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23 Cards in this Set

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Recurrent Apthous Stomatitis

common inflammatory lesion of the oral cavity among 2nd and 3rd decade of life

Minor Apthous Ulcers

round to oval superficial ulcerations covered by white grayish fibrinous exudate

Major Apthous Ulcers

deeper and larger ulcerations, single or multiple ulcerations found on the lips, buccal mucos, tongue, soft and hard palates

1 week

Minor Apthous ulcer persists for

2-4 weeks

Major Apthous Ulcer heals in

Herpes Zoster

neurotropic reactivation of chickenpox virus

Herpes Zoster

Starts as pain and itching on the aaffected dermatome followed by appearance of vesicle

Zoster Ophthalmicus and Zoster Oticus

Pain is very severe accompanied by fever and nausea, more diffuse lesions on the oral cavity

Acyclovir or Famcyclovir for 5-7 days

Ora treatment for Herpes Zoster


Fungal infection most commonly seen in very young, elderly, immunosuppressed patient


diffuse pharyngeal erythema and edema with multiple whitish plaques


KOH preparation revealing budding yeast forms

Viral Pharyngitis

throat itchiness, severe coughing due to itchiness, frequent throat clearing


diffuse erythema and edema with lymphoid follicles

Acute Tonsilitis

presence of erythematous ad/or exudative tonsils with sore throat, dysohagia, odynophagia, fever

Group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus

MC organism in cases of bacterial tonsillopharyngitis

Chronic Tonsillitis

MC of all recurring throat diseases

Chronic Tonsillitis

enalrged and hypertrophied tonsils: crypts are deep and partly stenosed and a purulent exudate

Chronic Tonsillitis

Small but hyperemic margins with thin purulent secretions fom crypts


etiologic agent of Infetious Mononucleosis


type of tonsilitis of Infectious Mononucleosis

7-9 days

incubation period of Infectious Mononucleosis

Infectious Mononucleosis

bilateral CLAP, hepatosplenomeggaly, body malaise, pyrexia, anorexia, palpable tonsillar, axillary and inguinal node, sore throat