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10 Cards in this Set

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What is DALY

Measure of burden of disease. One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness and disease.

burden of disease

Burden of disease

Impact of both mortality and morbidity

Illness & death what is

What is socioeconomic status

Refers to a persons position in society relative to other people based on three factors.

Position in society

What are the three factors of socioeconomic status?

Income, education & occupation


What is Body mass index

BMI provides a height -to-weight ratio & is calculated using a formula


Environmental factors

Physical features that surrounds us. Can be natural or built (housing, work, environment, urban design/infrastructure, climate & climate change

Physical features

What are diary foods?

Diary is milk from animals.

Why is diary important

Nutritional contribution of calcium. Strengthens bones, teeth & prevents decay & prevents osteoporosis.

Biological factors

Structure of the cells, tissues & systems of the body & how they function

Sociocultural factors

Includes socioeconomic status, unemployment, social exclusion, food insecurity, early life experiences, cultural factors & homelessness