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68 Cards in this Set

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what is birth rate?
number of live births per 1,000 live births
what is the death rate?
number of deaths of 1,000 live births
what is perinatal period?
20 wks gestation to 28 days
what does fetus kidney produce urine?
12 wks
when is vernix present?
28 wks
when is lanugo present?
16 wks
when does fetus expel meconium in utero?
about 13 wks
what are some warning signs in pregnancy? (9)
1. vaginal bleeding
2. swelling
3. severe ha
4. blurring
5. ab pain
6. persistent vomitting
7. chills/fever
8. dysuria
9. water break
assessment, where would fundus be at 12 wks, 20 wks?
12 wk=pelvis

how to assess diagonal conjugate?
symphysis to sacrum (needs to be at lease 11.5 cm)
how to assess a-p diameter? needs to be how long?
"gun" 9.5-11.5
blood building foods? (4 classes)
1. dark leafy
2. wheat/whole grain
3. nuts
4. dark meats
what is the nursing care for first phase? LATENT
1. encourage ambulation if not bleeding or ROM
2. give fluids/ice chips
3. oral care if vomit
what is nursing care for active phase? (8)
1. palpate contraction q15-30 min
2. encourage voiding (because vaginal discharge and bloody show increase)
3. assess vs q1h for low risk adn q30 min for hi risk
4. assess FHR q30 min (low risk) and q15mi (hi risk)
5. assess cervix
6. change chux
7. comfort measures (pillows/side lying)
8. clean perineum
nursing care for transition phase? (3)
1. vs q30 min for mom and baby for low risk
2. instruct to breathe thru nose and relax between contractions
3. encouraging panting
what is the nursing care for 2nd stage?
1. ice pack
2. encouragement
what is the nursing care for 3rd stage? (7)
1. Put baby in trendelenburg and suction
2. dry head then body
3. apgar
4. physical assessment
5. newborn identification
6. intiation of attachment

7. delivery of placenta w/ or w/o pitocin
nursing care of fourth stage? (3)
1. palpate uterus q15min
2. changing chux/shower
3. check vs, lochia, episiotomy
BP and P should ___ immediately PP?
how often to assess FHR in active and transition phases?
q15 min
asess FHR how often in 2nd stage?
explain how early decels look?
inversely looks like contractions...SO with contraction, FHR goes down minimally WITHIN normal range
late decels indicate ____ and appear ___ in the contraction. IT is ___ range?
uteroplacental insufficiency


sharp drops and returns may indicate what kind of fetal heart?
variable decels d/t cord compression (usu within normal range
variable decels are ___in FHR is ___ bpm or more with a duration of ___ seconds?
decrease, 15bpm, 15 seconds
where does engagement begin at?
station 0
what is the cardinal mechanism in fetus? acronym
WHAT IS THE most important factor in involution?
exfoliation b/c it does not leave a fibrous scar
what retards involution? (6)
think FROG PAD

1. full bladder
2. retain fragments
3. overdistention
4. grandmultiparity
5. prolonged labor
6. difficult labor
explain the taking in phase? (3)
1. passive and dependent
2. need rest and food
3. talks about l&d experience
preoccupation of babies to fathers is termed?
explain taking hold phase? (3)
1. wants to be independent
2. concern for bodily function
3. need health teaching

explain letting go phase? (2)
1. separate themselves from past and present
2. redefine roles
explain the four roles of attainment?
1. anticipatory=looks to role models
2. formal=acts like how she thinks she SHOULD act (after birth
3. informal=makes own decision
4. personal=is comfortable with being a mom
three ways to facilitate attachment?
1. freq contact
2. freq feeding
3. en face
how is the dads interaction different from the mom?
dad= holds the fingers, uses facial expressions, increases stimuli

