500% FLA

-most common

-second most efficient

-max breakdown torque of 200%

-suitable for most loads besides high-inertia loads (same as A)

-machine tools, fans

What are some notable characteristics of Design C rotors?

-500% FLA starting current

-starting torque of 225%

-suitable for maximum torque = breakdown torque=starting torque

-suitable for most loads besides (1)high-inertia (2) frequent starts (3) hard to start

-loaded compressors, conveyors

What are some notable characteristics of Design D rotors?

-low starting current

-highest starting torque (275%)

-low starting current

-suitable for high-inertia, frequent starts, hard to start loads.

-punch presses