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10 Cards in this Set

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Не бери в голову

Don't worry

Вертится на языке

indicate that you definitely know the subject, but cannot recall what it’s called. Literally, “spins on [my] tongue

Разуй Глаза

The implication is that what the other person is seeking is right under their nose, and is usually immediately followed by pointing to where the object of the search can be found.Incidentally, “right under your nose” itself is an expression that directly translates into Russian.

Ноги в руки

Get to it, get moving

От чистого сердца

This idiom translates to “from a pure heart.” This expression frequently accompanies a gift, an offer of assistance or sometimes a piece of advice. It states that the giver has only the best intentions and no ulterior motive.

У меня скоро живот полнет

You can also interchangeably use желудок here. “My stomach is about to burst” is a playful way to indicate to your host that you cannot have any more of her delicious food.Just make sure you look and sound sufficiently apologetic when saying that

У меня глаза на лоб вылезли

Literally, “my eyes got out to the forehead.” This phrase describes the state of being stunned by what you saw.

Попал пальцем в небо

The English translation is “hit the sky with a finger.” It means that the other person just said something erroneous or made a wildly incorrect guess.

Будешь локти кусать

When you tell someone “[you] will bite [your] elbows,” you’re implying that they’ll rue their decision, and will not get a re-do.

Не надо мне вешать лапшу на уши

This means "don't deceive me "