mom=holding, cuddling
how is breastfeeding jaundice and breast milk jaundice differ?
breastfeeding jaundice occur in the first few days and is due to poor feeding ways
what to teach if mother has breastfeeding jaundice?
1. encourage freq breastfeeding q2-3hr
2. avoid supplementation
3. acces lactation consultant
what to teach the mother who gave her baby breast milk jaundice?
may need to stop breastfeeding until other causes of jaundice are ruled out. By one day of not feeding breastmilk, bilirubin levels should drop
what are some complications of version? (7)
1. cord compression
2. hemorrhage
3. placental abruption
4. cord tear
5. fetus entangled
6. fetal death
7. emergency c/s
wht are the contraindications for pitocin induction? (9)
1. previa/abruptio
2. prolapsed cord
3. fetal demise/nonreassuring
4. previous classical incision
5. pelvic abnormality/cancer
6. genital herpes
7. more than one c-section
8. transverse lie
9. any abdominal incision
what is the goal for pitocin induction?
to achieve 3 contraction with duration of 40-60 seconds in 10 minutes with good uterine relaxa between contractions
what are the effects of pitocin on fetus? (3)
1. hyperbilirubin
2. trauma
3. hypoxia with hypotension of mom
when should you perform a c-section?
1. placenta previa/abruption
2. cpd
3. active herpes
4. umbilical prolapse
5. dystocia FTP
6. nonreassuring status
7. malignant tumors
what are r/f for puerperal infections? (10)
1. c-section
2. Prolonged ROM
3. prolonged labor
4. unhealthy
5. intra (whatevers)
6. trauma
7. chorioamniotis
8. forceps
9. manual removal of placentae
10. DM
infx that involves the connective tissues of broad ligaments is?
pelvic cellulitis
what is the leading cause of maternal death?
what is pp hemorrhage? (2 ways)
1. more than 1000cc
2. decrease in hct 10%
what are r/f for PP hemorrhage? (8)
1. prlonged third stage
2. preeclampsia
3. episio/lacteration
4. pitocin
5. aresa of descent
6. general anesthesia
7. chorioamniits
8. overdistention of uterus
all pregnant woman are screened for GDM at what gestation?
24-28 wks
what is a complication of missed abortion?
product of ectopic pregn (what is the largest if using methotrexate?)
how much lbs can a PP client expect to lose immediately pp?
10-12lbs from amnio/baby and another 5 lbs from diuressis
an infant has mottling, whare some possible causes? (4)
1. chill
2. prolonged apnea
3. sepsis
4. hypothyroidism
red spots that are prominent when she cries? what do you tell the parents?
these are telangiectactic nevi which will dissappear
you see red spots on face that does not blanch, what do you suspect and what do you tell the parents?
nevus flammeus

think "never" fade
type 1 alveolar cells for gas exchange develops at how many wk gestation?
when would you not halt PTL?
1. cervical dilation of more than 8 cm
2. severe preeclampsi
3. chorioamnitis
4. hemorrhage
5. fetal death
how does a woman blood volume and pulse change in pregnancy?
blood volume increase by 45% and P increase by 10-15 bpm
what is the level of WBC for pregnant women?
what is the avg latent phase for nullip and multip?
nullip: 8.6

multip: 5.3
what is the cervical dilation rate for nullip and multip?
1.2 for nullip

1.5 for multip
how long is 2nd stage for nullip and multip
nullip: 2 hours

multip: 15-30 min
how is the mother's bp and pulse in 4th stage
bp decrease and pulse increase
in nullip what is the cervical dilation rate transition on?
1 cm/hr= nullip

what is perinatal mortality rate?
the sum of deaths of fetus and newborn occuring between 20wks and 28 days per 1,000 live births
engrossment is bonding or attachment?
how to facilitate attachment? (8)
1. meet maternal needs
2. have her talk about L&D
3. support system
4. allow parents to inspect baby
5. cuddling/interacting with baby
6. early freq feedings
7. learn engagment cues/disengagement cues
8. adapt to temperament of baby