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114 Cards in this Set

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Where is the lantern ring located?

Between packing rings on a pump shaft in the stuffing box

What does a lantern ring do?

Provides a path for the lubricant to the packing. Keeps air out of the water stream.

Where are wear rings located?

Between impellor and case housing

What do wear rings do?

Isolate suction from impellor discharge

What type of pumps are frequently found in well houses?

Submersible Pumps

What is suction head?

How far above the water a pump sits

What is total dynamic head (TDH)?

Vertical distance between the surface of the liquid to be pumped and the surface of the discharge tank. Plus the head loss in the suction and discharge lines and the remaining velocity head.

Why does every submersible pump have a check valve?

So water doesn't run backwards

What type of applications are positive displacement pumps used for

Chemical injection

How often should valves be operated?

Once a year

What are jet pumps for?

Small applications. Use water to push water.

What is a plant tap?

Outside wellhouse 20-30ft

What is a raw tap?

Raw samples taken here. Inside wellhouse.

What type of meter is typically in a wellhouse?

Turbine meter


Static level to pumping level

Reduced principle backflow preventer (RPZ)

-high hazard situations

-can be used to prevent back pressure and back syphonage

Where would you use butterfly valves?

For isolation, regulating flow, and high flow conditions

What is the retention time for baseline lead and copper records?

12 years

What is the retention time for chemical and radiological records?

10 years

Who prepares an emergency response plan?

Local officials

When should a bacteriological sample be to the lab and then the process of being analyzed?

Within 24 hours

What type of pipe joints are connections are used in wellhouses or above ground?


How many well sources must a small community have?

At least 2

When there's contamination in a small system of 2000 people are less what kind of emergency action is required?

Emergency chlorination

What is the most popular water meter for residential applications?

Displacement or nutating disc

How can we protect ductal iron pipe from outside corrosion?

Polyethylene wrap

What is the vertical and horizontal separation distance between water mains and sanitary sewers?

18 inches vertical and 10 ft horizontal

How often should fire hydrants be inspected?

Every 3 years

How often should your emergency response plan be updated?

Every 3 years

How many feet should a ladder be above the rim of an excavation?

3 ft

What is the proper spacing for valves in the distribution system?

1,000 ft

How often should water distribution system valves be exercised?


What is the isolation distance for wells

200-ft radius

How long must we retain bacteriological and turbidity sample records?

5 years

What is the MRDL for chlorine


What type of cross connection device do you use on treated boiler systems?

Reduce pressure backflow preventer (RPZ)

Coliform bacteria are organisms used for what purpose?

Indicator organism

What is the dechlorinating agent used in bacti bottles?

Sodium thiosulfate

How often must backflow devices be tested?

Annually or once every three years depending on the hazard level

Air in the distribution system can cause what?

Cloudy water

Should water meter be upstream or down the stream of a backflow device?


What is the minimum velocity for flushing water mains?

2.5 ft per second

What state is the iron that creates red water and stains fixtures?

Ferric state, ferrous iron is the suspended state

When is a consumer confidence report due each year?

July 1st

What are the three types of chlorine compounds?

Chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite

What two conditions can cause a preferred differential at a cross connection?

Back pressure or back siphonage

What is the capital improvement plan?

Plan for expansions and the rehabilitation of utilities infrastructure

Langelier saturation index calculation, what is it and what does it determine?

Calculated number used to predict the calcium carbonate stability in water. It indicates whether the water will precipitate, dissolve, or be an equilibrium with calcium carbonate

What is a heterophobic plate count and how does it relate to coliform count?

High concentrations of HPC can indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria when coliforms are not present

What type of plan includes the water source, treatment, mains, valves, and hydrant locations?

Master plan

What type of problem is caused during a power failure and hypomatic tanks?

Pressure loss

When do you need to notify people about a tier one violation?

Within 24 hours

When do you need to notify people about a tier 2 violation?

Within 30 days

When do you need to notify people about a tier 3 violation?


What is the nitrite MCL


What is the nitrate MCL


What is the fluoride MCL


What is the arsenic MCL


What is the TTHM MCL


What is the HAA5 MCL


What can nitrates cause?

Blue baby syndrome

How do you reduce disinfection byproducts?

Lowering TOCs and flushing

Who is responsible to perform level 1 assessments?

The water supply

Who is responsible for performing level 2 assessments?


How long are bacteria samples held?

30 hours

When chlorinating water mains in storage is what concentration and duration of chlorine do you use?

50 parts per million for 24 hours

What is total capacity?

Sum of all wells

What is firm capacity?

The sum of all wells without counting the largest well

What type of fitting would you use for a river crossing?

Ball and socket

What type of backflow device would you use for a high hazard situation?


True or false: vacuum breakers can withstand continuous pressure


When would you use a double check valve?

Low hazard situations only

What is containment?

When you protect the water system at the service line

What is isolation?

When you install multiple devices in the building at all cross connection points

When a trench reaches this depth you must use a ladder

4 ft

A ladder must be found every ___ft in a trench


How far must a ladder extend outside of a hole?

3 ft

What is burning in a class A fire?

Wood, paper, trash

What is burning in a class B fire?

Gas, oil, paint

What type of fire is a class c fire?


What is involved in a class D fire?

Combustible metals

You pressure test water mains at ___PSI for ___ hours

150 PSI, 2 hours

What is the typical c factor range in water mains?

Between 80 and 140

Where are the two classifications of valves?

Rotary or linear

Should the bell on a water main be facing uphill or downhill?


What do anodes do?

Give up electrons in the water main

What do cathodes do?

Accept electrodes for the anode

What is peak hour demand?

The highest water use for 1 hour in a given year

What is the ideal PSI in residential zones?

50 to 75

What is the ideal PSI in commercial districts?

75 to 100 PSI

What is the bare minimum PSI during firefighting operations?

20 PSI

Main and the distribution system should be no less than ___inches diameter


On a fire hydrant, how many inches above ground should the breakaway flange be m

2 in

Where are globe valves typically found?

Household water faucets

What is pitting of the impeller typically caused by?


What is friction head?

The amount of energy in feet require to overcome resistance to flow in a pipe

What is packing?

Rings of graphite impregnated cotton, flax, or synthetic materials used to control pump shaft or valve stem leakage. In stuffing box.

What is a packing gland?

A follower ring that compresses the packing placed in the stuffing box. The packing gland is tightened or loosened to control shaft leakage

What is housed in the stuffing box?

Packing and The lantern Ring in a centrifugal pump

Where would you use a velocity pump?

Booster stations

Where would you use a centrifugal pump?

Lift stations

What does a volt measure?

Measure of electrical pressure that can be compared to the measurement of water pressure

What does an ampere measure?

The measure of electrical current flow through a conductor, similar to water through a pipe

What does an ohm measure?

The measure of the conductor's resistance to current flow, similar to head loss in a pipe

What positively affects chlorination?

Higher water temperature, lower pH, lower turbidity, higher dosage, longer contact time, lower tuberculation

How many times more dense than air is chlorine gas


What is tensile strength?

The measure of how much resistance the material has to longitudinal pull

What is flexural strength?

Measure of the pipe ability to flex without breaking

How much pressure must new main be able to withstand?

2.5 to four times the normal operating pressure of the system

What is the public notification time for a Tier 1 violation?

Immediate, within 24 hours. Must notify MDEQ

What is the notification time for a tier 2 violation?

Asap, within 30 days

What is the notification time for a tier 3 violation?

Within a year

What qualifies as a tier 1 violation?

Exceed a MCL or MRDL, failure to treat, failure to moniter

When is the Consumer Confidence Report due?

By July 1st annually