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38 Cards in this Set

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What port(s) does VNC use?
5900 up to 5909
What is the vnc server configuration file?
Once you've edited the configuration for the vnc server, what do you need to set up
a user?
vncserver command by typing:
vncserver, or vncserver :2 to assign port 5902
How do you configure the Gnome VNC client
What do you need to install for VNC server and client?
How do you configure the firewall for VNC?
Either run system-config-firewall
-or- system-config-firewall-tui
Add port 5900 TCP and UDP
Add port 5901 to 5905
What is the difference between gzip and bzip2?
bzip2 is slightly more efficient with large files, but not so much with small files
How do you use gzip or bzip2 to compress and decompress?
gzip file.txt
gzip -d file.txt.gz

bzip2 file.txt
bzip -d file.txt.bz2
How would you zip up and tar the /home directory in one command using gzip?
tar czvf home.tar.gz /home
How would you zip up and tar the /home directory in one command using bzip2?
tar cjvf home.tar.bz2 /home
How would you extract home.tar.bz2?
tar xjvf home.tar.bz2
How would you extract home.tar.gz?
tar xzvf home.tar.gz
What is star used for?
For archiving files in SELinux, but you have to install it
What are ps options?
ps u ch11084 -- Only show my user processes

ps aux -- Show all running processes from all users
(x lifts the requirement that the listed process is associated with a terminal)

ps eux -- Includes a long list of environmental variables
Which switch will give you the ppid?
ps axl
What command can you run to see a tree view of processes?
When using the ps command, what is the column header showing physical memory used?
What does SAR do?
Gives you the "System Activity Report" a ten minute interval
of system stats
How do you get a detailed SAR report with all sorts of stuff?
sar -A
How do you control how long log files are kept before rotating?
edit the /etc/sysconfig/sysstat file and change HISTORY=7
How is system data collected for sar?
What is the difference between cron and at?
cron is regularly scheduled and at is one time
How do you restrict access to cron?
edit /etc/cron.allow and cron.deny
By default, only cron.deny exists which means all users can use cron
If neither file exists, only root can cron
if only cron.allow exists, only those users can cron
if only cron.deny exists, then only those users can't use cron
if both cron.allow and cron.deny exist and have humu, then allow takes precedence
What are the numbers for nice and renice?
-20 is highest priority 0 is default and 19 is lowest
Where can you view the nice level?
top or ps -axl
What's a quick format for renicing the init from 0 to 19
renice 19 1
You can kill and renice processes from top
Whether from the command line or top, reboot resets
What are the kill commands?
kill -9 (use pstree to verify there are not other processes first)
Where can you find the example cron command?
What are some cron wildcards to:
run a command every 5 minutes
Run every hour from 7-10
*/5 * * * *
* 7-10 * * *
How does a user edit their own crontab?
crontab -e
crontab -l (lists your entries)
What directory contains a user's cron jobs?
/var/spool/cron/{users name}
How do you use at?
at now + 1 minute
-or- at 3:00 12/21/12
enter your commands
use ctrl-d to exit
How can you check and edit at commands?
atq to see scheduled at commands
atrm to remove numbered command
How do you list names in cron.allow, cron.deny, at.allow, at.deny?
Where do you configure what is logged?
Where do you configure the rotation of logs?
Where do you change logging for the vsftpd service?
It controls it's own logging, so you have to configure it at
It's log is in /var/log/xferlog though