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59 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What is a stripe sign
a mismatch with normal peripheral perfusion abutting the pleural surface
What is a triple mismatch
defect on cxr, ventillation and perfusion scans
What percent of patients with a high probability scan have a PE
What percent of patients with an intermediate scan have a pe
What percent of patients with a low probability scan have a PE
What percent of patients with a normal study have a PE
less than 2 %
What percent of patients with a very low probability scan have a PE
What is the criterion for high probability PE
2 large mismatches
What is the phrase used for a limited study?
limited portable 3-view anterior examination.
What is the phrase used to describe if the ventilation and perfusion scan defects match in conclusion
lung ventilation defect with corresponding perfusion defect constistent with pulmonary parenchymal disease.
How many segments does the right lower lobe contain
What are the segments of the right lower lobe
superior segment
anterior basal
lateral basal
posterior basal
medial basal
How many segments are in the right upper lobe
What are the segments of the right upper lobe
How many segments of the right middle lobe
What are the segments of the right middle lobe
medial and lateral segment
How many segments in the left upper lobe
What are the segments of the left upper lobe
superior lingula
inferior lingula
How many segments does the left lower lobe contain
4 segments
What are the lobes of the left lower lobe
anterior basal
lateral basal
posterior basal
What segment of the right lower lobe is not in the left lower lobe
the medial basal
What segments are seen in anterior view of the right lobe
medial and lateral middle lobe
anterior basal (medial to the medial middle lobe at the bottom)
What segments are seen in the anterior veiw of the left lobe
superior lingula
inferior lingula
What 3 segments of the RUL are seen in RLAT position
What segments of the RML are seen in RLAT position
All of the lateral and at the border of the front there is a little of the medial
What 3 segments of the RLL are seen in RLAT position
anterior basal
lateral basal
What 4 segments of the LUL are seen in the LLAT postion
superior lingula
inferior lingula
What 3 segments of the LLL are seen in the LLAT position
anterior basal
lateral basal
What causes a matched defect in the LPO positon in a V./Q scan
the aortic arch
What type of tracer is used in the ventilation portion of a V/Q scan
What type of tracer is used in a perfusion part of a v/q scan
MAA (5mCi)
When looking at a VQ scan how do you describe a patch ventilate lung
mild/mod/sever non-homogenous distrubution of radionuclide throughout the lung.
If the lung is small on ventilation portion of the V/Q scan how do you describe it
mild/mod/sever volume loss.
What is seen in the superior right lobe in the RAO postiion
apical, anterior
What is seen in the middle lobe right lobe in the RAO postion
lateral, medial
What is a normal report on V/Q scan
aerosol ventilation study shows homogenous distribution of radionuclide throughout both lungs

perfusion images demonstrate homogenous distribution of macroaggregate throughout both lungs
When are xenon aerosol studies typically used
to look for bronchopulmonary fistulas
How many segments are seen in the LAO position
What segments of the LUL are seen in the LAO position
superior lingula
inferior lingula
What segments are seen in the LLL in the LAO position
anterior basal.
How many segments are seen in the RAO position
5 (LAO has 5 too)

the only difference between the two is in LAO u see superior and inferior lingula (on top of eachother) and on the RAO you see medial and lateral segment of the RML next to eachother.
What segments are seen in the RUL while in the RAO postion
What is a large segmental defect
What is a moderate sized segmental defect
What is a small segmental defect
less that 25%
-Nonsegmental perfusion defects (cardiomegaly, enlarged vasculature, overlying structures)
very low
Perfusion defect significantly smaller than corresponding chest radiography (im assuming a consolidation and therefore this would be a triple match?
very low
1-3 smalll perfusion defects (rat bites)
very low
solitary chest radiograph perfusion matched defect in MIDDLE OR UPPER lung zones confined to a single segment
very low
-stripe sign around a perfusion defect
very low
pleural effusion in at least 1/3rd of pleural cavity with no other perfusion defect in either lung
very low
Matched VQ defects less than 50% with clear chest (must be greater than 3 small perfusion defects)
Moderate sized pleural effusion (greater than costophrenic angle but less than one-third of pleural cavity with no other perfusion defect in either lung)
At least 1 moderate, but less than 2 large (or arithmetic equivalent), mismatched segmental perfusion defects
Triple match in the lower lobes of the lungs are considered intermediate (Middle lobes and upper lobes may be low probability)
matched V/Q defects covering more than 50% of lungs
Corresponding V/Q defect and a small pleural effusion.
If the ventilation defects are larger than the perfusion it must not take up more than 75% of the lung or it is intedeterminate
At least 2 large (or arithmetic equivalent) mismatched segmental perfusion defects
Moderate or large perfusion defects substantially larger than CXR abnormality (V normal): Can count as mismatched
Arithmetic equivalent: 2 moderate = 1 large (note: Small defects do not add up to either moderate or large)